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800+ up-to-the-minute CompTIA Security+ practice questions: outstanding preparation for mastering every Security+ exam objective
Even in challenging times, the field of information security continues to expand. To gain a foothold in this growing field, more than 60,000 people have earned CompTIA's Security+ certification - and thousands more take the Security+ exam every month. CompTIA Security+ Practice Questions Exam Cram offers all the realistic exam practice you'll need to systematically prepare, identify and fix areas of weakness - and pass your exam the first time. This book and CD package complements any Security+ study plan with more than 800 practice test questions - all supported with complete explanations of every correct and incorrect answer. The questions cover every Security+ exam objective, including systems security, network infrastructure, access control, security assessment and auditing, cryptography, and organizational security. The book contains relevant Exam Notes designed to help you earn higher scores - plus the popular Cram Sheet tearcard for last-minute cramming. All 800 questions and explanations are also provided on the accompanying CD-ROM, where they are delivered by a powerful, flexible test engine that offers instant feedback and helps you pinpoint the areas you need to focus on.
CompTIA Security+ SY0-201 Practice Questions: Assessment and Audits
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 4)
1. Systems Security
2. Network Infrastructure
3. Access Control
4. Assessment and Audits
5. Cryptography
6. Organizational Security