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With Google Web Toolkit, Java developers can build sophisticated Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and complete Web sites using the powerful IDEs and tools they already use. Now, with GWT 2, Google Web Toolkit has become even more useful. Essential GWT shows how to use this latest version of GWT to create production solutions that combine superior style, performance, and interactivity with exceptional quality and maintainability.Federico Kereki quickly reviews the basics and then introduces intermediate and advanced GWT skills, covering issues ranging from organizing projects to compiling and deploying final code. Throughout, he focuses on best-practice methodologies and design patterns. For example, you’ll learn how to use the MVP (model-view-presenter) pattern to improve application design and support automated testing for agile development.
Kereki illuminates each concept with realistic code examples that help developers jump-start their projects and get great results more quickly. Working with the latest versions of open source tools such as Eclipse, Subversion, Apache, Tomcat, and MySQL, he demonstrates exactly how GWT fits into real Web development environments. Coverage includes
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xix
About the Author xxi
Chapter 1: Developing Your Application 1
Rich Internet Applications 1
Advantages of GWT 4
Software Methodologies to Apply 5
Summary 8
Chapter 2: Getting Started with GWT 2 9
Why Use GWT? 9
The GWT Components 12
Setting Up GWT 17
Summary 20
Chapter 3: Understanding Projects and Development 21
Creating a Project 21
Project Structure 23
Running Your Application: Development Mode 27
Summary 30
Chapter 4: Working with Browsers 31
The Back Button Problem 31
Detecting the User’s Browser 43
Summary 53
Chapter 5: Programming the User Interface 55
Thinking About UI Patterns 55
Implementing MVP 59
Some Extensions 67
Declarative UI 69
Summary 76
Chapter 6: Communicating with Your Server 77
Introduction to RPC 77
RPC Patterns of Usage 84
Summary 118
Chapter 7: Communicating with Other Servers 119
The Same Origin Policy (SOP) Restriction 119
Our City Update Application 121
Receiving and Processing XML 125
Producing and Sending XML 131
Summary 137
Chapter 8: Mixing in JavaScript 139
JSNI 139
JSON 146
Summary 155
Chapter 9: Adding APIs 157
A Weather Vane 157
Dashboard Visualizations 162
Working with Maps 168
Summary 175
Chapter 10: Working with Servers 177
The Challenges to Meet 177
Cryptography 179
Stateless Versus Stateful Servers 183
Common Operations 185
Summary 193
Chapter 11: Moving Around Files 195
Uploading Files 195
Downloading Files 204
Summary 209
Chapter 12: Internationalization and Localization 211
Internationalization (i18n) 211
Localization (l10n) 223
Summary 227
Chapter 13: Testing Your GWT Application 229
Why Testing? 229
Unit Testing with JUnit 231<