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The Definitive, Up-to-Date Guide to Digital Design with SystemVerilog: Concepts, Techniques, and Code
To design state-of-the-art digital hardware, engineers first specify functionality in a high-level Hardware Description Language (HDL)—and today’s most powerful, useful HDL is SystemVerilog, now an IEEE standard. Digital System Design with SystemVerilog is the first comprehensive introduction to both SystemVerilog and the contemporary digital hardware design techniques used with it.
Building on the proven approach of his bestselling Digital System Design with VHDL, Mark Zwolinski covers everything engineers need to know to automate the entire design process with SystemVerilog—from modeling through functional simulation, synthesis, timing simulation, and verification. Zwolinski teaches through about a hundred and fifty practical examples, each with carefully detailed syntax and enough in-depth information to enable rapid hardware design and verification. All examples are available for download from the book's companion Web site,
Coverage includes
List of Figures xiii
List of Tables xix
Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxvii
About the Author xxix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Modern Digital Design 1
1.2 Designing with Hardware Description Languages 2
1.3 CMOS Technology 8
1.4 Programmable Logic 16
1.5 Electrical Properties 19
Summary 22
Further Reading 22
Exercises 23
Chapter 2: Combinational Logic Design 25
2.1 Boolean Algebra 25
2.2 Logic Gates 29
2.3 Combinational Logic Design 30
2.4 Timing 37
2.5 Number Codes 40
Summary 43
Further Reading 44
Exercises 44
Chapter 3: Combinational Logic Using SystemVerilog Gate Models 47
3.1 Modules and Files 47
3.2 Identifiers, Spaces, and Comments 48
3.3 Basic Gate Models 50
3.4 A Simple Netlist 51
3.5 Logic Values 52
3.6 Continuous Assignments 52
3.7 Delays 53
3.8 Parameters 56
3.9 Testbenches 56
Summary 58
Further Reading 58
Exercises 58
Chapter 4: Combinational Building Blocks 61
4.1 Multiplexers 61
4.2 Decoders 63
4.3 Priority Encoder 68
4.4 Adders 69
4.5 Parity Checker 72
4.6 Three-State Buffers 73
4.6.1 Multi-Valued Logic 73
4.7 Testbenches for Combinational Blocks 74
Summary 76
Further Reading 76
Exercises 76
Chapter 5: SystemVerilog Models of Sequential Logic Blocks 79
5.1 Latches 79
5.2 Flip-Flops 82
5.3 JK and T Flip-Flops 86
5.4 Registers and Shift Registers 88
5.5 Counters 90
5.6 Memory 97
5.7 Sequential Multiplier 100
5.8 Testbenches for Sequential Building Blocks 102
Summary 106
Further Reading 106
Exercises 106
Chapter 6: Synchronous Sequential Design 109
6.1 Synchronous Sequential Systems 109
6.2 Models of Synchronous Sequential Systems 110
6.3 Algorithmic State Machines 114
6.4 Synthesis from ASM Charts 119
6.5 State Machines in SystemVerilog 129
6.6 Testbenches for State Machines 137
Summary 138
Further Reading 138
Exercises 138
Chapter 7: Complex Sequential Systems 143
7.1 Linked State Machines 143
7.2 Datapath/Controller Partitioning 147
7.3 Instructions 150
7.4 A Simple Microprocessor 151
7.5 SystemVerilog Model of a Simple Microprocessor 156
Summary 165
Further Reading 165
Exercises 165
Chapter 8: Writing Testbenches 167
8.1 Basic Testbenches 168
8.2 Testbench Structure 170
8.3 Constrained Random Stimulus Generation 174
8.4 Assertion-Based Verification 178
Summary 182
Further Reading 183
Exercises 183
Chapter 9: SystemVerilog Simulation 185
9.1 Event-Driven Simulation 185
9.2 SystemVerilog Simulation 189
9.3 Races 192
9.4 Delay Models 194
9.5 Simulator Tools 195
Summary 196
Further Reading 196
Exercises 196
Chapter 10: SystemVerilog Synthesis 199
10.1 RTL Synthesis 200
10.2 Constraints 210
10.3 Synthesis for FPGAs 216
10.4 Behavioral Synthesis 218
10.5 Verifying Synthesis Results 225
Summary 228
Further Reading 228
Exercises 228
Chapter 11: Testing Digital Systems 231
11.1 The Need for Testing 231
11.2 Fault Models 232
11.3 Fault-Oriented Test Pattern Generation 234
11.4 Fault Simulation 242
Summary 246
Further Reading 246
Exercises 247
Chapter 12: Design for Testability 251
12.1 Ad hoc Testability Improvements 252
12.2 Structured Design for Test 253
12.3 Built-In Self-Test 255
12.4 Boundary Scan (IEEE 1149.1) 264
Summary 272
Further Reading 272
Exercises 272
Chapter 13: Asynchronous Sequential Design 277
13.1 Asynchronous Circuits 277
13.2 Analysis of Asynchronous Circuits 281
13.3 Design of Asynchronous Circuits 285
13.4 Asynchronous State Machines 293
13.5 Setup and Hold Times and Metastability 297
Summary 302
Further Reading 302
Exercises 302
Chapter 14: Interfacing with the AnalogWorld 305
14.1 Digital-to-Analog Converters 306
14.2 Analog-to-Digital Converters 307
14.3 Verilog-AMS 310
14.4 Phased-Locked Loops 319
14.5 Verilog-AMS Simulators 323
Summary 323
Further Reading 324
Exercises 324
Appendix A: SystemVerilog and Verilog 325
A.1 Standards 325
A.2 SystemVerilog and Verilog Differences 326
Answers to Selected Exercises 331
Bibliography 347
Index 349