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EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework
Dave Steinberg
Frank Budinsky
Marcelo Paternostro
Ed Merks
Series Editors: Erich Gamma • Lee Nackman • John Wiegand
The Authoritative Guide to EMF Modeling and Code Generation
The Eclipse Modeling Framework enables developers to rapidly construct robust applications based on surprisingly simple models. Now, in this thoroughly revised Second Edition, the project’s developers offer expert guidance, insight, and examples for solving real-world problems with EMF, accelerating development processes, and improving software quality.
This edition contains more than 40% new material, plus updates throughout to make it even more useful and practical. The authors illuminate the key concepts and techniques of EMF modeling, analyze EMF’s most important framework classes and generator patterns, guide you through choosing optimal designs, and introduce powerful framework customizations and programming techniques. Coverage includes
• Defining models with Java, UML, XML Schema, and Ecore
• NEW: Using extended Ecore modeling to fully unify XML with UML and Java
• Generating high-quality code to implement models and editors
• Understanding and customizing generated code
• Complete documentation of @model Javadoc tags, generator model properties, and resource save and load options
• NEW: Leveraging the latest EMF features, including extended metadata, feature maps, EStore, cross-reference adapters, copiers, and content types
• NEW: Chapters on change recording, validation, and utilizing EMF in stand-alone and Eclipse RCP applications
• NEW: Modeling generics with Ecore and generating Java 5 code
About the Authors
Dave Steinberg is a software developer in IBM Software Group. He has worked with Eclipse and modeling technologies since joining the company, and has been a committer on the EMF project since its debut in 2002.
Frank Budinsky, a senior architect in IBM Software Group, is an original coinventor of EMF and a founding member of the EMF project at Eclipse. He is currently cochair of the Service Data Objects (SDO) specification technical committee at OASIS and lead SDO architect for IBM.
Marcelo Paternostro is a software architect and engineer in IBM Software Group. He is an EMF committer and has been an active contributor to several other Eclipse projects. Before joining IBM, Marcelo managed, designed, and implemented numerous projects using Rational's tools and processes.
Ed Merks is the project lead of EMF and a colead of the top-level Modeling project at Eclipse. He holds a Ph.D. in Computing Science and has many years of in-depth experience in the design and implementation of languages, frameworks, and application development environments. Ed works as a software consultant in partnership with itemis AG.
Foreword by Richard C. Gronback xix
Foreword by Mike Milinkovich xxi
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgments xxvii
References xxix
Part I EMF Overview 1
Chapter 1 Eclipse 3
1.1 The Projects 4
1.1.1 The Eclipse Project 4
1.1.2 The Modeling Project 5
1.1.3 The Tools Project 5
1.1.4 The Technology Project 5
1.1.5 Other Projects 5
1.2 The Eclipse Platform 6
1.2.1 Plug-In Architecture 6
1.2.2 Workspace Resources 7
1.2.3 Platform UI 7
1.2.4 Rich Client Platform 9
1.3 More Information 9
Chapter 2 Introducing EMF 11
2.1 Unifying Java, XML, and UML 12
2.2 Modeling vs. Programming 15
2.3 Defining the Model 16
2.3.1 The Ecore (Meta) Model 17
2.3.2 Creating and Editing the Model 19
2.3.3 XMI Serialization 20
2.3.4 Java Annotations 21
2.3.5 The Ecore “Big Picture” 23
2.4 Generating Code 23
2.4.1 Generated Model Classes 24
