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Provides the latest coverage in state of the art Database applications. Ex.___
Three well-known computer scientists at Stanford University-Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, and Jennifer Widom-have written one of the most comprehensive books on database system implementation. Hector Garcia- Molina pioneered this book at Stanford as a second database systems course for computer science majors and industry-based professionals. It focuses on the implementation of database systems, including storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. Database System Implementation is valuable as an academic textbook or a professional reference.
Noteworthy FeaturesThis text covers a broad spectrum of knowledge and technology. This carefully class-tested, highly readable presentation provides students or professionals with the next level of study. Written from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer, this book provides practical advice from well-know experts on how to implement state-of-the-art database systems.
1. Introduction to DBMS Implementation.
2. Data Storage.
3. Representing Data Elements.
4. Index Structures.
5. Multidimensional Indexes.
6. Query Execution.
7. The Query Compiler.
8. Coping with System Failures.
9. Concurrency Control.
10. More About Transaction Management.
11. Information Integration.
This book was designed for CS245, the second course in the database sequence at Stanford. Here, the first database course, CS145, covers database design and programming, for which the book A First Course in Database Systems by Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom, Prentice-Hall, 1997, was written. The CS245 course then covers implementation of a DBMS, notably storage structures, query processing, and transaction management.
We're on a quarter system at Stanford, so the principal course using this book - CS245 - is only ten weeks long. In the Winter of 1999, Hector Garcia-Molina used a "beta" version of this book, and covered the following parts: Sections 2.1-2.4, all of Chapters 3 and 4, Sections 5.1 and 5.2, Sections 6.1--6.7, Sections 7.1-7.4, all of Chapter 8, Chapter 9 except for Section 9.8, Sections 10.1-10.3, Section 11.1, and Section 11.5.
The balance of Chapters 6 and 7 (query optimization) is covered in an advanced course, CS346, where students implement their own DBMS. Other portions of the book that are not covered in CS245 may appear in another advanced course, CS347, which talks about distributed databases and advanced transaction processing.
Schools that are on the semester system have the opportunity to combine the use of this book with its predecessor: A First Course in Database Systems. We recommend using that book in the first semester, coupled with a database-application programming project. The second semester could cover most or all of the content of this book. An advantage to splitting the study of databases into two courses is that students not planning to specialize in DBMS construction can take only the first course and be able to use databases in whatever branch of Computer Science they enter.
The course on which the book is based is rarely taken before the senior year, so we expect the reader to have a fairly broad background in the traditional areas of Computer Science. We assume that the reader has learned something about database programming, especially SQL. It is helpful to know about relational algebra and to have some familiarity with basic data structures. Likewise, some knowledge of file systems and operating systems is useful.
The book contains extensive exercises, with some for almost every section. We indicate harder exercises or parts of exercises with an exclamation point. The hardest exercises have a double exclamation point.
Some of the exercises or parts are marked with a star. For these exercises, we shall endeavor to maintain solutions accessible through the book's Web page. These solutions are publicly available and should be used for self-testing. Note that in a few cases, one exercise B asks for modification or adaptation of your solution to another exercise A. If certain parts of A have Web-published solutions, then you should expect the corresponding parts of B to have solutions as well.
The book's home page is
Here you will find solutions to starred exercises, errata as we learn of them, and backup materials. We hope to make available the notes for each offering of CS245 and relevant portions of other database courses, as we teach them, including homeworks, exams, and solutions.
Thanks go to Brad Adelberg, Karen Butler, Ed Chang, Surajit Chaudhuri, Rada Chirkova, Tom Dienstbier, Xavier Faz, Tracy Fujieda, Luis Gravano, Ben Holzman, Fabien Modoux, Peter Mork, Ken Ross, Mema Roussopolous, and Jonathan Ullman for assistance gathering material and/or discovering errors in earlier drafts of this work. Remaining errors are ours, of course.
H. G.-M.
J. D. U.
J. W.
Stanford, CA