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Scott Meyers’s seminal C++ books–Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL–have been immensely helpful to hundreds of thousands of C++ programmers. All three are finally available together in this eBook collection.
Effective C++ has been embraced by hundreds of thousands of programmers worldwide. The reason is clear: Scott Meyers’s practical approach to C++ describes the rules of thumb used by the experts to produce clear, correct, efficient code. The book is organized around 55 specific guidelines, each of which describes a way to write better C++. Each is backed by concrete examples.
In More Effective C++, Meyers presents 35 ways to improve your programs and designs. Drawing on years of experience, Meyers explains how to write software that is more effective: more efficient, more robust, more consistent, more portable, and more reusable. In short, how to write C++ software that’s just plain better.
In Effective STL, Meyers goes beyond describing what's in the STL to show you how to use it. Each of the book’s 50 guidelines is backed by Meyers’s legendary analysis and incisive examples, so you’ll learn not only what to do, but also when to do it–and why.
Together in this collection, these books include the following important features:
Move Semantics in C++11, Part 2: Design and Implementation of Special Move Functions
Effective C++
Introduction 1A
Chapter 1: Accustoming Yourself to C++ 11A
Item 1: View C++ as a federation of languages. 11A
Item 2: Prefer consts, enums, and inlines to #defines. 13A
Item 3: Use const whenever possible. 17A
Item 4: Make sure that objects are initialized before they’re used. 26A
Chapter 2: Constructors, Destructors, and Assignment Operators 34A
Item 5: Know what functions C++ silently writes and calls. 34A
Item 6: Explicitly disallow the use of compiler-generated functions you do not want. 37A
Item 7: Declare destructors virtual in polymorphic base classes. 40A
Item 8: Prevent exceptions from leaving destructors. 44A
Item 9: Never call virtual functions during construction or destruction. 48A
Item 10: Have assignment operators return a reference to *this. 52A
Item 11: Handle assignment to self in operator=. 53A
Item 12: Copy all parts of an object. 57A
Chapter 3: Resource Management 61A
Item 13: Use objects to manage resources. 61A
Item 14: Think carefully about copying behavior in resourcemanaging classes. 66A
Item 15: Provide access to raw resources in resourcemanaging classes. 69A
Item 16: Use the same form in corresponding uses of new and delete. 73A
Item 17: Store newed objects in smart pointers in standalone statements. 75A
Chapter 4: Designs and Declarations 78A
Item 18: Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly. 78A
Item 19: Treat class design as type design. 84A
Item 20: Prefer pass-by-reference-to-const to pass-by-value. 86A
Item 21: Don’t try to return a reference when you must return an object. 90A
Item 22: Declare data members private. 94A
Item 23: Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions. 98A
Item 24: Declare non-member functions when type conversions should apply to all parameters. 102A
Item 25: Consider support for a non-throwing swap. 106A
Chapter 5: Implementations 113A
Item 26: Postpone variable definitions as long as possible. 113A
Item 27: Minimize casting. 116A
Item 28: Avoid returning “handles” to object internals. 123A
Item 29: Strive for exception-safe code. 127A
Item 30: Understand the ins and outs of inlining. 134A
Item 31: Minimize compilation dependencies between files. 140A
Chapter 6: Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design 149A
Item 32: Make sure public inheritance models “is-a.” 150A
Item 33: Avoid hiding inherited names. 156A
Item 34: Differentiate between inheritance of interface and inheritance of implementation. 161A
Item 35: Consider alternatives to virtual functions. 169A
Item 36: Never redefine an inherited non-virtual function. 178A
Item 37: Never redefine a function’s inherited default parameter value. 180A
Item 38: Model “has-a” or “is-implemented-in-terms-of” through composition. 184A
Item 39: Use private inheritance judiciously. 187A
Item 40: Use multiple inheritance judiciously. 192A
Chapter 7: Templates and Generic Programming 199A
Item 41: Understand implicit interfaces and compile-time polymorphism. 199A
Item 42: Understand the two meanings of typename. 203A
Item 43: Know how to access names in templatized base classes. 207A
Item 44: Factor parameter-independent code out of templates. 212A
Item 45: Use member function templates to accept “all compatible types.” 218A
Item 46: Define non-member functions inside templates when type conversions are desired. 222A
Item 47: Use traits classes for information about types. 226A
Item 48: Be aware of template metaprogramming. 233A
Chapter 8: Customizing new and delete 239A
Item 49: Understand the behavior of the new-handler. 240A
Item 50: Understand when it makes sense to replace new and delete. 247A
Item 51: Adhere to convention when writing new and delete. 252A
Item 52: Write placement delete if you write placement new. 256A
Chapter 9: Miscellany 262A
Item 53: Pay attention to compiler warnings. 262A
Item 54: Familiarize yourself with the standard library, including TR1. 263A
Item 55: Familiarize yourself with Boost. 269A
Appendix A: Beyond Effective C++ 273A
Appendix B: Item Mappings Between Second and Third Editions 277A
Index 280A
More Effective C++
Introduction 1B
Basics 9B
Item 1: Distinguish between pointers and references. 9B
Item 2: Prefer C++-style casts. 12B
Item 3: Never treat arrays polymorphically. 16B
Item 4: Avoid gratuitous default constructors. 19B
Operators 24B
Item 5: Be wary of user-defined conversion functions. 24B
