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Database Systems: The Complete Book

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Database Systems: The Complete Book


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  • NEW - GRADIANCE - the most advanced online assessment tool developed for computer science.  With its innovative underlying technology, Gradiance turns basic homework assignments and programming labs into true learning experiences for students.    
  • Many real-world examples.
    • Offers a readable and engaging presentation.

  • Extensive treatment of database modeling—Includes detailed and separate explanations of how to use E/R and ODL to design databases.
    • Teaches about this important first step of the planning process.

  • Excellent, up-to-date and detailed coverage of SQL—Includes coverage of object-relational systems and many aspects of the new SQL:1999 standard.
    • Provides a more extensive treatment of query processing than other books on the market.

  • Discussion of the technologies used to connect database programming with C or Java code—Includes discussions of SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, and JDBC.
    • Gives students practical advice on integrating state-of-the-art technologies with databases.

  • Coverage of advanced issues important to database designers and users.
    • Includes discussions of views, integrity constraints, assertions, triggers, transactions, authorization, and recursion in SQL:1999.

  • Discussions of how to successfully plan a database application before building it.
    • Reflects how these plans are developed in the real world.

  • Coverage of topics such as designing storage structures and implementing a variety of indexing schemes.
    • Shows students how to build efficient database management systems.

  • Extensive coverage of query processing and optimization.
    • Shows students how to fine tune database systems to improve performance.

  • Comprehensive coverage of transaction processing mechanisms for concurrency control and recovery, including distributed and long-duration transactions.
    • Shows how to design complex database systems that can handle real-world business applications.

  • Coverage of information integration, including data warehousing, mediation, OLAP, data-cube systems, and data mining.
    • Exposes readers to cutting edge technology used in business applications.

  • Extensive exercises—In almost every section.
    • Provides students with the opportunity to practice and apply the concepts they've learned in each chapter.


  • Copyright 2002
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-031995-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-031995-1

Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, and Jennifer Widom, well-known computer scientists at Stanford University, have written an introduction to database systems with a comprehensive approach. The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer. It covers the latest database standards SQL-1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts. The second half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the DBMS implementor. It focuses on management, covering the principal techniques in these areas with broader coverage of query optimization than most other texts. Advanced topics include multidimensional and bitmap indexes, distributed transactions, and information integration techniques. This comprehensive book is valuable either as an academic textbook or as a professional reference book.

  • Offers a readable presentation with engaging, real-world examples. Includes aspects of SQL programming not found in some other texts: SQL/PSM (persistent stored modules), JDBC (Java interface), and SQL/CLI (ODBC, or open database connectivity).
  • Introduces both object-oriented design, through the ODMG standard ODL, and object-relational design from the SQL-99 standard.
  • Provides extensive coverage of query processing and query optimization, supported by an extended relational algebra that is designed to match the real features of SQL. Covers information integration, including warehousing, mediators, OLAP, data cubes, and data-mining techniques.
  • Explains many important, specialized topics, such as error-correction in RAID disks, bitmap indexes, use of data statistics, and pointer swizzling.
  • Supported by additional teaching materials on the book's home page at http://www-db.stanford.edu/~ullman/dscb.html.

Sample Content

Table of Contents

(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with Summary and References sections.)

 1. The Worlds of Database Systems.

The Evolution of Database Systems. Overview of a Database Management System. Outline of Database-System Studies.

 2. The Entity-Relationship Data Model.

Elements of the E/R Model. Design Principles. The Modeling of Constraints. Weak Entity Sets.

 3. The Relational Data Model.

Basics of the Relational Model. From E/R Diagrams to Relational Designs. Converting Subclass Structures to Relations. Functional Dependencies. Rules About Functional Dependencies. Design of Relational Database Schemas. Multivalued Dependencies.

 4. Other Data Models.

Review of Object-Oriented Concepts. Introduction to ODL. Additional ODL Concepts. From ODL Designs to Relational Designs. The Object-Relational Model. Semistructured Data. XML and Its Data Model.

 5. Relational Algebra.

An Example Database Schema. An Algebra of Relational Operations. Relational Operations on Bags. Extended Operators of Relational Algebra. Constraints on Relations.

 6. The Database Language SQL.

Simple Queries in SQL. Queries Involving More Than One Relation. Subqueries. Full-Relation Operations. Database Modifications. Defining a Relation Schema in SQL. View Definitions.

 7. Constraints and Triggers.

Keys and Foreign Keys. Constraints on Attributes and Tuples. Modification of Constraints. Schema-Level Constraints and Triggers.

 8. System Aspects of SQL.

SQL in a Programming Environment. Procedures Stored in the Schema. The SQL Environment. Using a Call-Level Interface. Java Database Connectivity. Transactions in SQL. Security and User Authorization in SQL.

 9. Object-Orientation in Query Languages.

Introduction to OQL. Additional Forms of OQL Expressions. Object Assignment and Creation in OQL. User-Defined Types in SQL. Operations on Object-Relational Data.

