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XML Structure
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Table of Contents
Why this book, who should read it.
Acknowledgments. 1. Flash Basics. Starting out: Buttons, graphics, text, sound, script.
The Background of Flash.
Practical Flash.
Event-Driven Graphics.
Building a Button.
Constructing a Round.
Making Keyframes.
Constructing the Responses.
Finishing Features.
Conclusion--and Beyond.
2. FlashActionScript: Objects and Events. Core concepts: Object orientation, event handlers, dynamic text.
Object Orientation Concepts.
Object-Oriented Theory vs. ActionScript Reality.
Flash Objects.
Programmable Button.
Data Encapsulation.
3. More ActionScript: Data-Driven Interfaces. Practical work: Thin client, smart graphic elements, exposing data structure.
Data-Driven Decisions.
Data-Driven Everything.
Isolating the Data.
Dynamic Creation of Graphics.
Multiple Questions.
4. XML Fundamentals. Big picture: Inspiration, evolution, esthetic, promise.
XML Background.
How XML Works.
Designing the Data.
5. XML Structure. Definitions: Elements, names, tags, attributes, content, markup, etc.
Start Tag.
End Tag.
Text (Character Data).
Entity References.
Processor Instructions.
6. XML Validation: DTD. Declaration: Entities, parameters, notations, namespaces.
Purpose of DTD.
Valid XML and Well-Formed XML.
DTD Declarations.
7. HTTP Connection. Transaction: Request/response, GET, POST, load, variable scope.
Characteristics of HTTP.
Structure of HTTP.
Loading Data from a File.
Making a Self-Loading High Score Display.
Object-Oriented Implementation.
Data File.
Flash Download Security.
8. XML Connection. Download: XML files, ActionScript parser, debugger, DOM.
Downloading XML.
Debugging Flash.
Event-Driven Functionality.
9. Recursive Approach. Recursion: See Chapter 9.
Event-Driven Code.
Recursive Design.
Recursion in Practice.
Graphic XML Browser.
Interactive Node Viewer.
10. XML Server. Two tier: Server-side options, PHP, HTTP header variables.
XML Online.
Dedicated XML Server.
Middle-Tier Solutions.
PHP Basics.
PHP and XML.
XML-Driven Flash Client.
11. Database Fundamentals. DBMS 101: Purpose, technology options, relational, rows, columns, keys, joins.
Advantages of a DBMS.
Advantages of SQL.
12. SQL Syntax. Practical DB: Building tables, data types, designing queries, getting records.
Varieties of SQL.
Guidelines for Building a Table.
Types of Data.
Adding Data to Tables.
Reading Records from the Table.
13. Serving from SQL. Middle tier: PHP and MySQL, MySQL/functions, results tables.
Connecting to a Database.
Interaction with a Database.
Parsing Commands.
Fetching a Row.
Trial-and-Error Approach.
Scalable Alternative.
14. XML Upload. Upload: ActionScript and PHP, HTTP, XML as HTML, XML in browser.
Flash Client.
Uploading to PHP.
15. Two-Way XML. Roundtrip: Object exchange, PHP parsing, expat, event-based parser, packet sniffing.
Event-Driven Parsing.
Building the PHP Parser.
16. Cookies. Persistence: ActionScript parsing, DOM-based parser, setting cookies, reading cookies.
ActionScript XML Objects.
Stateless Persistence.
17. Three Tiers. Three tier: Database, application, client; a flexible system.
Flexible Middle Tier.
Client Tier.
18. Flash to the World. Proxies: Domain perimeter, security, escape, RSS, newsfeeds, content browsing.
Domain Perimeter.
PHP Proxy.
RSS File.
RSS Browser.
19. XML Sockets. Realtime: Socket programming, ports, streaming XML, single-user communications.
Advanced Socket Programming.
Simple Socket System.
Simple Socket Server.
20. Multiplexed XML Sockets. Multisockets: Scalable, stream servers, multi-user environments, live peer Connections.
Client with History.
Multiclient Server.
Beyond PHP.
End Note.
Upload: ActionScript and PHP, HTTP, XML as HTML, XML in browser.
Appendix A: Microsoft Compatibility. MS: XML in ASP, MSXML, PHP on IIS
ASP Code with Flash.
IIS and PHP.
Appendix B: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). SVG: Flash without Flash, beyond the swf file
Appendix C: Tools and Sources. Debuggers, editors, web sites, books, newsgroups, conferences.
Network Tool.
XML Tools.
PHP Tools.
MySQL Tools.
Index. 0201729202T10222001
Flash can make fabulous introductions to fancy web sites. High-grade wow factor fills the opening screens. Colors are delicious, typefaces are trendy, and movement is exquisite. Rave music is looping and attitude is everywhere. Each intro is a unique work of art. But they all have one thing in common.
Each has a button that says SKIP INTRO.
Rarely is gratuitous glitz so clearly labeled. When budgets tighten, webmasters will not skip shopping cart, or skip catalog. But they may skip intro.
What's Up?
The web is outgrowing its eye-candy phase, and so must Flash. A web site must be pretty to be viable, but it must be highly functional as well.
Flash pros can't get by on gee-whiz animation or cool interfaces. They'd better prepare to do some of the heavy lifting on the working web. Flash screens must interface with dynamic content, with back-end databases, with server-based applications, and even with other live users.
XML provides a path.
Don't Stop!
Once you connect your Flash code to the outside world, your scope is unbounded. And so is the list of things to learn.