2.4.2 Other Generated “Stuff” 26
2.4.3 Regeneration and Merge 27
2.4.4 The Generator Model 28
2.5 The Runtime Framework 29
2.5.1 Notification and Adapters 29
2.5.2 Object Persistence 31
2.5.3 The Reflective EObject API 35
2.5.4 Dynamic EMF 36
2.5.5 Foundation for Data Integration 38
2.6 EMF and Modeling Standards 39
2.6.1 Unified Modeling Language 39
2.6.2 Meta-Object Facility 39
2.6.3 XML Metadata Interchange 40
2.6.4 Model Driven Architecture 40
Chapter 3 Model Editing with EMF.Edit 41
3.1 Displaying and Editing EMF Models 42
3.1.1 Eclipse UI Basics 43
3.1.2 EMF.Edit Support 45
3.2 Item Providers 46
3.2.1 Content and Label Item Providers 47
3.2.2 Item Property Source 49
3.2.3 Command Factory 50
3.2.4 Change Notification 51
3.2.5 Item Provider Implementation Classes 53
3.3 Command Framework 54
3.3.1 Common Command Framework 55
3.3.2 EMF.Edit Commands 59
3.3.3 EditingDomain 61
3.4 Generating EMF.Edit Code 65
3.4.1 Edit Generation 66
3.4.2 Editor Generation 67
3.4.3 Regenerating EMF.Edit Plug-Ins 68
Chapter 4 Using EMF–A Simple Overview 69
4.1 Example Model: The Primer Purchase Order 70
4.2 Creating EMF Models and Projects 71
4.2.1 Creating an EMF Model from Annotated Java 72
4.2.2 Creating an EMF Project from a Rational Rose Class Model 80
4.2.3 Creating an EMF Project from an XML Schema 86
4.2.4 Creating a Generator Model for an Ecore Model 89
4.2.5 Other Formats 92
4.3 Generating Code 93
4.4 Running the Application 95
4.5 Continuing Development 98
Part II Defining EMF Models 101
Chapter 5 Ecore Modeling Concepts 103
5.1 Ecore Model Uses 104
5.2 The Ecore Kernel 105
5.3 Structural Features 106
5.3.1 Attributes 110
5.3.2 References 111
5.4 Behavioral Features 112
5.5 Classifiers 113
5.5.1 Classes 114
5.5.2 Data Types 116
5.6 Packages and Factories 118
5.7 Annotations 119
5.7.1 Annotations in EMF 121
5.8 Modeled Data Types 123
5.9 Ecore and User Models 125
Chapter 6 UML 127
6.1 UML Packages 128
6.2 UML Specification for Classifiers 128
6.2.1 Classes 129
6.2.2 Enumerated Types 130
6.2.3 Data Types 131
6.3 UML Specification for Attributes 132
6.3.1 Single-Valued Attributes 132
6.3.2 Multi-Valued Attributes 133
6.3.3 Attributes with a Default Value 133
6.4 UML Specification for References 134
6.4.1 Bidirectional, Non-Containment References 135
6.4.2 Containment References 136
6.4.3 Map References 136
6.5 UML Specification for Operations 138
6.6 Documentation 140
6.7 Ecore Properties in Rational Rose 140
6.7.1 Package Properties 141
6.7.2 Classifier Properties 142
6.7.3 Structural Feature Properties 142
6.7.4 Operation Properties 143
6.7.5 Model Element Properties 144
Chapter 7 Java Source Code 145
7.1 Java Specification for Classes 146
7.1.1 Attributes 147
7.1.2 References 150
7.1.3 Compact Notation for Attributes and References 152
7.1.4 Operations 153
7.2 Java Specification for Enumerated Types 158
7.2.1 Enumeration Literals 158
7.3 Java Specification for Packages 159
7.3.1 Data Types 160
7.4 Java Specification for Maps 161
7.4.1 Explicit Definition of Map Entry Classes in a Package 161
7.4.2 Definition of Map-Typed References, Operations, and Parameters 163
7.5 Java Specification for Annotations 164
Chapter 8 Extended Ecore Modeling 167
8.1 Feature Maps 168
8.1.1 Multiple Features and Cross-Feature Order 168
8.1.2 The FeatureMap Interface 171
8.2 Modeling with Feature Maps 173
8.2.1 UML 173
8.2.2 Annotated Java 175
8.2.3 XML Schema 176
Chapter 9 XML Schema 179
9.1 Schema 180
9.1.1 Schema without Target Namespace 180
9.1.2 Schema with Target Namespace 181
9.1.3 Global Element or Attribute Declaration 182
9.1.4 Element or Attribute Form Default 183
9.1.5 EMF Extensions 183
9.2 Simple Type Definitions 184
9.2.1 Restriction 184
