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This is the most authoritative and complete guide to planning, implementing, measuring, and optimizing world-class supply chain warehousing processes. Straight from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), it explains each warehousing option, basic warehousing storage and handling operations, strategic planning, and the effects of warehousing design and service decisions on total logistics costs and customer service. This reference introduces crucial concepts including product handling, labor management, warehouse support, and extended value chain processes, facility ownership, planning, and strategy decisions; materials handling; warehouse management systems; Auto-ID, AGVs, and much more. Step by step, The Definitive Guide to Warehousing helps you optimize all facets of warehousing, one of the most pivotal areas of supply chain management. Coverage includes:
Chapter 1: Warehousing’s Role in the Supply Chain 1
Chapter 2: Distribution Center Concept 15
Chapter 3: General Warehousing and Distribution Center Strategies 21
Chapter 4: Design and Layout 45
Chapter 5: Personnel 57
Chapter 6: Warehouse Negotiations, Agreements, and Contracts 79
Chapter 7: Warehouse Management 87
Chapter 8: Warehouse Performance 99
Chapter 9: The Role of Industrial Product Packaging 111
Chapter 10: Warehousing and Transportation Interface 121
Chapter 11: The Importance of Managing Inventory 145
Chapter 12: Selecting Warehouse Locations 161
Chapter 13: Safety and Security 173
Chapter 14: Equipment and Information Technology 195
Chapter 15: Unique Functioning and Unique Materials Warehousing 221
Glossary of Key Terms and Definitions 231
Index 257