In this book we learn a lot. We begin with Flash and XML. We study networking protocols and PHP server scripting. We learn sockets and SQL and a few fancy XML dialects. We go on to achieve competence in many other related technologies and put them together to build working web systems.
Who Are You?
If you are creative and technical, this book is for you. Maybe you have a design background. You learn whatever technology you need to realize your vision. This book offers you skills that open fresh new worlds. Let's hope your imagination can keep up.
Maybe you have computer science training. You're happy with simple gray buttons. Your art is an elegant code design. You are ready to put Flash to work with all the web technologies you already know.
This book was written by authors who approach Flash from both angles. We want it to speak to both engineers and artists, and we struggled (often with each other) to support both perspectives.
We wrote this book because it wasn't there when we needed it.
Typographic Conventions
We have adhered to several conventions in this book.
Case Conventions
- lowerAndUpperCase is used to name variables and functions in ActionScript
- UpperAndLowerCase labels frames and names symbols, objects and constructors.
- ALL_UPPER_CASE is used in manifest constants, SQL keywords, PHP globals.
- Separated_by_underscores is typically used for PHP names.
Typesetting Conventions
- italics indicate names we gave variables, functions, elements, instances, and so on.
- codefont shows language keywords and expressions.
- codefont is also used to set off the text output of any program.
- boldface introduces the first use of an important term.
- SMALL CAPS are used for pull-down menu options. Slashes show hierarchy.
- "quotes" are reserved for string literals.
These rules are breached occasionally in the book. Sometimes this is for historic reasons, sometimes due to ambiguity and sometimes because it just didn't look right.
Dov and Jesse Jacobson
Berkeley Lake, Georgia
- : (colon), conditional operator values, 44
- , (comma), combination operators, 86
- ( ) (parentheses), combination operators, 86
- * (asterisk)
- occurrence operators, 86
- password fields, creating, 205
- | (bar), combination operators, 86
- + (plus sign), occurrence operators, 86
- ? (question mark), occurrence operators, 86
- <!ATTLIST> declaration, 85-86
- <!ELEMENT> declaration, 85-86
- <? ?> tags (processor instructions), 80
- absolute URLs, 100
- abstraction, markup languages and, 56
- access permissions, probing, 107
- actions (buttons)
- adding to, 9
- changing, 12
- ActionScript, 2
- buttons, adding actions to, 9
- decision making capability and, 35-38
- encapsulation, 19
- event-driven XML parsing, 222-223
- loading third party XML, limitations, 271-272
- Movie Explorer, 102
- node viewer, 137-138
- object depth levels, problems with, 47
- object instantiation, 24
- panels, modes, 9
- variables, 13-14
- XML comments, 78-79
- XMLSocket methods, 298-300
- addresses, IP, 276, 295
- addressing, targets, 31
- ALIAS statement, 184
- alignment
- buttons, 10-11
- enabling HTML checkbox (Text Options), side effects, 39
- alternate keys, 165
- angle brackets (), XML tags, 71
- anonymous username, 231
- Answer button (trivia quiz game)
- creating, 8
- decision making functionality, 36
- Answer object (trivia quiz game)
- components, 41
- XML-driven Flash client, 156-159
- XML format, 151-152
- AnswerOption objects (trivia quiz game), dynamic creation, 45-49
- Answers table (trivia quiz game), MySQL, 173-174
- application-level server options, 145-147
- application/xml content type, 213
- arguments, loadVariables function, 99-100
- arrays
- associative, 119
- childNodes, 115
- indexing, 119
- nodeTypeName, 129
- nodeTypes, mapping to human readable, 129
- PHP, 153
- question (trivia quiz game), 49-52
- scanning, 120
- splice( ) method, 49
- variables, indexing into arrays, 50
- XML element attributes, 73
- artifact nodes, 135
- ASP (Active Server Pages)
- application-level option (servers), 146
- compatibility with Flash, 325-328
- assignment, variables, 33
- associative arrays, 119, 207
- XML element attributes, 73
- asterisk (*)
- occurrence operators, 86
- password fields, creating, 205
- attachMovie method, 45
- attributes
- <!ATTLIST> tag, 87-88
- node viewer, 137
- score (trivia quiz game), 120
- start tag syntax, 71
- authentication, HTTP, 96
- authorization, 96
- AUTO_INCREMENT parameters, 164
- Avg( ) function, 197
- back-end tier (servers), 145
- bandwidth, XML limitations, 143
- bar (|), combination operators, 86
- BIGINT data type, 178
- binary objects, data types, 179
- binding, 276
- blank nodes, 133
- character filters, 135
- node filters, 135-136
- BLOB data type, 179
- boolean properties, loaded, 113
- Border/Bg option, 25
- browsers
- graphic, 136-138
- publish documents, 56
- RSS, 283-290
- XML, design issues, 62-63
- XML tags, stripping, 209-210
- buffer control, server-side sockets, 305
- button events, 4
- button states, compared to button events, 4
- buttons
- actions, changing, 12
- aligning, 10-11
- creating, 5-6
- decision making functionality, 35
- dynamic text fields, 24