9.2.2 Restriction with Enumeration Facets 186
9.2.3 List Type 188
9.2.4 Union Type 188
9.2.5 Anonymous Type 189
9.2.6 EMF Extensions 190
9.3 Complex Type Definitions 191
9.3.1 Extension and Restriction 192
9.3.2 Simple Content 193
9.3.3 Anonymous Type 194
9.3.4 Abstract Type 194
9.3.5 Mixed Type 195
9.3.6 EMF Extensions 197
9.3.7 Operations 198
9.4 Attribute Declarations 201
9.4.1 ID Attribute 202
9.4.2 ID Reference or URI Attribute 202
9.4.3 Required Attribute 203
9.4.4 Default Value 204
9.4.5 Qualified Attribute 205
9.4.6 Global Attribute 205
9.4.7 Attribute Reference 205
9.4.8 EMF Extensions 206
9.5 Element Declarations 209
9.5.1 AnyType Element 210
9.5.2 ID Element 211
9.5.3 ID Reference or URI Element 211
9.5.4 Nillable Element 213
9.5.5 Default Value 214
9.5.6 Qualified Element 215
9.5.7 Global Element 215
9.5.8 Element Reference 216
9.5.9 Substitution Group 216
9.5.10 EMF Extensions 219
9.6 Model Groups 222
9.6.1 Repeating Model Group 222
9.6.2 Repeating Model Group Reference 224
9.7 Wildcards 225
9.7.1 Element Wildcard 225
9.7.2 Attribute Wildcard 226
9.7.3 EMF Extensions 227
9.8 Annotations 228
9.8.1 Documentation 228
9.8.2 Appinfo 229
9.8.3 Ignored Annotation 229
9.8.4 Non-schema Attribute 230
9.9 Predefined Schema Simple Types 230
9.10 EMF Extensions 232
Part III Using the EMF Generator 237
Chapter 10 EMF Generator Patterns 239
10.1 Modeled Classes 240
10.1.1 Interfaces and Implementation Classes 240
10.1.2 Accessor Methods 241
10.1.3 Abstract Classes 243
10.1.4 Interfaces 243
10.2 Attributes 243
10.2.1 Simple Attributes 244
10.2.2 Data Type Attributes 245
10.2.3 Enumerated Type Attributes 248
10.2.4 Multi-Valued Attributes 250
10.2.5 Default Values 252
10.2.6 Volatile Attributes 253
10.2.7 Non-Changeable Attributes 254
10.2.8 Unsettable Attributes 255
10.3 References 257
10.3.1 One-Way References 257
10.3.2 Bidirectional References 259
10.3.3 Multiplicity-Many References 261
10.3.4 Non—Proxy-Resolving References 263
10.3.5 Containment References 264
10.3.6 Volatile References 266
10.3.7 Non-Changeable References 267
10.3.8 Unsettable References 268
10.3.9 Map References 269
10.4 Feature Maps 272
10.5 Operations 273
10.6 Class Inheritance 275
10.6.1 Single Inheritance 275
10.6.2 Multiple Inheritance 276
10.6.3 Interface Inheritance and Implementation 277
10.7 Reflective Methods 278
10.7.1 Feature IDs 278
10.7.2 Reflective Accessors 279
10.7.3 Inverse Handshaking Methods 283
10.7.4 Feature ID Conversion Methods 285
10.8 Factories and Packages 287
10.9 Switch Classes and Adapter Factories 291
10.10 Alternative Generator Patterns 295
10.10.1 Performance Optimization 295
10.10.2 Suppression of EMFisms 302
10.11 Customizing Generated Code 305
Chapter 11 EMF.Edit Generator Patterns 309
11.1 Item Providers 310
11.1.1 Content and Label Provider 311
11.1.2 Item Property Source 315
11.1.3 Command Factory 318
11.1.4 Change Notification 319
11.1.5 Object Creation 321
11.2 Item Provider Adapter Factories 327
11.3 Editor 331
11.4 Action Bar Contributor 334
11.5 Wizard 336
11.6 Plug-Ins 337
Chapter 12 Running the Generators 341
12.1 EMF Code Generation 341
12.2 The Generator UI 346
12.3 Generator Model Properties 350
12.3.1 Model Object Properties 350
12.3.2 Package Properties 359
12.3.3 Class Properties 362
12.3.4 Feature Properties 363
12.4 The Command-Line Generator Tools 364
12.4.1 Headless Invocation 365
12.4.2 Rose2GenModel 366
12.4.3 XSD2GenModel 369
12.4.4 Ecore2GenModel 369
12.4.5 Generator 370
12.5 The Generator Ant Tasks 371
12.5.1 emf.Rose2Java 373
12.5.2 emf.XSD2Java 374
12.5.3 emf.Ecore2Java 375
12.6 The Template Format 375
12.6.1 An Example Template 376
12.6.2 Template Extensibility 379
Chapter 13 Example–Implementing a Model and Editor 381
