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Provides students with most current material, visually presented, to learn the latest industry tools and to update their skills on the latest standards using DHTML. Ex.___
Students working in a multi-platform, multi-browser environment both in the classroom and at home can use this text. Ex.___
Allows students to learn the most important tasks of DHTML and CSS and get right to work on any project. Ex.___
Visually demonstrates and reinforces the instructions for a particular task as the students work at their computers. Ex.___
Succinct numbered instructions provide a logical approach to learning tasks. Ex.___
Easy for the instructors and students to find a particular task and makes this text useful after the course ends. Ex.___
Calls attention to important features and additional helpful information. Ex.___
Highlighted through the book, tips offer author advice, timesaving shortcuts, and pointers for students who want a further understanding of DHTML and CSS. Ex.___
Many of Peachpit's Visual QuickStart authors Are industry-leading teachers and designers, providing students with expert, professional training. Ex.___
All Visual QuickStart Guides Are reasonably priced, making them an affordable option for learning multiple software programs. Ex.___
Add dynamic interactivity to your Web site with DHTML and Cascading Style Sheets!
This revised and expanded second edition is up-to-date on the current Web standards and browsers, and includes all new coverage of using DHTML to get information about the browser environment and adding multimedia to a site, as well as new basic and advanced dynamic techniques, such as making objects appear and disappear, moving objects in 3D, and adding dynamic content. This edition offers full cross-platform and cross-browser coverage. This book does not focus on the more complex aspects of DHTML, but focuses on practical examples of what really works with DHTML and CSS, making it useful for beginners just starting out with DHTML, as well as professional developers looking for a quick reference.
1. Understanding CSS.What Is a Style? What Are Cascading Style Sheets? Versions of CCS. Types of CSS Rules. The Parts of a CSS Rule. Kinds of HTML Tags.
2. CSS Basics.Adding CSS to an HTML Tag. Adding CSS to a Web Page. Adding CSS to a Website. (re)Defining an HTML Tag. Defining Classes to Create Your Own Tags. Defining Classes to Creating your Own Tags. Defining IDs to Identify an Object. Create Your Own Inline HTML Tags. Creating Your Own Block-Level HTML Tags. Defining Tags in Context. Making a Definition !important. Inheriting Properties from a Parent. Managing Existing or Inherited Property Values. Determining a the Cascade Order. Setting the CSS for Printing. Adding Comments to CSS. Style-Sheet Strategies.
3. Font Controls.Understanding Typography on the Web. Using Type on the Web. Setting the Font. Downloading Fonts. Using Browser-Safe Fonts. Setting the Font Size. Making Text Italic. Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest. Creating Minicaps. Setting Multiple Font Values.
4. Text Controls.Adjusting the Kerning. Adjusting the Word Spacing. Adjusting the Leading. Setting Text Case. Aligning Text Left, Right, and Center. Aligning Text Vertically. Indenting Paragraphs. Decorating Text. Controlling White Space. Setting Page Breaks for Printing.
5. List and Mouse Controls.Setting up a List. Setting the Bullet Style. Creating a Hanging Indent. Creating Your Own Bullets. Changing the Mouse Pointer's Appearance.
6. Color and Background Controls.Setting a Background. Setting a Individual Background Properties. Setting Foreground Color.
7. Border and Margin Controls.Understanding the Element's Box. Setting the Width and Height of an Element. Setting an Element's Margins. Setting an Element's Border. Setting an Element's Padding. Setting a Table's Boarder and Margins. Wrapping Text Around an Element. Preventing Text from Wrapping. Telling an Element How to Display (or Not).
8. Positioning Controls.Understanding the Window. Setting the Positioning Type. Setting the Position from the Top and Left. Setting the Position from the Bottom and Right. Stacking Objects (3-D Positioning). Nesting an Absolute Element in a Relative Element.
9. Visibility Controls.Setting the Visibility of an Element. Setting the Visible Area of an Element (Clipping). Setting Where the Overflow Goes.
10. Understanding DHTML>What Is Dynamic HTML? The Flavors of DHTML. Why Should I Use DHTML? Flash vs. DHTML>
11. The Document Object Model.Understanding the DOM: Road Map to Your Web Page. Creating an Object. Understanding Event Handlers. Detecting an Event. How the DOM Works. Using Feature Sensing. Detecting the DOM Type. Building a Crossbrowser DOM. Using the Cross-Browser DOM. Netscape 4 and Nested Layers.
12. Learning about Your Environment.Detecting the Browser's Name and Version. Detecting the Operating System. Finding the Screen Dimensions. Finding the Number of Colors. Finding the Browser's Window Dimensions. Finding the Visible Page Dimensions. Finding the Page's Location and Title. Finding the Page's Scroll Position. Finding an Object's Dimensions. Finding an Object's Top and Left Positions. Finding an Object's Bottom and Right Positions. Finding an Object's 3-D Position. Finding an Object's Visibility State. Finding an Object's Visible Area.
13. Dynamic Techniques: The Basics.Making Objects Appear and Disappear. Moving Objects from Point-to-point. Moving Objects by a Certain Moving Objects in 3-D. Scrolling a Web Page. Changing an Objects Visible Area.