- encapsulation, adding text, 30
- graphic elements, adding, 5-6
- instances
- creating, 8
- naming, 31
- options, 25
- sounds, adding, 6
- spawning dynamically, 45
- special text effects, 27-28
- states, adding color to, 6
- static text, disadvantages, 29
- submit (login interface), 206-207
- text, adding, 9
- variables, disadvantages when adding text, 29
- callback functions
- onLoad, 122
- sockets, creating, 301-304
- case sensitivity
- HTML compared to XML, 81
- XML names, 69
- CDATA attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 87
- CelAnimator, 1
- <channel> element, 283
- ChannelPick MovieClip, 283-285
- ChannelView object (RSS browsers), 285-290
- CHAR data type, 178
- character data (CDATA), 129
- character data event (expat parser), 221
- character entities, 89
- character filters, blank nodes, 135
- characters, XML entity references, 76-78
- chat applications, 312-313
- clients, displaying message histories onscreen, 313-314
- childNodes array, 115
- chosenAnswer variable (trivia quiz game), 48
- classes, 18
- classes of DTD entities, 89-91
- cleanup, server-side sockets, 306
- client-side
- cookies and, 245-246
- socket programming, 276-280
- client tier (servers), 144-145
- PHP script for, 265-269
- clients
- creating for proxies, 280-283
- flexible, 35
- message histories, displaying onscreen, 313-314
- players, validating, 203-207
- thin, 35
- XML-driven Flash client, 156-159
- CLOSE( ) method, 299
- code. See also programming
- event-driven, 127-128
- colons (:), conditional operator values, 44
- color, assigning to button states, 6
- columns, renaming (MySQL tables), 175
- combination operators, <!ELEMENT> tag, 86
- comma (,), combination operators, 86
- commands
- database interaction (PHP), 191-192
- database parsing (PHP), 192
- databases, listing all, 255
- delete, 180-181
- fetching fields, 255-256
- garbage collection, 194
- MySQL_connect, 190
- MySQL_pconnect, 190-191
- server (PHP), 191
- setcookie, 249
- update, 180
- comment variable (trivia quiz game), associating with answers, 39
- comments, XML documents, 78-79
- compatibility, Flash and web services, 2
- concatenation operator, 149
- conditional operators, values, 44
- conditional sections (DTDs), 91
- conditional testing, recursion and, 130
- connect( ) method, 298
- constraint parameter, 164
- constructors, 20
- multiple signatures, lack of, 42-43
- parameters, undefined type, 43
- XML, 211-212
- constructs, 23
- content and presentation layers (trivia quiz game), separating, 41-44
- content information, HTTP, 97
- content rules, <!ELEMENT> tag, 85-86
- content types, HTTP and XML, 212-214
- contentType property, authorization login, 230-234
- cookies, 96, 242
- client-side and, 245-246
- coding, overview, 244
- persistent cookies, 243
- privacy concerns, 243
- server-side and, 246-249
- XML, coding, 244-245
- coordinate system (MovieClip), 138
- Count( ) function, 197
- CPU usage, controlling on multiclient servers, 319
- CULT XML socket server, 332
- current elements, PHP arrays, 153
- data-driven decisions, 35-38
- data islands, 210-211
- data structures, as documents, 60
- data types, 23. See also types
- binary objects, 179
- ENUM, 179
- floating-point numbers, 178
- integers, 177-178
- SET, 179
- strings, 178
- temporal, 179
- database design, three-tiered application design, 254
- databases, 163
- connecting to (PHP), 189-191
- DBMS, advantages of, 162-163
- fetching information, 254-256
- interaction commands (PHP), 191-192
- joins, 165-169
- keys, 164-165
- listing all, 255
- parsing commands (PHP), 192
- questions, storing in external file, 161
- rows, fetching, 192-194
- scalability, indexes and, 162
- XML servers and, 144
- DATE data type, 179
- DATETIME data type, 179
- DBMS (Database Management System), 145
- advantages, 162-163
- SQL, advantages of, 163-164
- debugger, 114-116
- XML, 119
- debugging Flash, 114-122
- DECIMAL data type, 178
- declarations
- <!ATTLIST>, 85-86
- <!ELEMENT>, 85-86
- DTD, 85-88
- DTD entities, 89
- Element root node, 115
- global variables (PHP), 208
- variables, 13-14
- default event (expat parser), 222
- delete command, 180-181
- MySQL tables, 180-181
- depth levels, setting, 46-47
- describe keyword, 175
- <description> element, 283
- design issues
- industry standards, 64
- PHP middle tier database interaction program, 257-261
- recursive design, 128-130
- XML, browsers, 62-63
- destroying objects, 47
- Director, 1
- display
- connection errors, suppressing, 191
- fonts, 114
- display code, function calls, 129
- DNS (domain name servers), 276
- document entities, 88
- Document Object Mode (DOM), 111
- Document Type Definition. See DTD
- documents
- data structures, 60
- HTML, 56-59
- parsers, 62
- publishing, 56-57
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 55-56
- XML, 59-62
- comments, 78-79
- entity references, 76-78
- text (character data), 74-76
- XML notations, 90-91
- XML processor instructions, 79-81
- DOM-based XML parsing, 219-221
- DOM (Document Object Mode), 111
- domain names, 295-296
- domain perimeter, 271-272
- DOUBLE data type, 178
- downloading
- reassuring users with continued activity during, 100
- security, 106-107
