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Students benefit from pedagogy that has been refined to reflect the best current practices and the most effective approaches to explaining C++.
Students gain firmer mastery over key C++ programming techniques, and do so more quickly.
Students understand C++ program design in a context that will be valuable in their real-world projects.
Gives students all the skills they need to build Web applications with C++.
Gives students fast, direct access to deeper answers and insights on any issue or question they may have about C++ development.
Helps reinforce student learning through video, audio, text, and hands-on code examples—an approach proven to accelerate mastery.
Makes it exceptionally easy for students to understand and learn from working code examples.
Prepares students for whatever C++ development challenges they are likely to encounter, while providing a firm foundation in the key C++ concepts and techniques they will constantly rely upon.
Provides constant feedback and reinforcement to ensure that students understand the material they are learning.
Helps students become effective C++ developers far more quickly.
Gives students confidence that they are receiving information that is thorough, accurate, clear, and pedagogically proven.
Raves for Deitel
Live Code™ books and training courses! "The Complete C++ Training Course is a godsend. I'm a bit of a dinosaur; a 47- year-old electrical engineer who's had a hard time breaking the code on C++ (pun intended). This course promises to be the best I've ever seen."—Jake
"I have spent over $400 on books about C++ before I bought The Complete C++ Training Course by Deitel & Deitel and after 2 chapters I feel I have learned more about the language than I got from all of my previous reading."—Tom Breslin
"I bought your C++—How to Program and the CD virtual classroom. I also bought a couple of other C++ books. Your book turned out to be the primary source for plain English explanations and good examples."—Craig Sanders
Start-to-finish, 1,400-page guide to development with C++!MASTER C++ DEVELOPMENT—HANDS-ON! Created by leading corporate trainers Deitel & Associates, Inc., this hands-on, interactive training course combines the world's #1 C++ training CD-ROM, The C++ Multimedia Cyber Classroom, Fourth Edition, and the leading C++ textbook, C++ How to Program, Fourth Edition. Start with basic syntax, then master functions, arrays, pointers, classes, data abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, I/O, templates, file processing, data structures, preprocessing and more. This new edition contains enhanced coverage of strings, arrays, exception handling, and operator overloading, plus a hands-on OOD case study updated for the latest UML standard and an exciting new chapter on Web programming with CGI and XHTML. With its unique combination of live code, audio commentary, and in-depth printed and online explanations, you'll master C++ faster than you ever thought possible!
Covers all this: Syntax, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, strings, object- oriented techniques, data abstraction, I/O, templates, exception handling, file processing, data structures, STL, Web programming with CGI and XHTML and more! Includes UML/OOD case study: fully updated for the latest standard. Contains hundreds of tips and tricks for building more robust, reliable, high-performance code.
1. Introduction to Computers and C++ Programming.
2. Control Structures.
3. Functions.
4. Arrays.
5. Pointers and Strings.
6. Classes and Data Abstraction.
7. Classes: Part II.
8. Operator Overloading.
9. Inheritance.
10. Virtual Functions and Polymorphism.
11. C++ Stream Input/Output.
12. Templates.
13. Exception Handling.
14. File Processing.
15. Data Structures.
16. Bits, Characters, Strings and Structures.
17. The Preprocessor.
18. C Legacy Code Topics.
19. Class String and String Stream Processing.
20. Standard Template Library (STL).
21. Standard C++ Language Additions.
Appendix A. Operator Precedence Chart.
Appendix B. ASCII Character Set.
Appendix C. Number Systems.
Appendit D. C++ Internet and Web Resources.