14 Dynamic Techniques: Advanced.Making a Function Fun Again. Passing an Event to a Function. Creating a Global Event Handler. Animating an Object. Finding Your Location on the Screen. Identifying an Object on the Screen. Dynamic Content Between Frames. Moving the Browser Window. Opening a New Browser Window. Changing a Window's Size.
15. Dynamic Techniques: CSS.Changing a Definition. Changing an Object's Class. Adding a New Rule. Disabling a Style Sheet.
16. Netscape Layers.What Is a Netscape Layer? Creating a Layer. Importing External Content with Netscape Layers. Accessing Layers with JavaScript. Modifying Layers with JavaScript. Providing Content for Nonlayer Browsers.
17. Internet Exployer for Windows.Fading between Objects. Transitions between Pages. Making an Element Blur. Making an Object Wave.
18 GoLive Primer.The GoLive Interface. Adding CSS. Adding a Layer. (floating Box) Adding DHTML Animation.
19. Dreamweaver Primer.The Dreamweaver Interface. Adding CSS. Adding a Layer. Adding Animation.
20. Understanding the Dynamic Web.What Makes a Web Site Dynamic? What Is Hypertext? Dynamic by Design. Understanding Layout on the Web. Navigation Do's and Don'ts.
21. Creating a Dynamic Web Site.Step 1: Define. Step 2: Design. Step 3: Build.
22. Web Page Layout.Netscape CSS Bug Fix. Setting the CSS for the OS. Creating Headlines. Creating a Fixed Header. Creating a Sidebar. Setting a Dynamic Header and Footer. Making Your Own Frame Borders. Opening and Closing Frames. Keeping Pages Framed. Looking Good in Print (on the Web).
23. Importing External Content.Combining ilayers and iframes. Using Server-Side Includes. Using an External JavaScript File. Viewing Someone Else's External Content.
24. Web Site Navigation.Setting Link Styles. Setting Multiple Link Styles. Creating Drop=Down Menus. Creating a Sliding Menu. Creating a Remote Control. Creating a Clamshell Menu. Creating a Breadcrumb Menu. Navigation for Nondynamic Browsers. Educating the Browser.
25. Controls.Creating Your Own Scrollbars. Creating Your Own Back Button. Creating a Slide Show. Creating Pop-Up Hypertext. Contextual Forms.
26. Special Effects.Advanced Drop Shadow. Fading HTML Text. Follow the Mouse. Animating Objects: the Bouncing Banner. Toggling Graphics. Persistent Rollovers. Transparent Graphics with the PNG format.
27. Multimedia.Using Sound. Creating a Sound. Embedding Sound in a Web Page. Adding Sound to a Link. Using Video. Linking to a Video. Embedding a Video. Using Java Embedding Java Applets. Using Flash. Creating a Flash animation. Embedding a Flash File.
28. When Things Go Wrong-Debugging Your Code.Troubleshooting CSS. Troubleshooting JavaScript. Crossbrowser Conundrums.
29. The Future of Dynamic Content.Why Standards Matter. XML. XML and the DOM. XSL. XHTML. SMIL . Is Flash the Web's Future? What's Next: CSS Level 3.
Appendix A: The Browsers.Netscape Navigator. Internet Explorer. Other Browsers.
Appendix B: CSS Quick Reference.JavaScript Reserved Words. Object Flow. DHTML Objects.
Appendix D: Browser Safe Fonts.Apple Macintosh. Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Appendix E: Bugs and Fixes.CSS. DHTML.
Appendix F: Tools of the Trade.webbedENVIRONMENTS. Building the Web. Web Monkey. VisiBone
There should be a closing ">" in the <CODE></script>
Updates & Corrections for
DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide
page 124, Step 3, the reference to "Table 7.4" should read "Table 7.5".
page 148, Tip 2, switch "left" and "right" so the Tip now reads: "You can
use negative values to move the content up and to the left instead of
and to the right."
page 149, Step 1, replace "left" with "right" and replace "top" with
"bottom" so
the paragraph now reads: "To position an element by using the right
bottom properties, you have to include ..."
page 162, Step 1, insert "parent element's" so the
paragraph now reads: "When an element is clipped, or when the parent
element's width and height are less than the area needed to display
everything, ..."
page 169, Step 1, switch "Netscape" and "Microsoft" so that it reads
"Unfortunately, Netscape (Figure 10.1) and Microsoft (Figure10.2)..."
Page 202: Code 11:12 - line 3
" <script src="findDOMNested.js"></script </CODE> "
page 205: Code 12:1 the variable (var)
is written "varIsOtherBrower
" should read "isOtherBrowser
."{isOtherBrow = 1;}
should read {isOtherBrowser = 1;}
page 205: Code 12:1 - Remove the last } in the code.
Page 521, sidebar, ¶2, Change "crashed off the shores of Sicily" to
"crashed into a small rocky island in the British Channel"
Page 412: Code 24.9
Line 23: # is missing before menu3 {display: none; }