Item 6: Distinguish between prefix and postfix forms of increment and decrement operators. 31B
Item 7: Never overload &&, ||, or ,. 35B
Item 8: Understand the different meanings of new and delete. 38B
Exceptions 44B
Item 9: Use destructors to prevent resource leaks. 45B
Item 10: Prevent resource leaks in constructors. 50B
Item 11: Prevent exceptions from leaving destructors. 58B
Item 12: Understand how throwing an exception differs from passing a parameter or calling a virtual function. 61B
Item 13: Catch exceptions by reference. 68B
Item 14: Use exception specifications judiciously. 72B
Item 15: Understand the costs of exception handling. 78B
Efficiency 81B
Item 16: Remember the 80-20 rule. 82B
Item 17: Consider using lazy evaluation. 85B
Item 18: Amortize the cost of expected computations. 93B
Item 19: Understand the origin of temporary objects. 98B
Item 20: Facilitate the return value optimization. 101B
Item 21: Overload to avoid implicit type conversions. 105B
Item 22: Consider using op= instead of stand-alone op. 107B
Item 23: Consider alternative libraries. 110B
Item 24: Understand the costs of virtual functions, multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, and RTTI. 113B
Techniques 123B
Item 25: Virtualizing constructors and non-member functions. 123B
Item 26: Limiting the number of objects of a class. 130B
Item 27: Requiring or prohibiting heap-based objects. 145B
Item 28: Smart pointers. 159B
Item 29: Reference counting. 183B
Item 30: Proxy classes. 213B
Item 31: Making functions virtual with respect to more than one object. 228B
Miscellany 252B
Item 32: Program in the future tense. 252B
Item 33: Make non-leaf classes abstract. 258B
Item 34: Understand how to combine C++ and C in the same program. 270B
Item 35: Familiarize yourself with the language standard. 277B
Recommended Reading 285B
An auto_ptr Implementation 291B
General Index 295B
Index of Example Classes, Functions, and Templates 313B
Effective STL
Introduction 1C
Chapter 1: Containers 11C
Item 1: Choose your containers with care. 11C
Item 2: Beware the illusion of container-independent code. 15C
Item 3: Make copying cheap and correct for objects in containers. 20C
Item 4: Call empty instead of checking size() against zero. 23C
Item 5: Prefer range member functions to their single-element counterparts. 24C
Item 6: Be alert for C++’s most vexing parse. 33C
Item 7: When using containers of newed pointers, remember to delete the pointers before the container is destroyed. 36C
Item 8: Never create containers of auto_ptrs. 40C
Item 9: Choose carefully among erasing options. 43C
Item 10: Be aware of allocator conventions and restrictions. 48C
Item 11: Understand the legitimate uses of custom allocators. 54C
Item 12: Have realistic expectations about the thread safety of STL containers. 58C
Chapter 2: vector and string 63C
Item 13: Prefer vector and string to dynamically allocated arrays. 63C
Item 14: Use reserve to avoid unnecessary reallocations. 66C
Item 15: Be aware of variations in string implementations. 68C
Item 16: Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs. 74C
Item 17: Use “the swap trick” to trim excess capacity. 77C
Item 18: Avoid using vector<bool>. 79C
Chapter 3: Associative Containers 83C
Item 19: Understand the difference between equality and equivalence. 83C
Item 20: Specify comparison types for associative containers of pointers. 88C
Item 21: Always have comparison functions return false for equal values. 92C
Item 22: Avoid in-place key modification in set and multiset. 95C
Item 23: Consider replacing associative containers with sorted vectors. 100C
Item 24: Choose carefully between map::operator[] and map::insert when efficiency is important. 106C
Item 25: Familiarize yourself with the nonstandard hashed containers. 111C
Chapter 4: Iterators 116C
Item 26: Prefer iterator to const_iterator, reverse_iterator, and const_reverse_iterator. 116C
Item 27: Use distance and advance to convert a container’s const_iterators to iterators. 120C
Item 28: Understand how to use a reverse_iterator’s base iterator. 123C
Item 29: Consider istreambuf_iterators for character-bycharacter input. 126C
Chapter 5: Algorithms 128C
Item 30: Make sure destination ranges are big enough. 129C
Item 31: Know your sorting options. 133C
Item 32: Follow remove-like algorithms by erase if you really want to remove something. 139C
Item 33: Be wary of remove-like algorithms on containers of pointers. 143C
Item 34: Note which algorithms expect sorted ranges. 146C
Item 35: Implement simple case-insensitive string comparisons via mismatch or lexicographical_compare. 150C
Item 36: Understand the proper implementation of copy_if. 154C
Item 37: Use accumulate or for_each to summarize ranges. 156C
Chapter 6: Functors, Functor Classes, Functions, etc. 162C
Item 38: Design functor classes for pass-by-value. 162C
Item 39: Make predicates pure functions. 166C
Item 40: Make functor classes adaptable. 169C
Item 41: Understand the reasons for ptr_fun, mem_fun, and mem_fun_ref. 173C
Item 42: Make sure less<T> means operator<. 177C
Chapter 7: Programming with the STL 181C
Item 43: Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops. 181C
Item 44: Prefer member functions to algorithms with the same names. 190C
Item 45: Distinguish among count, find, binary_search, lower_bound, upper_bound, and equal_range. 192C
Item 46: Consider function objects instead of functions as algorithm parameters. 201C
Item 47: Avoid producing write-only code. 206C
Item 48: Always #include the proper headers. 209C
Item 49: Learn to decipher STL-related compiler diagnostics. 210C
Item 50: Familiarize yourself with STL-related web sites. 217C
Bibliography 225C
Appendix A: Locales and Case-Insensitive String Comparisons 229C
Appendix B: Remarks on Microsoft’s STL Platforms 239C
Index 245C