- XML, 111-112
- draggable node hierarchies, 139-140
- drop shadow, 28
- DTD (Document Type Definition), 83
- competing technologies, 84
- conditional sections, 91
- debugging with, 118-119
- declarations, 85-88
- entities, 88-91
- namespaces, 91-92
- notations, 90-91
- PHP generated XML files, 152-153
- purpose, 83-84
- dynamic creation of graphics, 45-49
- dynamic IP addresses, 295
- Dynamic Text, 14
- dynamic text, 121
- dynamic text fields, 24, 39
- each( ) function (PHP), 153
- each( ) keyword (PHP), associative arrays, 207
- echo statements, length limits (PHP), 150
- ECMA-262 (web scripting standard), 2
- EditML, 332
- element nodes
- tags and, 116
- trace statement, 117
- elements
- attributes, 73-74
- names, 69-70
- rules for, 68-69
- tags, 68
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 67-69
- XML structure, 61
- empty elements (XML), syntax, 68
- empty nodes, 135
- encapsulation, 19
- advantages, 30
- end element event (expat parser), 221
- end tag, 72-73
- entities
- classes, 89-91
- DTD, 88-91
- ENTITIES attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 87
- ENTITY attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 87
- entity references, XML documents, 76-78
- enum data types, 179
- enumerated lists, <!ATTLIST> tag, 88
- ephemeral port assignments, 297
- errors
- constraint parameters, 164
- displaying, getText( ) function, 239-240
- server connections, 191
- stack overflow, 131-132
- Unix codes, server-side sockets, 304-305
- eval( ) operator, 118
- event-driven code, 127-128
- event-driven functionality, 122-124
- event-driven XML parsing, 219-225
- event handlers, 4-5, 127-128
- onConnect, 299
- events
- button events, 4
- event handlers, 4-5
- expat parser, 221-222
- frame events, 3
- mouse events, 4
- execution context, 122-123
- expat (XML parser), 219, 221-222
- Expert mode (ActionScript panel), 9
- extension, 19-20
- external entity event (expat parser), 221-222
- external references, XML, 223-224
- factorial functions, 130
- feature creep, 121
- fetch_field command, properties, 266-256
- fetching rows (PHP), 192-194
- field objects, PHP client tier script, 267-269
- fields
- buttons, dynamic text, 24
- dynamic text, 39
- password input, 203-206
- files
- highscore.txt, 112
- highscore_winner.xml, 124
- highscore.xml, 111-112
- loading data from, 99-100
- RSS, 283
- XML data storage, advantages, 143
- filters, blank nodes, 133-136
- #FIXED attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 88
- flags, Element root node, 115
- Flags function, 256
- Flash
- background, 1-2
- compatibility with ASP (Active Server Pages), 325-328
- debugging in, 114-122
- download security, 106-107
- DTD, debugging with, 118-119
- event-driven XML parsing, 223-224
- event handlers, 4-5
- frame events, 3
- implementation of object-oriented programming, 20-22
- mouse events, 4
- new code, debugging, 117-118
- players, validating, 203-207
- resources, 333-335
- trace statements, 116-117
- web services, compatibility, 2
- XML debugger, 119
- XML-driven client, 156-159
- flexible clients, 35
- FLOAT data type, 178
- floating-point numbers, data types, 178
- fonts, 114
- subsets, advantages of using, 25-26
- for statement, array scanning, 120
- foreign keys, 165
- MySQL, 174
- foreign languages, PHP script and, 155
- formatting
- markup languages, 55
- PHP script, 154
- fps (frames per second), 3
- fragmentation (memory), destroying objects and, 48
- frame events, 3
- frames. See keyframes
- frames per second (fps), 3
- FROM statements, 181-182
- full-duplex bidirectional connections, 294
- function calls, display code, 128-129
- functions
- callback, onLoad, 122
- callback (sockets), 301-304
- constructors (objects), 20
- data, uploading specific, 209-210
- each( ), 153
- extracting content from XML string, 273-274
- factorial, 130
- load failures, handling, 237-238
- loadVariables, 99-100, 118
- MySQL, querying databases, 197
- recursive, 131
- sendAndLoadRemote( ), 280-281
- shownode, 132
- stack, 131-132
- string.split( ), 135
- submit( ), 206-207
- trace( ), 132
- FutureSplash, 1
- garbage collection, 194-195
- GET (HTTP upstream transfers), 98-99
- files, loading data from, 99-100
- getText( ) function, displaying errors, 239-240
- global variables, declaring (PHP), 208
- Goldfarb, Dr. Charles, 55-56
- graphic elements, buttons, adding to, 5-6
- graphic XML browser, 136-138
- graphics
- dynamic creation, 45-49
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard, 329-330
- GROUP BY statement, 183
- handlers, PHP parser, 225-230
- hashes, 119, 207
- HAVING statement, 183
- header information, HTTP, 97-98
- headers, HTTP, cookies and, 248
- hierarchies
- nodes (draggable), 139-140
- XML elements, 67-69
- highscore MovieClip (trivia quiz game)
- adding local score functionality, 108-109
- adding to game, 108
- creating, 101-102
- data file, 104-105
- object-oriented techniques, 103-104
- probing access permissions with, 107
- upgrading, 123-124
- highscore.txt (trivia quiz game), 112
- highscore_winner.xml file (trivia quiz game), 124
- highscore.xml file (trivia quiz game), 111-112
- hsml object (trivia quiz game), 123-124
- HTML (Hypertext markup Language), 56-59
