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Appeals to Web design and development students who often respond far more effectively to visual approaches to learning. Ex.___
Gives students instant access to more detailed information about virtually any topic covered in the video lectures. Ex.___
Gives students a printed resource they can use for reference and note-taking. Ex.___
Teaches students techniques they will use constantly in real-world Web development projects. Ex.___
Gives students the skills they need to build more reliable scripts, and to overcome script bugs more quickly and effectively. Ex.___
Helps students understand the process of developing ActionScript solutions for today's most widespread business and creative applications. Ex.___
Helps students develop Flash skills that will be far more useful in today's enterprise environments. Ex.___
Dan Livingston¿s Advanced Macromedia Flash Training Course: ActionScript in Action
ISBN: 0-13-067028-6
Master ActionScript now -- hands-on!
Already know the basics of working with Flash? Ready for the next step? Discover how to use ActionScript to build Flash movies and sites with unprecedented interactivity and power! Master ActionScript programming and other advanced Flash techniques by watching 30 digital desktop videos that provide over five hours of step-by-step instruction. No more boring textbooks: leading Flash developer Dan Livingston will show you what you need to know. You¿ll watch line-by-line analyses of ActionScript code examples -- and movies that show exactly what the code does. ActionScript has never been this visual -- or this easy!
For Windows
300 MHz processor or higher
Windows 95/98/NT/4.0x/XP
For Macintosh
PowerPC 300 MHz processor higher
System 8.0 or above
Hardware Requirements
32 MB disk space/64 MB RAM
12x CD-ROM drive and sound card support
QuickTime 5.0 (included)
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 (included)
1. Introduction to ActionScript.
2. Your First ActionScripts.
3. Adding Power to ActionScripts.
4. Serious Interactivity.
5. Flash and XML.
6. Troubleshooting ActionScript.
7. Complex Scripting.
Appendix A: Flash and Usability.
Appendix B: ActionScript Reference.