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Frame Relay: Technology and Practice is the most comprehensive, current, and practical handbook available for understanding and deploying frame relay. Gathering information from many different sources, this book provides essential facts and techniques in one convenient volume. It explains frame relay technology in understandable terms, interprets frame relay standards, and discusses vital deployment issues.
This book offers an overview of the benefits and limitations of frame relay and how it compares to other networking technologies. It contains a thorough description of frame relay technology, including architecture, interfaces, virtual circuits, and traffic management. In addition, the book describes the differences between the various carrier implementations and discusses real-world issues in design and management of frame relay networks, pricing, and procurement. The book also features several exercises, as well as numerous useful diagrams.
You will find coverage of the most current frame relay topics, including:
Especially useful for network managers considering migrating to frame relay or those expanding their use of public frame relay services, this book will help you make well-informed decisions about purchasing, designing, and deploying frame relay technology for high-speed, reliable, and cost-effective networks.
1. Introduction.
Driving Forces for Frame Relay.
The Need for Frame Relay.
Accelerators for the Growth of Frame Relay.
Frame Relay Network Basics.
Benefits and Limitations of Frame Relay.
Frame Relay and Other Networking Technologies.
Dial-Up Modem Lines.
ISDN and Other Switched Digital Facilities.
Leased Lines.
X.25 Packet-Switching Services.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode.
Data-Oriented Virtual Private Networks.
Switched Multimegabit Data Service.
Standards Organizations.
The American National Standards Institute.
The Frame Relay Forum.
The Internet Engineering Task Force.
Other Standards Organization.
Commercial Organizations.
Frame Relay Service Providers.
Frame Relay Vendors.
Frame Relay Layers.
Frame Relay and X.25 Packet Switching.
Network Interfaces.
User-Network Interface.
Network-to-Network Interface.
Local Management Interface.
Frame Relay Layer 2 Formats.
Frame Format.
Header Format.
Data Link Connection Identifiers.
How DLCIs Identify Visual Circuits.
Mapping DLCIs within a Network.
Globally Significant DLCIs.
Access Circuits.
Leased Access Circuits.
Local Frame Relay Services.
Dial-Up Access.
Physical Connections to the Access Circuit.
Physical Interfaces.
Data Service Units/Channel Service Units.
Port Connections.
Network-to-Network Interfaces.
Access Devices.
Routers for Frame Relay Networks.
Frame Relay Access Devices.
Other Interfaces for Frame Relay Access.
Recovery from Physical Circuit Failures.
Failure of the Access Circuits.
Failure of the Backbone Trunks.
Virtual Circuits.
Differences between PVCs and SVCs.
Permanent Virtual Circuits.
Switched Virtual Circuits.
More on SVCs.
SVC Signaling Specifications.
Advantages and Disadvantages of SVCs.
Switched Physical Access and SVCs.
Recovery from Virtual Circuit Failures.
Committed Information Rate.
The User View of CIR.
The Standards View of CIR.
Capacity Allocation.
Dynamic Allocation.
Oversubscription of Port Connections.
Asymmetric PVCs.
Congestion Management and Flow Control.
Frame Discarding and the Discard-Eligible Bit.
Explicit Congestion Notification Using the FECN and BECN Bits.
Implicit Congestion Notification.
Where Congestion Can Occur.
Congestion across the Local Access Circuit.
Congestion across the Provider’s Network.
Congestion across the Network-to-Network Interface.
Congestion across the Remote Access Circuit.
Limitations of Congestion Management.
Proprietary Implementations of CIR and the DE, FECN, and BECN Bits.
The Customer’s Inability to Respond to the FECN and BECN Bits.
Use and Misuse of the DE Bit.
Frame Relay Switch Families.
Public Service Provider Switches.
The Non-CIR Approach.
PVC Services and Bursting.
Capacity Planning.
Traffic Handling.
Congestion Management.
The Flow-Controlled Approach.
PVC Services.
Capacity Planning.
Traffic and Burst Handling.
Congestion Management.
Comparison of Non-CIR and Flow-Controlled Approaches.
Advantages of Non-CIR.
Advantages of Flow-Controlled Networks.
Second-Generation Frame Relay Switches.
Quality of Service Support.
Greater Speeds and Scalability.
Improved Traffic Routing.
The Zero CIR Controversy.
Network Management System Functions.
Management Data Sources.
Data from Switches.
Data from Routers.
Data from Protocol Analzyers.
Data from Enhanced DSU/CSUs.
Frame Relay Standards versus Proprietary Network Management Systems.
Frame Relay Standards in Network Management.
The Local Management Interface.
Consolidated Link Layer Management.
Review of the Simple Network Management Protocol.
The Management Information Base for Frame Relay Service.