- compared to XML, 81
- headers, compared to HTTP headers, 98
- HTML option (Text Options)
- enabling, side effects of, 39
- special text effects, 25
- HTTP channel, clearing, 305
- HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
- characteristics of, 95-97
- content types, 212-214
- end of request methods, 278
- files, loading data from, 99-100
- headers, cookies and, 248
- port assignment, 276
- structure, 97-98
- upstream transfer, 98-99
- $HTTP_SERVER_VARS variable, 153
- ID attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 87
- IDREF attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 87
- ignoreUnit property, 133
- ignoreWhite property, node filters, 136
- IIS (Internet Information Server), PHP support, 328
- #IMPLIED attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 88
- indentation strings, 133
- indexes
- associative arrays, 207
- fetching data and, 254
- scalability and (databases), 162
- indexing, arrays, 119
- industry standards, design issues, 64
- inheritance, 19
- creating, 21-22
- Init frame (MovieClips), 237
- initializing
- objects, multiple signatures and, 42-43
- variables, this keyword, 20
- inner joins, 167
- input fields, passwords, 203-206
- instances of objects, 4
- buttons, naming, 31
- instantiating objects from Library panel, 45
- instantiation
- buttons, 8
- constructors, 20
- objects, 18, 24
- INT data type, 178
- INTEGER data type, 178
- integers, data types, 177-178
- interactive node viewer, 139-141
- interface, username/password, 203-206
- internal general entities, 89-90
- IP addresses, 276, 295
- <item> element, 283
- joins, 165-169
- creating (MySQL), 185-186
- JSP (Java Server Pages), application-level option (servers), 146
- keyframes
- creating, 8-11
- organizing, 40
- keys, arrays, indexing, 119
- keywords
- describe, 175
- each( ) (associative arrays), 207
- list( ), 153
- list( ) (associative arrays), 207
- new, 20
- this, 20
- lastChild object, 115-116
- layers
- Code, creating, 8
- organizing, 40
- Sound, creating, 6
- leaf nodes, 116
- left outer joins, 167-168
- Len function, 256
- library, instantiating objects, 45
- <link> element, 283
- list( ) keyword (PHP), 153
- associative arrays, 207
- listening socket, 307
- load failures, handling, 237-238
- loaded (boolean property), 113
- loadVariables function, 99-100, 118
- logic, data-driven decisions, 35-38
- logins
- players, validating, 203-207
- submit button, creating, 206-207
- LONGBLOB data type, 179
- LONGTEXT data type, 178
- Loop frame (MovieClips), 237
- loops
- arrays, 49
- recursive functions, 131
- tree-walking, 132
- Lose state (trivia quiz game), 11-12
- markup languages
- HTML, 56-59
- publishing and, 56-57
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 55
- XML, 59-62
- Max( ) function, 197
- MEDIUMBLOB data type, 179
- MEDIUMINT data type, 178
- MEDIUMTEXT data type, 178
- memory
- garbage collection, 194-195
- objects, destroying, 47
- stack, 131-132
- messaging socket, 308-309
- methods, 18-19
- attachMovie, 45
- predefined, 23
- removeMovieClip, 48
- splice( ), 49
- toString, 114
- XML.load, 112-114
- middle tier (servers), 145
- application-level options, 145-147
- PHP script for, 257-261
- PHP script for, explanation of, 261-265
- Min( ) function, 197
- mouse events, 4
- Movie Clip symbols, creating, 8
- Movie Explorer, 102
- MovieClip objects, 23
- attachMovie method, 46
- ChannelPick, 283-285
- coordinate system, 138
- frames, dividing into, 237
- instantiation, 24
- memory, removing from, 48
- namespaces, 31
- presentation functionality, 41-44
- self-loading, creating, 101-102
- multiple signatures, constructors and, 42-43
- multiplexed servers, 311
- chat applications, 312-313
- clients, displaying message histories onscreen, 313-314
- multiclient servers, programming, 314-319
- programming options, 319-312
- MySQL, 163, 171
- Answers table (trivia quiz game), 173-174
- foreign keys, 174
- joins, creating, 185-186
- logging in, 171-172
- MySQLEditor, 333
- query resultants, 192
- Questions table (trivia quiz game), 173-174
- tables
- adding data, 179-181
- altering, 175
- creating, 172-174
- reading records, 181-186
- MySQL_connect command, 190
- MySQL_pconnect command, 190-191
- Name function, 256
- names
- node viewer, 137
- XML elements, 69-70
- namespaces, 30
- DTDs, 91-92
- naming, button instances, 31
- natural joins, 167
- nesting
- HTML compared to XML, 81
- nodes, 140
- new keyword, 20
- NEW SYMBOL function, buttons, creating, 5
- news feeds, RSS files, 283
- NMTOKEN attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 88
- NMTOKENS attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 88
- node filters, 135
- node viewer, 136-138
- ActionScript, 137-138
- interactive, 139-141
- opening/closing branches, 140-141
- nodes
- artifact nodes, 135
- blank, 133
- draggable hierarchies, 139-140
- empty, 135
- leaf, 116
- nesting, 140
- relationships, 138
- text, 136
- text in XML documents, 75
- XML elements, 67
- nodeTypeName array, 129
- nodeTypes array, mapping to human readable, 129
- Normal mode (ActionScript panel), 9
- notation declaration event (expat parser), 222
- notations, XML documents, 90-91
