- Copyright 2018
- Edition: 2nd
Online Video
- ISBN-10: 0-13-516007-3
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-516007-7
11+ Hours of Video Instruction
Core Java has long been recognized as the leading, no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications.
In Core Java 11 Fundamentals Complete Video Course, Second Edition, Cay S. Horstmann takes that same approach to introducing experienced programmers to Java, with detailed demonstrations and updated coverage of Java SE 11 features like Single File Launcher (if your program is contained in a single file, you don't need to compile it first). This training pairs with the forthcoming eleventh edition of Core Java, Volume I—Fundamentals, which has been fully updated to cover Java SE 11.
The source code and presentation slides for this course can be found at:
The first two lessons of Core Java 11 Fundamentals Complete Video Course, Second Edition, quickly review the history of Java and show you, step by step, how to install the software development environment. In Lesson 3, you will learn how to do in Java what you already know in another programming language: write branches and loops, and work with numbers, strings, and arrays.
Lesson 4 covers object-oriented programming. Java is thoroughly object-oriented, and the lesson shows you how to use built-in classes and how to build your own. Lessons 5 and 6 cover inheritance and interfaces as well as the lambda expressions, a powerful new feature of Java SE 8.
Lesson 7 shows you what to do when your programs do the wrong thing. The lesson covers exception handling, logging, and debugging. In lesson 8, you will learn how to write generic code that works for many different data types. Lesson 9 puts those skills to work, when we examine the multitude of Java collections that allow you to organize your data in many ways.
The final three lessons introduce the fundamentals of user interface programming in Java.
Related Content
Core Java, Volume I--Fundamentals, Eleventh Edition
About the Instructor
Cay S. Horstmann is a professor of computer science at San Jose State University and a Java Champion. He is also the author of Core Java®, Volumes I and II, Tenth Edition (Prentice Hall, 2016), Core Java SE 9 for the Impatient, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2018), and Scala for the Impatient, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2017). He has written more than a dozen other books for professional programmers and computer science students.
What You Will Learn
When you have completed this course, you will know enough Java to put it to work anywhere where Java is used: in backend servers, desktops, mobile devices, and embedded systems.
Who Should Take This Course
Programmers who are comfortable in another language and want to learn Java.
Course Requirements
Any procedural or object-oriented programming language such as C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Matlab, Python, Perl, PHP, Objective-C, R, Swift, or Visual Basic.
About Pearson Video Training
Pearson publishes expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. These professional and personal technology videos feature world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que Topics include: IT Certification, Network Security, Cisco Technology, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, and more. Learn more about Pearson Video training at
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: An Introduction to Java
Learning objectives
1.1 Understand the design decisions that shaped Java
1.2 Become familiar with the history of Java
Lesson 2: The Java Programming Environment
Learning objectives
2.1 Set up your Java development environment
2.2 Use the command-line tools
2.3 Use an integrated development environment
2.4 Run graphical applications and applets
Lesson 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java
Learning objectives
3.1 Write a simple Java program
3.2 Work with numeric data types
3.3 Work with Strings and the API documentation
3.4 Write programs that read input and produce output
3.5 Use the control flow constructs of the Java language
3.6 Work with big numbers when arbitrary precision is required
3.7 Use arrays to store multiple elements of the same type
Lesson 4: Objects and Classes
Learning objectives
4.1 Understand the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming
4.2 Work with predefined classes
4.3 Define your own classes
4.4 Understand advanced concepts of classes in Java
4.5 Understand parameter passing in Java
4.6 Learn more about object construction
4.7 Work with packages and imports
4.8 Use the javadoc utility to produce class documentation
4.9 Design classes effectively
Lesson 5: Inheritance
Learning objectives
5.1 Understand and define subclasses
5.2 Override methods and provide constructors in subclasses
5.3 Understand advanced inheritance concepts in Java
5.4 Work with the Object class and its methods
5.5 Understand how inheritance shapes Java language features
5.6 Use reflection to work with arbitrary objects
5.7 Use inheritance effectively
Lesson 6: Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, and Inner Classes
Learning objectives
6.1 Understand the concept of interfaces
6.2 Understand the properties of Java interfaces
6.3 Work with default methods
6.4 Become familiar with use cases for interfaces
6.5 Understand how lambda expressions work
6.6 Understand the inner workings of inner classes
Lesson 7: Exceptions, Assertions, and Logging
Learning objectives
7.1 Use exceptions to report errors in a program
7.2 Catch exceptions to remedy error conditions
7.3 Know how to use exceptions effectively
7.4 Use assertions to enforce algorithm constraints
7.5 Use logging to record what your program does
Lesson 8: Generic Programming
Learning objectives
8.1 Understand the advantages of generic programming
8.2 Define a simple generic class
8.3 Define generic methods
8.4 Know how to place restrictions on type variables
8.5 Understand how generic code is translated to run on the Java virtual machine
8.6 Be aware of restrictions and limitations of Java generics
8.7 Understand the interaction between generic types and inheritance
8.8 Work with reflection and generic types
Lesson 9: Collections
Learning objectives
9.1 Understand the benefit of separate collection classes and interfaces
9.2 Become familiar with the types in the collections framework
9.3 Work with linked lists and array lists
9.4 Work with hash sets and sorted sets
9.5 Work with queues, deques, and priority queues
9.6 Use maps to organize key/value pairs
9.7 Understand collection wrappers and views
9.8 Use common algorithms with collections
9.9 Be able to use collections from old versions of Java
Lesson 10: JavaFX
Learning objectives
10.1 A brief history of Java GUI programming
10.2 Displaying information in a scene
10.3 Event handling
10.4 Layout
10.5 User interface controls
10.6 Dialogs
10.7 Fancy controls
10.8 Properties and bindings
10.9 Asynchronous processing
Lesson 11: Swing Principles
Learning objectives
11.1 Understand the design decisions behind the Swing Toolkit
11.2 Be able to display frame windows
11.3 Display graphical shapes
11.4 Display colors, fonts, and images
11.5 Understand how a program can react to user interface events
11.6 Provide user interface actions that can be activated in multiple ways
11.7 Handle mouse events
11.8 Understand the AWT event hierarchy
Lesson 12: User Interface Components with Swing
Learning objectives
12.1 Understand how Swing uses the model-view-controller design pattern
12.2 Be able to arrange user interface components in a window
12.3 Process text input
12.4 Present choices in a user interface
12.5 Implement menus and toolbars
12.6 Solve complex layout management tasks
12.7 Use and implement dialog boxes