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Creating Breakthrough Products identifies key factors associated with successful innovation, and presents an insightful and comprehensive approach to building products and services that redefine markets -- or create new ones. Learn to identify Product Opportunity Gaps that can lead to enormous success; control and navigate the "Fuzzy Front End" of the product development process; and leverage contributions from diverse product teams -- while staying relentlessly focused on your customer's values and lifestyles.
1. What Drives New Product Development.
Redefining the Bottom Line. Identifying Product Opportunities: The SET Factors. POG and SET Factor Case Studies.
2. Moving to the Upper Right.
Integrating Style and Technology. Style vs. Technology: A Brief History of the Evolution of Style and Technology in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Middle Class and the Height of Mass Marketing. Positioning Map: Style vs. Technology. Positioning Map of Starbucks. Knockoffs and Rip-offs. Revolutionary vs. Evolutionary Product Development.
3. The Upper Right: The Value Quadrant.
The Sheer Cliff of Value-The Third Dimension. Value Opportunities Value Opportunity Charts and Analysis. The Time and Place for Value Opportunities. The Upper Right for Industrial Products.
4. The Core of a Successful Brand Strategy: Breakthrough Products and Services.
Brand Strategy and Product Strategy. Corporate Commitment to Product and Brand. Corporate Values and Customer Values. Managing Product Brand. Starting from Scratch: Iomega. Maintaining an Established Identity: Harley. Brand and the Value Opportunities.
5. A Comprehensive Approach to User-Centered, Integrated New Product Development.
Clarifying the Fuzzy Front End of New Product Development. User-Centered iNPD Process. Resource Allocation.
6. Integrating Disciplines and Managing Diverse Teams.
User-Centered iNPD Facilitates Customer Value. Understanding Perceptual Gaps. Team Functionality. Part Differentiation Matrix. Issues in Team Management: Team Empowerment. iNPD Team Integration Effectiveness.
7. Understanding the User's Needs, Wants, and Desires.
Overview: Usability and Desirability. An Integrated Approach to a User-Driven Process. Scenario Development (Part I). New Product Ethnography. Lifestyle Reference. Ergonomics: Interaction, Task Analysis, and Anthropometrics. Scenario Development (Part II). Broadening the Focus. Product Definition. Visualizing Ideas and Concepts Early and Often. Research Acknowledgements.
8. Case Studies: The Power of the Upper Right.
Overview of Case Studies.
9. Automotive Design: Product Differentiation through User-Centered iNPD.
The Dynamic SET Factors of the Auto Industry. The Design Process and Complexities. Breaking Down the Process. Positioning: Product Differentiation. The Retro Craze. A Case Study of iNPD at Carnegie Mellon University. Implications of User-Centered iNPD on the Auto Industry.
Research Acknowledgments.
Future Trends.
Have Faith in the Leap.