- NULL values, 164
- numbers
- floating-point data types, 178
- integer data types, 177-178
- numeric data type, 178
- Object Actions, 4-5
- buttons, adding to, 9
- object-oriented programming
- classes, 18
- encapsulation, 19
- extension, 19-20
- Flash implementation of, 20-22
- inheritance, 19
- instances, 18
- methods, 18-19
- objects, 17-18
- properties, 18
- objects
- aligning, 10-11
- Answer (trivia quiz game), components, 41
- AnswerOption (trivia quiz game), dynamic creation, 45-49
- array, splice( ) method, 49
- ChannelView (RSS browsers), 285-290
- classes, 18
- creating, constructors, 20
- data, adding, 32-33
- data types, 23
- defining, 23
- depth level, setting, 46-47
- destroying, 47
- encapsulation, 19
- extension, 19-20
- inheritance, 19
- creating, 21-22
- initialization, multiple constructors, 42-43
- instances, 4, 18
- instantiation, 18, 24
- Library panel, 45
- lastChild, 115-116
- methods, 18-19
- MovieClips, 23
- presentation functionality, 41
- nesting nodes, 140
- object-oriented programming, 17-18
- parameters, undefined type, 43
- predefined, 22
- properties, 18
- prototypes, 21-22
- question and answer, XML format, 151-152
- question (trivia quiz game), 38-41
- round, adding presentation data to, 41
- scalar variables, 114
- smart decision making, 36
- symbols, 23-24
- system constructs, 23
- targets, 31
- trivia quiz game, 22
- occurrence operators
- * (asterisk), 86
- <!ELEMENT> tag, 86
- + (plus sign), 86
- ? (question mark), 86
- onClose( ) method, 299
- onConnect event handler, 299
- onLoad callback function, 122
- recursion and, 132
- onLoad handler, 158-159
- onload handler, 237-238
- onXML function, 300
- operators
- <!ELEMENT> tag content rules, 85-86
- concatenation, 149
- conditional, values, 44
- eval( ), 118
- ORDER BY statement, 183-184
- outer joins, 167-168
- output, PHP, 147-148
- output filters, blank nodes, 133-135
- packet sniffers, 233-234
- Iris, 331-332
- parameter entities, 91
- parameters
- database table (trivia quiz game), 164
- depth levels, setting, 46-47
- passing, 277
- servers, connecting to, 190
- setcookie command, 249
- undefined type, 43
- parentheses ( () ), combination operators, 86
- parsers, 62
- PHP, creating, 225-234
- XML comments, 78
- parsing
- commands (PHP), 192
- XML, event-driven, 219-225
- passing parameters, 277
- passwords, 96
- authentication, contentType property, 230-234
- echoing, preventing, 203-206
- Perl, application-level option (servers), 146
- permissions, probing, 107
- persistent connections, servers, 190-191
- persistent cookies, 243
- application-level option (servers), 146-147
- associative arrays, 207
- database interaction commands, 191-192
- database parsing commands, 192
- databases, connecting to, 189-191
- each( ) function, 153
- foreign languages and, 155
- formatting script, 154
- garbage collection, 194-195
- $HTTP_SERVER_VARS variable, 153
- IIS support for, 328
- list( ) keyword, 153
- middle tier client design, 265-269
- middle tier design, 257-261
- output, 147-148
- parser, creating, 225-234
- persistent server connections, 190-191
- PHP Coder, 333
- pointers, 153
- proxies, creating, 272-280
- questions, selecting, 195-199
- server commands, 191
- server-side, cookies and, 246-249
- string operations, 149-150
- variables, 148-149
- XML files, creating, 150-156
- XML string, uploading, 207-208
- platform compatibility, design issues, 62-63
- players, validating, 203-207
- plus sign (+), occurrence operators, 86
- pointers
- PHP, 153
- question (trivia quiz game), advancing, 51
- points variable (trivia quiz game), refreshing, 52
- polling, 103
- port numbers, 296-297
- ephemeral port assignments, 297
- privileged processes, 297
- user processes, 297
- ports, 276
- POST (HTTP upstream transfers), 98-99
- XML string, uploading, 207-208
- predefined entities, XML, 88-89
- predefined methods, 23
- predefined objects, 22
- predefined properties, 24
- preloaders, Internet downloads, 100
- presentation and content layers (trivia quiz game), separating, 41-44
- primary keys, 164-165
- privacy concerns, cookies, 243
- privileged processes, 297
- processing instruction event (expat parser), 221
- processor instructions, XML documents, 79-81
- programming
- client-side sockets, 276-280
- coding cookies, 244
- guidelines, 7
- markup languages, 55
- multiclient servers, 314-319
- PHP proxies, 273-276
- polling, 103
- server-side sockets, 304-309
- projectors (standalone Flash programs), 106
- properties, 18
- contentType (authorization login), 230-234
- ignoreUnit, 133
- ignoreWhite, 136
- loaded (boolean), 113
- predefined, 23
- prototypes, objects, 21-22
- proxies, PHP, creating, 272-280
- <proxy-request> element, 281
- <proxy-target> element, 281
- proxy transparency, 280
- publishing, markup languages and, 56-57
- queries
- compound, 254
- resultants, 192
- question arrays (trivia quiz game), 49-52
- question mark (?), occurrence operators, 86
- Question object (trivia quiz game), XML-driven Flash client, 156-159
- question object (trivia quiz game), 38-41
- question objects, XML format, 151-152
- question pointer (trivia quiz game), advancing, 51
- Questions table (trivia quiz game)
