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Don't just build Web sites: architect them for maximum usability and effectiveness! In this book, leading usability and information design specialist Charles J. Lyons shows you how. Discover easy, practical ways to identify your users' requirements, translate their needs into superb content and navigation, and avoid user confusion and expensive site retrofitting. Using a hands-on case study, this book walks you through every stage: site analysis, design, and delivery. Better yet, you can recreate the case study using images and files from a fully integrated Web site that even gives you the final solution. But no peeking!
You'll master all this, and much more!
Rely on Essential Guides for ALL the Web Skills You Need! All these books share the same great format, and same dynamic Web once you've used one, learning from the others is a piece of cake!
Introduction to Web Analysis and Design
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About the Author.
1. Introduction to Web Analysis and Design.
Web Design Difficulties. Summary: Web Design Difficulties. Transition to Analysis. The Web Development Cycle. Differences in GUI and Web Design. The Prototyping Cycle. Source of System Errors.
Analysis Steps. Shelley Biotechnologies. Determining the Goals of Your Site. Determining the Success Criteria for Your Website. Determining the Audience and How They Will Use the Website. Information Topics. Information Taxonomy. Task Analysis. Website Constraints. Modifying Website to Reflect Constraints. Transition to Design.
Design Steps. Conceptual Model. General Design Principles. Navigation Questions. Fundamental Principles of Web Design. Fundamental Principles Applied to Architecture and Navigation. Subphases of Design. Navigation Design. Information Structure. Content Design. Fundamental Principles Applied to Content. Prototyping.
Introduction. Before You Begin. Dreamweaver as an Implementation Tool. Using Dreamweaver to Implement the Shelley Biotechnologies Site. Task Overview. Creating the Remaining Files for Shelley Biotechnologies.Where We Are. Completing the Welcome to Shelley Biotechnologies! Home Page. Completing the Products Web Page. Completing the How to Order Form. Next Step: Completing Development of Your Training Pages. Shelley Biotechnolgies Wrap-up.
Audience. Navigation. Content. Web Pages. Quality. Security.
Introduction. File Formats. Color. An Experiment. Image Maps. Graphics Tools.
Introduction. Americans with Disabilities Act. Categories of Disabilities.
Introduction to XML. Comparing HTML AND XML. XML Design Goals. Virtual Writing, Media Notwithstanding™. XML Parsers. Legacy Information. Where is XML Going?. XML and XHTML Specifications.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. Abstract. Status of this document. Table of Contents. 1. Introduction. 2. Documents. 3. Logical Structures. 4. Physical Structures. 5. Conformance. 6. Notation.
A. References. B. Character Classes. C. XML and SGML (Non-Normative). D. Expansion of Entity and Character References (Non-Normative). E. Deterministic Content Models. Non-Normative). F. Autodetection of Character Encodings. (Non-Normative).G. W3C XML Working Group (Non-Normative).
XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language. A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0. W3C Recommendation 26 January 2000. Abstract. Status of this document. Contents. 1. What is XHTML? 2. Definitions. 3. Normative Definition of XHTML 1.0. 4. Differences with HTML 4. 5. Compatibility Issues. 6. Future Directions. Appendix A. DTDs. Appendix B. Element Prohibitions. Appendix C. HTML Compatibility Guidelines. Appendix D. Acknowledgments. Appendix E. References.
Document Notice.
When I decided to write this book, it was my intention to provide to Web professionals a cogent and defendable methodology for developing Web sites. For years, I have seen both systems and Web sites developed in an undisciplined manner. What results is a system or Web site for which a great deal of retrofitting and reengineering is necessary. Retrofitting is expensive and its necessity is the result of not taking a thorough and disciplined approach to developing the Web site.
The methodology suggested herein is based upon sound systems engineering principles. The approach is to perform a thorough and complete requirements analysis up front. A solid analysis provides the foundation for designing a Web site that will meet the usersÕ needs each and every time. A successful Web site will also be easy to maintain, since major blocks of thought are not left out. While revisions are needed, they will be more related to the business needs and exigencies than to faulty, premature design.
Throughout this book, there are images that are worth viewing in color. At various points in the text, you will be prompted to visit a Web site, where color versions of the images are shown.