Frame Relay Management Approaches.
User-Based Monitoring.
Carrier-Based Monitoring.
Managed Network Services.
Open Network Management Systems.
Frame Relay Network Management Functions.
Configuration Management.
Fault Management.
Performance Management.
Accounting Management.
Security Management.
Managed Network Services.
Pricing Structures.
PVC Pricing.
Access Circuit Charges.
Port Connection Charges.
Permanent Virtual Circuit Changes.
Variations in PVC Pricing.
SVC Pricing.
International Issues.
Ancillary Carrier Services.
The RFP Process.
Evaluation Criteria.
The RFP.
Contract Negotiations.
Monitoring the Contract.
Physical Network Design.
Backbone Network Design.
Access Network Design.
Virtual Circuit Network Design.
The Access Network Design Process.
Set Objectives.
Inventory the Sites.
Collect Traffic Statistics.
Sketch the PVC Map.
Consider Asymmetric PVCs.
Determine CIR.
Determine Port Connection Speed.
Determine Access Circuit Speed.
Decide on Backup Options.
Plan for Implementation.
Implement and Fine-Tune.
Case Study: Redesigning a Private Line Network.
Solution 1: Star Topology Frame Relay Network.
Solution 2: Hybrid Frame Relay Network.
Solution 3: Partial Mesh Topology Frame Relay Network.
Other Design Issues.
Designing for Performance.
Designing for Switched Virtual Circuits.
Designing for Disaster Recovery.
Measuring Voice Quality.
Improving Voice Performance.
Voice Compression.
Silence Suppression.
Voice-Engineering Techniques.
Small Voice Frames.
Fragmentation of Data Frames.
Priority of Voice Frames.
QoS in the Frame Relay Network.
Fax over Frame Relay.
Voice-Band Modem Data over Frame Relay.
Video over Frame Relay.
Performance and Quality Issues.
Technical Issues.
Management and Administrative Issues.
Perception Issues.
FRF.11 Voice over Frame Relay Implementation Agreement.
FRF.12 Frame Relay Fragmentation Implementation Agreement.
Routing over Frame Relay Networks.
Routing Protocols.
Improved Routing Protocols.
Frame Relay Interfaces for Routers.
TCP and Congestion Control.
Routers and Congestion.
Prioritizing Traffic within Routers.
Effects of Frame Relay on Router Interconnectivity.
RFC 1490/2427 Multiprotocol Encapsulation.
RFC 1490 Encapsulation Formats.
Address Resolution with RFC 1490.
Encapsulation of X.25.
RFC 1490 Misunderstandings.
Routable Protocols over Frame Relay.
TCP/IP over Frame Relay.
IPX over Frame Relay.
IBM’s SNA over Frame Relay.
SNA Background.
SNA over Frame Relay.
IBM Hardware/Software Support for Frame Relay.
SNA Gateways.
Router-Based RFC 1490 Multiprotocol Encapsulation.
Data Link Switching.
Sending SNA over Frame Relay.
Nonroutable Protocols over Frame Relay.
Network Interworking.
Service Interworking.
The ATM Frame User-Network Interface.
Migration Path.
Web Sites.
Internet Newsgroups (Usenet).
Magazines (monthly).
Periodicals (weekly).
Newsletters, Mailing Lists.
Frame Relay Vendors and Carriers.
Chapter 3 Exercises.
Chapter 11 Exercises.
Networking professionals who are trying to learn about or use frame relay technology have many questions. Why has frame relay been so successful in the marketplace? How does frame relay work? What are the potential problems when migrating to frame relay? How does frame relay compare to other technologies? The answers to these general questions and many more are here.
This book takes a current, practical, wide-ranging look at the issues a network manager must face when migrating to a frame relay network. It collects what is known about, and what is important about, frame relay networks in one place.
My intent was primarily to write a book that is useful. Thus, this book explains frame relay technology, gives relevant facts, interprets frame relay standards, discusses issues, spotlights "gotchas," and compares alternatives. It pulls together information from many sources, such as vendor white papers, Web sites, standards documents, trade journal articles, email newsletters, seminar discussions, private conversations, Usenet newsgroups, and conference proceedings.
This book is aimed at readers who are new to frame relay or who want to extend their understanding of its technology and practice. The primary audience is network managers who are considering migrating to or expanding their use of public frame relay services. Until the foundations are understood, it can be easy to make the mistake of believing that data networking is now a commodity marketplace. However, in my opinion there are real technical differentiators among data services and products that many managers are unaware of. This book can help lay the foundations for becoming an intelligent consumer.
In addition to networking managers, several other related groups will find this book helpful:
In short, the audience includes anyone involved in the commissioning, design, pricing or costing, selection, installation, and day-to-day operation of a frame relay network.