- joins, 165-169
- MySQL, 173-174
- questions (trivia quiz game)
- selecting from database, 195-199
- selecting from database, alternative method, 199-201
- RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), 163
- REAL data type, 178
- records, reading (MySQL tables), 181-186
- recursion
- indentation strings, 133
- overview, 130
- practical use of, 132
- recursive design, 128-130
- recursive functions, 131
- stack overflow, 131-132
- relational databases, operation, 169
- relationships
- MovieClip coordinate system, 138
- node viewer, 137
- nodes, 138
- relative URLs, 100
- removeMovieClip method, 48
- #REQUIRED attribute (<!ATTLIST> tag), 88
- right outer joins, 167-168
- root node, debugger, 115
- rounds (trivia quiz game)
- creating, 6-8
- presentation data, adding, 41
- rows
- counting returned, 193
- fetching, 192-194
- RSS browsers, 283-290
- RSS files, 283
- rtf (rich text formatting), 56
- rules
- end tags, 72-73
- processor instructions, 80-81
- start tag, 71
- text (character data), 75-76
- XML comments, 79
- XML element attributes, 74
- XML element names, 69-70
- XML elements, 68-69
- XML entity references, 77-78
- sandbox (download security), 106
- scalability, indexes and (databases), 162
- scalar variables, assigning objects to, 114
- scanning arrays, 120
- Schema (Microsoft), 84
- score attribute (trivia quiz game), 120
- score variable (trivia quiz game), setting, 38
- scoring, local score functionality, adding to trivia quiz game, 108-109
- scoring capability (trivia quiz game), 13-15
- scripting
- ECMA-262 standard, 2
- formatting in PHP, 154
- secure sockets, 96-97
- security
- authentication, 96
- authorization, 96
- cookies, concerns about, 243
- downloading, 106-107
- loading third party XML, 271-272
- secure sockets, 96-97
- XML limitations, 143-144
- SELECT statement, 181
- Selectable option, 25
- self joins, 167
- send( ) function, uploading specific data, 209-210
- Send( ) method, 299
- sendAndLoadRemote( ) function, 280-281
- server commands, PHP, 191
- server-side
- cookies and, 246-249
- sockets, 294
- accepting connections, 307-308
- sockets, programming, 304-309
- XML processing, 214
- servers
- back-end tier, 145
- client tiers, 144-145
- connecting to (PHP), 190
- connection errors, 191
- creating, three tier solutions, 144-147
- CULT XML socket server, 332
- middle tier, 145
- multiplexed, 311
- persistent connections, 190-191
- XML, advantages, 144
- SET data types, 179
- setcookie command, parameters, 249
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 55-56
- shownode function, 132
- showtime( ) function, upgrading, 237-238
- signatures, constructors and, 42-43
- sleep( ) function, 318-319
- SMALLINT data type, 178
- Smart Sketch, 1
- sockets
- callback functions, creating, 301-304
- client-side programming, 276-280
- domain names, 295-296
- IP addresses, 295
- overview, 276, 294
- server-side, 294
- sounds, adding to buttons, 6
- special text effects, 25
- drop shadow, 28
- leveraging past work, 27-28
- splice( ) method, 49
- advantages, 163-164
- compared to XML, 144
- SQL (Structured Query Language), types of, 171
- stack
- functions, 131-132
- loops, 131
- stack overflow, 131-132
- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 55-56
- start element event (expat parser), 221
- Start keyframe (trivia quiz game), 8
- start tag, 70-71
- statelessness, HTTP, 95-96
- statements
- FROM, 181-182
- ALIAS, 184
- echo (length limits), 150
- GROUP BY, 183
- HAVING, 183
- ORDER BY, 183-184
- SELECT, 181
- trace, 116-117
- WHERE, 182-183
- states
- buttons, assigning color to, 6
- thinking, 36-38
- wait, 36-38
- static IP addresses, 295
- static text, buttons, 29
- stop( ) command, 8
- string operations, PHP, 149-150
- strings
- associative array indexes, 207
- data types, 178
- indentation, 133
- XML, functions for extracting content, 273-274
- string.split( ) function, 135
- structure, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 61
- subdomains, 271-272
- submit( ) function, 206-207, 240
- submit button, PHP script, 265-266
- Sum( ) function, 197
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard, 329-330
- symbols, 23-24
- <!ELEMENT> tag content rules, 85-86
- button, creating, 5
- Movie Clip, creating, 8
- syntax
- end tags, 72
- creating tables, 172
- logging in, 171-172
- start tags, 71
- text (character data), 75
- XML, 67-68
- comments, 79
- element attributes, 73
- element names, 69-70
- entity references, 77
- Table function, 256
- tables
- describe keyword, 175
- HTML, 58-59
- joins, 165-169
- adding data, 179-181
- altering, 175
- creating in, 172-174
- guidelines for creating, 176-177
- reading records, 181-186
- tables (database), trivia quiz game, 164
- tags
- element nodes, 116
- end, 72-73
- processor instructions, 80
- start, 70-71
- <XML>, 210-211
- XML elements, 68
- targets, 31
- Tcl, 320-321
- temporal data types, 179
- testing
- movies, 13
- tools, packet sniffers, 233
- text
- buttons, adding to, 9, 24, 29-30
- CDATA, 129
- special effects, 25
- drop shadow, 28
- leveraging past work, 27-28
- XML documents, 74-76
- TEXT data type, 178
- text nodes, 136
- Text Options (HTML option), special text effects, 25