10. Logical Query Languages.

A Logic for Relations. From Relational Algebra to Datalog. Recursive Programming in Datalog. Recursion in SQL.

11. Data Storage.

The “Megatron 2002” Database System. The Memory Hierarchy. Disks. Using Secondary Storage Effectively. Accelerating Access to Secondary Storage. Disk Failures. Recovery from Disk Crashes.

12. Representing Data Elements.

Data Elements and Fields. Records. Representing Block and Record Addresses. Variable-Length Data and Records. Record Modifications.

13. Index Structures.

Indexes on Sequential Files. Secondary Indexes. B-Trees. Hash Tables.

14. Multidimensional Indexes.

Applications Needing Multiple Dimensions. Hash-Like Structures for Multidimensional Data. Tree-Like Structures for Multidimensional Data. Bitmap Indexes.

15. Query Execution.

Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators. One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations. Nested-Loop Joins. Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting. Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing. Index-Based Algorithms. Buffer Management. Algorithms Using More Than Two Passes. Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations.

16. The Query Compiler.

Parsing. Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans. From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans. Estimating the Cost of Operations. Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection. Choosing an Order for Joins. Completing the Physical-Query-Plan.

17. Coping with System Failures.

Issues and Models for Resilient Operation. Undo Logging. Redo Logging. Undo/Redo Logging. Protecting Against Media Failures.

18. Concurrency Control.

Serial and Serializable Schedules. Conflict-Serializability. Enforcing Serializability by Locks. Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes. An Architecture for a Locking Scheduler. Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements. The Tree Protocol. Concurrency Control by Timestamps. Concurrency Control by Validation.

19. More about Transaction Management.

Serializability and Recoverability. View Serializability. Resolving Deadlocks. Distributed Databases. Distributed Commit. Distributed Locking. Long-Duration Transactions.

20. Information Integration.

Modes of Information Integration. Wrappers in Mediator-Based Systems. Capability-Based Optimization in Mediators. On-Line Analytic Processing. Data Cubes. Data Mining.



At Stanford, we are on the quarter system, and as a result, our introductory database instruction is divided into two courses. The first, CS145, is designed for students who will use database systems but not necessarily take a job implementing a DBMS. It is a prerequisite for CS245, which is the introduction to DBMS implementation. Students wishing to go further in the database field then take CS345 (theory), CS346 (DBMS implementation project), and CS347 (transaction processing and distributed databases).

Starting in 1997, we published a pair of books. <I>A First Course in Database Systems</I> was designed for CS145, and <I>Database System Implementation</I> was for CS245 and parts of CS346. Because many schools are on the semester system or combine the two kinds of database instruction into one introductory course, we felt that there was a need to produce the two books as a single volume. At the same time, the evolution of database systems has made a number of new topics imperative for a modern course. Thus, we have added, mostly to the application-programming area, topics such as object-relational data, SQL/PSM (stored programs), SQL/CLI (the emerging standard for the C/SQL interface), and JDBC (the same for Java/SQL).

Use of the Book

We recommend that two quarters be devoted to the material in this book. If you follow the Stanford approach, you would cover the first ten chapters in the first quarter and the last ten in the second quarter. Should you wish to cover the material in a single semester, then there will have to be some omitted portions. In general, we suggest that Chapters 2-7, 11-13, and 17-18 should be given highest priority, but there are pieces from each of these chapters that can be skipped.

If, as we do in CS145, you give students a substantial database-application design and implementation project, then you may have to reorder the material somewhat, so that SQL instruction occurs earlier in the Book. You may wish to defer material such as dependencies, although students need normalization for design.


We have used the book at the "mezzanine" level, in courses taken both by undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The formal prerequisites for the courses are Sophomore-level treatments of: (1) Data structures, algorithms, and discrete math, and (2) Software systems, software engineering, and programming languages. Of this material, it is important that students have at least a rudimentary understanding of such topics as: algebraic expressions and laws, logic, basic data structures such as search trees and graphs, object-oriented programming concepts, and programming environments. However, we believe that adequate background is surely acquired by the end of the Junior year in a. typical computer science program.


The book contains extensive exercises, with some for almost every section. We indicate harder exercises or parts of exercises with an exclamation point. The hardest exercises have a double exclamation point.

Some of the exercises or parts are marked with a star. For these exercises, we shall endeavor to maintain solutions accessible through the book's web page. These solutions are publicly available and should be used for self-testing. Note that in a few cases, one exercise B asks for modification or adaptation of your solution to another exercise A. If certain parts of A have solutions, then you should expect the corresponding parts of B to have solutions as well.

Support on the World Wide Web

The book's home page is

Here are solutions to starred exercises, errata as we learn of them, and backup materials. We are making available the notes for each offering of CS145 and CS245 as we teach them, including homeworks, projects and exams.


Submit Errata

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