I have attempted to provide an international perspective so that the book will be useful worldwide.
This book assumes no particular knowledge of frame relay. However, some background about the larger field of networking and data communications is helpful. Professionals already working in the networking field will likely have sufficient background. To help with unfamiliar terms encountered, an extensive glossary is included.
The general approach here is to introduce the basic terms, concepts, and organizations involved with frame relay in the first two chapters, then to expand on all of these topics in later chapters.
Thus, Chapter 1 explains why frame relay has been so successful, introduces the basic components of a frame relay network, describes benefits and limitations of the technology, and compares frame relay to other networking technologies in use today. Chapter 2 sketches the standards organizations, service providers, and vendors involved in frame relay.
Chapters 3 through 6 provide a solid description of frame relay technology, including architecture, interfaces, virtual circuits, and traffic management. These are important chapters for grasping how frame relay technology works, and they are frequently referenced in the remaining chapters.
Chapters 7 through 11 deal with additional topics of interest to a network manager, such as differences between carrier implementations of frame relay, network management, pricing, procurement, and design of frame relay networks.
Finally, Chapters 12 through 14 describe how frame relay networks interact with other traffic, such as voice, TCP/IP and other router-based protocols, IBM's System Network Architecture (SNA), and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM).
Frame Relay: Technology and Practice covers all the important topics related to frame relay networks, although not in exhaustive detail. For instance, I include current "hot" topics--voice over frame relay, data-oriented virtual private networks (IP VPNs), integration of frame relay and ATM, new options for accessing frame relay networks, service level agreements (SLAs), quality of service (QoS) offerings from carriers and vendors, and switched virtual circuits (SVCs). The focus is on fundamentals and content valuable to practitioners, such as network managers, rather than on esoteric topics. Only topics that are related to frame relay are included. In short, this book is not a primer on computer networks in general. The intent was to be attempt to be vendor neutral and unbiased in the discussion of service providers.
This book evolved from the third edition of a 250-page manual that I wrote to accompany the two-day seminar, Frame Relay Technology and Applications, offered by Business Communications Review. Thus, the core material has been field-tested by hundreds of networking professionals in dozens of seminars over three years. This has benefits for the reader: crisper explanations, sharper focus, streamlined flow, added experience "from the trenches," and field checking of facts and conclusions.
The following are some more specific features of the book:
The overall benefit of this book is that it helps readers understand what they should be looking for when investigating frame relay services and products. It is estimated the the global revenue from frame relay products and services in the year 2000 will be $15 billion. Many people will be investigating this technology.
Many people have contributed to this book in many ways. I would like to express my deep thanks to:
The hundreds of networking professionals who have attended my frame relay seminars and the hundreds of university students who have attended my graduate and undergraduate networking classes. I have learned much from all of you.
My family, Regina and Derek, who were so cooperative and supportive of my writing this book.
The Computer Science Department and administrators at the University of San Francisco, who provided an extended leave so that I could write this book.
The book's reviewers who contributed so marvelously with suggestions and critiques--Lou Breit, First Data Corporation; Guptila de Silva, Australian Federal Police; Michael Easley; Michelle Famiglietti; Larry Greenstein, Nuera Communications and the Frame Relay Forum; Richard P. Jussaume, Breakaway Solutions, Inc.; Mark Kaplan, Newbridge Networks, Inc.; Dana Love, Radnet, Inc.; Ravi Prakash, Cisco Systems, Inc.; Dr. Robert C. Raciti; Richard Rogers, Intel Network Systems; Lawrence A. Van Buren; Linas Vepstas; Joanie Wexler, independent technology analyst and editor; and the anonymous reviewers.
The people who helped by sharing information, giving advice, telling stories, or offering encouragement--Gary Audin, Delphi, Inc.; Bill Branson, Frank Russell Co.; Zak Cohen, Briarwood Associates; Liz Duncan, Electronic Payment Systems; Keith Falter, AT&T; Michael Finneran, dBrn Associates, Inc.; Russ Hansen and Chuck Jarzbek, Williams Communications Solutions; Chris Johnson, Bell Atlantic; Michael Kudlick, University of San Francisco; Gerry Litton, User-Friendly Consulting; Loren Meissner, University of San Francisco; Mark O'Leary, AT&T; Dave Pace, BCR Enterprises, Inc.; David Peterson, Transition Data Group; Rick Sant'Angelo, LAN Tech Systems; Buddy Shipley, Shipley Consulting Intl.; and Mehdi Sif, Nortel Networks.
The publishing professionals at Addison Wesley Longman, who turned ideas and diskettes into a real book. Thanks go especially to Mary Hart, project editor, for her continual support; Marilyn Rash, production coordinator; and Dianne Cannon Wood, copy editor.