13.1 Getting Started 381
13.2 Generating the Model 384
13.3 Implementing Volatile Features 384
13.4 Implementing Data Types 387
13.5 Running the ExtendedPO2 Editor 392
13.6 Restricting Reference Targets 393
13.7 Splitting the Model into Multiple Packages 396
13.7.1 Resolving Package Dependencies 398
13.7.2 Restricting Reference Targets Revisited 401
13.8 Editing Multiple Resources Concurrently 404
13.8.1 Cross-Document Non-Containment References 404
13.8.2 Cross-Document Containment References 411
Part IV Programming with EMF 417
Chapter 14 Exploiting Metadata 419
14.1 Packages 419
14.1.1 Accessing Package Metadata Generically 420
14.1.2 Locating Packages 422
14.2 Reflection 426
14.2.1 Creating Objects 426
14.2.2 Interrogating and Modifying Objects 427
14.3 Dynamic EMF 432
14.4 Extended Metadata 437
Chapter 15 Persistence 443
15.1 Overview of the Persistence Framework 443
15.2 The EMF Persistence API 447
15.2.1 URI 447
15.2.2 URIConverter 449
15.2.3 Resource 450
15.2.4 Resource.Factory and Resource.Factory.Registry 456
15.2.5 ResourceSet 459
15.3 XML Resources 462
15.3.1 Default Serialization Format 462
15.3.2 Deserialization 468
15.3.3 Options 470
15.3.4 Dynamic EMF 479
15.3.5 Extended Metadata 482
15.3.6 Other Features 485
15.4 EMF Resource and Resource Factory Implementations 489
15.4.1 Base XML 489
15.4.2 Generic XML 490
15.4.3 XMI 490
15.4.4 Ecore 492
15.4.5 EMOF 492
15.4.6 Generated 493
15.5 Performance Considerations 494
15.5.1 Recommended XML Resource Options 494
15.5.2 Caching Intrinsic IDs 495
15.5.3 Caching Resource URIs 496
15.6 Custom Storage for Active Objects 497
15.6.1 Using an EStore 499
15.6.2 EStore and Generated Classes 500
Chapter 16 Client Programming Toolbox 503
16.1 Tree Iterators and Switches 503
16.2 Adapters 508
16.2.1 Object Adapting 508
16.2.2 Behavioral Extensions 515
16.2.3 Content Adapters 519
16.2.4 Observing Generated Classes 521
16.3 Cross-Referencers 523
16.3.1 Basic Cross-Referencers 523
16.3.2 Cross-Reference Adapters 526
16.4 Copying Objects 529
16.5 Comparing Objects 533
Chapter 17 The Change Model 537
17.1 Describing a Change 537
17.1.1 Applying a Change Description 539
17.1.2 Changing Multi-Valued Features 541
17.1.3 Changing Resources 544
17.2 Change Recording 545
17.2.1 Transaction Atomicity and Rollback 547
Chapter 18 The Validation Framework 549
18.1 Constraints and Invariants 549
18.2 Effects on Generated Code 553
18.3 Invoking Validation 557
18.4 Basic EObject Constraints 563
18.5 XML Schema Constraints 564
Chapter 19 EMF.Edit Programming 567
19.1 Overriding Commands 567
19.2 Customizing Views 573
19.2.1 Suppressing Model Objects 573
19.2.2 Using List and Table Viewers 580
19.2.3 Adding Non-Model Intermediary View Objects 587
Chapter 20 Outside of the Eclipse IDE 599
20.1 Rich Client Platform 599
20.1.1 RCP and EMF 600
20.1.2 Launching an RCP Application 601
20.1.3 Generated Code in an RCP Application 606
20.1.4 Deploying an RCP Application 608
20.2 Stand-Alone Applications 608
20.2.1 Adding EMF to the Class Path 609
20.2.2 Registering the Resource Factory 612
20.2.4 Registering the Package 614
Chapter 21 EMF 2.3 and 2.4 617
21.1 Java 5.0 Support 617
21.1.1 Enumerations 618
21.1.2 Generics 622
21.2 EMF Persistence Enhancements 632
21.2.1 Resource Deletion 633
21.2.2 Content Types 634
21.2.3 Other Enhancements 637
21.3 Other New Features 641
21.3.1 Ecore Validation 642
21.3.2 Reference Keys 643
21.3.3 Annotated Java Model Importer 645
21.4 Resource Options 646
21.4.1 XMLResource Options 647
21.5 Generator Model Properties 648
21.5.1 Model Object Properties 648
21.5.2 Package Properties 651
21.5.3 Enum Properties 652
Appendix A UML Notation 653
Appendix B Summary of Example Models 659
Index 675