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For all the resources on great design, there is almost nothing on how to be a great design professional. For all the schools and classes and workshops on what constitutes a good user experience, there is not one bit of formalized education on how to earn the respect of your team and get your recommendations out the door.
Sure, they’ll teach you how to do user research and testing and interaction design. They’ll teach you about process. But where’s the book on how to convince people you’re right? On what skills will make you the most valuable? How to fend off the bad ideas and fight for the good ones? How to move from junior to senior? How to become a UX leader?
In Experience Required, veteran UX strategist Robert Hoekman Jr reveals the following and much more:
• the pros and cons of generalists, specialists, and “unicorns”
• the art and imperative of forming a good argument
• why communication may be your biggest obstacle
• the qualities and actions of effective design leaders
• why being unreasonable might be the key to your success
Whatever your role, Experience Required teaches you to become the UX leader you’ve always wanted to be.
Take charge of your next project starting right now.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Key Terms
User Experience (UX)
Chapter 2: The Shape of a Great Designer
Some Designer History
The Problem with Names
And Then More Showed Up
The Birth of the User Experience Designer
Design Is a Four-Letter Word
The Rebirth of the Nebulous Job Title
Unicorns: What They Are and Why You Should Be One
Unicorn = Generalist
Be Replaceable
The Upside of Overlap
Be Respectful
T-Shaped People: The Case for Specialties
Becoming a T-Shaped Person
Masquerading as a Generalist
The Depth of UX
Chapter 3: Adapting
Tools, Not Processes
Working Quickly
Strategy Document
The Driver of the Bus
Design Time
Faster Wireframes
Faster Prototypes
Faster Usability Tests
Chapter 4: Understanding
Knowing the Psychology
They’re Smarter than You Think
They Have Other Things to Do
They Have a “Doing Mode”
They “Satisfice”
They Don’t Use Your Software the Way You
Intend Them To
They Rely on Patterns
A Million Things Are Competing for
Their Attention
They See What’s There
They Lie
They Don’t Know What’s Possible
If You Improve Their Lives, They’ll Love You
They Come With Questions
They Blame Themselves for Mistakes When They
Should Blame You
Their “Experience” Is Based on Far More than Your Website
Applying the Psychology
Talking the Psychology
Chapter 5: Questioning
Questioning Everything
Questioning Ideas
Questioning Standards
Questioning People
Questioning Your Own Work
Pushing the Profession Forward
Tipping Sacred Cows
Firing Away
Always Ask the Question
Chapter 6: Communicating
On Clear Thinking
Writing and Speaking
Thinking in Frameworks
On Writing Well
Mapping Your Message to Their Concerns
Learning to Predict the Future
Reading for Comprehension
Enabling Comprehension
Not Just What, but How and When
Do What You Can
Chapter 7: Arguing
Phases of Knowledge
Explaining with Stories
Leading the Room
Backing It Up
Chapter 8: Leading
Staying Calm
Ignoring Distractions
Speaking Up
Taking Criticism
Being Collaborative
Hiring Well
Review the Portfolio
Let Them Talk
Contract Them
Look for Unicorns
Offering Solutions Instead of Complaints
Giving Credit Away
Teaching Them to Teach
Managing Things Away from People
Creating Opportunities for Others
Choosing Teams Over Individuals
Chapter 9: Learning
How I Learned
Why Learning Matters
Leaving Your Ego Out of It
Drown a Little Every Day
Learning to Succeed, Not to Embrace Failure
Prophecies Like to Be Self-Fulfilling
Leaders Don’t Root for Failure
Repeated Failure Gets You Nowhere
What Exactly Is Success in Web Design Anyway?
Aim for the Breakthrough
Chapter 10: Being Unreasonable
The Advantage of High Standards
High Standards Lead to Prowess
High Standards Make You More Persuasive
High Standards Lead to People
Designing for Greatness