- Text tool, 9
- text variable, values, assigning, 26
- text variable (trivia quiz game), 38-41
- text/xml content type, 213
- thin clients, 35
- thinking state, 36-38
- third parties, XML, loading from, 271-272
- this keyword, 20
- this.highscore, 112
- three-tiered application design
- compound queries, 254
- database design, 254
- throbbers, Internet downloads, 100
- TIME data type, 179
- time limits (server-side sockets, 306-307
- TIMEOUT parameters, 277
- TIMESTAMP data type, 179
- TINYBLOB data type, 179
- TINYINT data type, 178
- TINYTEXT data type, 178
- <title> element, 283
- tools
- Iris (packet sniffer), 331-332
- Text, 9
- toString method, 114
- trace( ) function, 132
- trace statements, 116-117
- tree parsers, 219
- tree-walking, 132
- trivia quiz game
- AnswerOption objects, dynamic creation, 45-49
- buttons, adding to keyframes, 8
- chosenAnswer variable, 48
- comment variable, associating answers with, 39
- content and presentation components, separating, 41-44
- data loading capability, adding, 99-100
- database elements, 164
- decision making functionality, 36
- design, 2-3
- highscore feature, adding, 108
- highscore object data file, 104-105
- highscore self-loading display, 101-102
- layers, organizing, 40
- Lose state, 11-12
- objects, 22
- points variable, refreshing, 52
- question arrays, 49-52
- question object, creating, 38-41
- question pointer, advancing, 51
- questions, storing in external file, 161
- Questions and Answers tables (MySQL), 173-174
- Questions table, joins, 165-169
- rounds, creating, 6-8
- score attribute, 120
- score variable, setting, 38
- scoring capability, adding, 13-15
- selecting questions from database, 195-199
- selecting questions from database, alternative method, 199-210
- Start keyframe, 8
- text variable, 38-41
- whichquestion variable, 50
- Win state, 13
- XML-driven Flash client, 156-159
- Type function, 256
- types. See also data types
- <!ATTLIST> tag attributes, 87-88
- undefined type parameters, 43
- Unicode, XML element names, 69
- UNIQUE parameter, 164
- Unix
- error codes, server-side sockets, 304-305
- MySQL log in, 171-172
- unparsed entities, 90-91
- unparsed entity event (expat parser), 222
- update command, MySQL tables, 180
- upstream HTTP transfer, 98-99
- urlencoding, 111
- URLs
- absolute/relative identifiers, 100
- domain names, 295-296
- domain perimeter security, 271
- HTTP and XML content types, 212-214
- user processes, 297
- username/password interface, 203-206
- users
- design issues concerning, 63-64
- valid XML, 84-85
- compared to well-formed, 62
- validation
- new players, 203-207
- XML, 61
- values
- conditional operators, 44
- database table (trivia quiz game), 164
- node viewer, 137
- VARCHAR data type, 178
- variables
- arrays, indexing into, 50
- assignment, 33
- buttons, disadvantages when adding text, 29
- chosenAnswer (trivia quiz game), 48
- comment (trivia quiz game), associating answers with, 39
- decision making and, 35-36
- declaring, 13-14
- global, declaring, 208
- initializing, this keyword, 20
- PHP, 148-149
- points (trivia quiz game), refreshing, 52
- POST (HTTP transfers), 99
- scalar, assigning objects to, 114
- score (trivia quiz game), setting, 38
- text, assigning values, 26-27
- text (trivia quiz game), 38-41
- whichquestion (trivia quiz game), 50
- writing to, 33
- vector drawing, advantages, 1
- vocabularies, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 61
- wait state, 36-38
- web scripting, ECMA-262 standard, 2
- well-formed XML, 84
- compared to valid, 62
- WHERE statements, 182-183
- whichquestion variable (trivia quiz game), 50
- whitespace, 118
- indentation, 133
- Win state (trivia quiz game), 13
- World Wide Web, HTML and, 57
- XHTML, 81
- XML debugger, 119
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
- advantages/disadvantages, 143-144
- background, 55-60
- browsers, stripping tags, 209-210
- case sensitivity, 69
- comments, 78-79
- compared to HTML, 81
- constructors, 211-212
- content types, 212-214
- cookies, coding, 244-245
- creating with PHP, 150-156
- data islands, 210-211
- design issues, browsers, 62-63
- documents, text (character data), 74-76
- downloading, 111-112
- DTD, 83
- element names, 69-70
- elements, 67-69
- end tags, 72-73
- entity references, 76-78
- external references, 223-224
- Flash nodes, 67
- language, 61
- nesting nodes, 140
- notations, 90-91
- overview, 59-60
- POST, uploading to PHP, 207-208
- predefined entities, 88-89
- principles, 60
- processor instructions, 79-81
- send( ) function, 209-210
- server-side processing, 214
- start tag, 70-71
- syntax, 67-68
- tags, 68
- third party, loading from, 271-272
- tools, 332-333
- Unicode support, 69
- validation, 84-85
- vocabularies, 61
- well-formed compared to valid, 62
- XML graphic browser, 136-138
- XML methods, calling other methods, 238
- XML Notepad (Microsoft), 332-333
- XML object, 22
- XML parsers, expat, 219, 221-222
- XML servers, advantages of, 144
- XML Spy, 332
- <XML> tag, 210-211
- xmlAccept( ) function, 239
- xmlDeny( ) function, 239
- XML.load method, 112-114
- XMLSocket, ActionScript methods, 298-300
- xmltrace, event-driven code, 127-128