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COBOL: From Micro to Mainframe: Fujitsu Version, 3rd Edition

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COBOL: From Micro to Mainframe: Fujitsu Version, 3rd Edition


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  • NEW - This is now the Fujitsu version of the original book!
  • Revised chapters with supporting COBOL programs—Object-Oriented COBOL; Year 2000 Problem.
  • New appendices:
    • —Introduces the use of Fujitsu Compiler and Project Manager.
    • —Connects COBOL and Visual Basic.
  • A CD-ROM containing the Fujitsu COBOL Version 4.0 compiler
    • Packaged FREE with every book.
    • —Fujitsu Version 4.0 incorporates the proposed features of the COBOL 2000 standard.
    • Gives students access to this tool at no additional charge.

  • 7 revised and 30 illustrative COBOL programs.
    • Presented in a uniform and detailed format, including program narrative, record layouts, report layouts, test data, and processing specifications. Reflects Year 2000 considerations.

  • COBOL programs in the text as well as data files for the nearly one hundred student projects are available via FTP.
    • Allows students to reproduce or modify any of the programs without the tedium of data entry.

  • An abundance of short answer questions, COBOL problems, and programming projects—Nearly 100 in all—for every chapter.
  • A thorough discussion of structured methodology, hierarchy charts, pseudocode, and top-down testing.
  • Programming tips—That go beyond the syntactical rules of COBOL and suggest stylistic considerations to make programs easier to read and maintain.
  • Detailed system concept discussions at the beginning of most chapters—e.g., on control breaks, data validation, techniques for table lookups and initialization, sorting, the balance line algorithm for file maintenance, and the organization of indexed files.


  • Copyright 2000
  • Dimensions: 8-1/2 X 11
  • Pages: 950
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-085849-8
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-085849-8

The third edition of COBOL: from Micro to Mainframe/Fujitsu Version provides a text that covers all basic COBOL elements. It comes with version 4.0 of the Fujitsu compiler, editor, and project manager. The examples and supporting text have been thoroughly updated to emphasize the use of the Fujitsu compiler, which embodies the proposed features of the COBOL 2000 standard. The software also incorporates a project manager that allows more than one program to be built and linked together at a time.

The text includes additional chapters on the Year 2000 problem, structured programming and design, debugging, subprograms, table processing, sorting, screen I/O, sequential file maintenance, indexed files, and object-oriented COBOL. Programming tips are provided throughout that go beyond the syntactical rules of COBOL in order to make programs easier to maintain and more efficient to run. The Fujitsu version teaches programming as it is practiced in the real world with sample projects that reflect Year 2000 considerations.

  • NEW-Includes the new Fujitsu 4.0 software that includes the COBOL compiler, editor, and project manager
  • NEW-Describes fully the use of the Fujitsu software in a new appendix
  • NEW-Updates all listings in the text, especially those on screen processing, to reflect features in the new Fujitsu software
  • NEW-Shows how Visual Basic can be used to create Windows interfaces for COBOL programs
  • REVISED-Details students projects to reflect Year 2000 considerations

The sample data files of the programs listed in the book are available from www.prenhall.com/grauer_cobol

Sample Content

Table of Contents

(NOTE: Most chapters begin with an Overview and end with a Summary and Series of Sample Questions).

1. Introduction.

2. From Coding Form to Computer.

From Coding Form to Computer. The COBOL Coding Form. Use of an Editor. The Compile, Link, and Execute Sequence. Learning by Doing. Errors in Entering the Program. Errors in Operating System Commands. Errors in Compilation. Errors in Execution. Errors in Data Input. Evolution of COBOL. There's Always a Reason.

3. A Methodology for Program Development.

The Tuition Billing Problem. Structured Design. Evaluating the Hierarchy Chart. Completeness. Functionality. Span of Control. Structured Programming.. Sufficiency of the Basic Structures. Expressing Logic. The Traditional Flowchart. Pseudocode. Warnier-Orr Diagrams. Top-Down Testing.

4. The Identification, Environment, and Data Divisions.

COBOL Notation. Identification Division. Environment Division. Configuration Section. Input-Output Section. Data Division. File Section. Working-Storage Section. The Tuition Billing Program. Programming Specifications. COBOL Entries. Limitations of COBOL-74.

5. The Procedure Division.

Open. Close. Read. Placement of the READ Statement. Write. Stop Run. Move. Restrictions on the Move Statement. Alphanumeric Field to Alphanumeric Field. Numeric Field to Numeric Field. Group Moves. Perform. If. The Else Clause. Indentation. Evaluate. Arithmetic Statements. The Rounded Clause. The Size Error Clause. Compute. Add. Subtract. Multiply. Divide. Programming Tip: Use the Compute Statement. Assumed Decimal Point. The Tuition Billing Program. Test Data. Hierarchy Chart. COBOL Program Skeleton. Limitations of COBOL-74.

6. Debugging.

Errors in Compilation. Common Compilation Errors. Errors in Execution. Run Time Error. Logic Errors. Tips for Debugging. Display Statement. The Structured Walkthrough.

7. Editing and Coding Standards.

Editing. The Decimal Point. Zero Suppression. Dollar Signs. Comma. Asterisks for Check Protection. Insertion Characters. Synopsis. Signed Numbers. CR and DB. Plus and Minus Signs. Blank When Zero Clause. The Tuition Billing Program Revisited. Coding Standards. Data Division. Programming Tip: Avoid Literals. Procedure Division. Programming Tip: Use Scope Terminators. Both Divisions. A Well-Written Program.

8. Data Validation.

System Concepts: Data Validation. The IF Statement. Relational Condition. Class Test. Sign Test. Condition-Name Test. Compound Test. Hierarchy of Operations. Implied Conditions. Nested Ifs. Next Sentence. Accept Statement. Calculations Involving Dates. The Stand-Alone Edit Program. Programming Specifications. Error Messages. Pseudocode. Hierarchy Chart. The Completed Program. Limitations of COBOL-74.

9. More About the Procedure Division.

Perform. Test Before/Test After. In-line Perform. Performing Sections. Perform Thru. Programming Tip: Perform Paragraphs, Not Sections. READ. False-Condition Branch. Read Into. Write From. Initialize. String Processing. Inspect. String. Unstring. Reference Modification. Accept. Duplicate Data Names. Qualification. Move Corresponding. The Car Billing Program. Programming Specifications. Program Design. The Completed Program. Limitations of COBOL-74.

10. Screen I-O.

Accept. Programming Tip: Micro Focus Level 78-The Use of COBOL Constants. DISPLAY. The Tuition Billing Program Revisited. Programming Specifications. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Programming Tip: The Hidden Power of the Alt key. Car Validation and Billing Program. Programming Specifications. The Screen Section. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Limitations of COBOL-74.

11. Introduction to Tables.

Introduction to Tables. Occurs Clause. Processing a Table. Perform Varying. A Second Example. Problems with the Occurs Clause. Rules for Subscripts. Relative Subscripting. Usage Clause. Occurs Depending On. The Student Transcript Program. Programming Specifications. Program Design. The Completed Program. Indexes Versus Subscripts. The Set Statement. Limitations of COBOL-74.

12. Table Lookups.

System Concepts. Types of Codes. Characteristics of Codes. Sequential Table Lookup. Binary Table Lookup. Positional Organization and Direct Lookups. Initializing a Table. Hard Coding. Input-Loaded Tables. Table Lookups. Perform Varying Statement. Search Statement. Programming Tip-Restrict Subscripts and Switches to a Single Use. Search All Statement. Direct Lookup. Range-Step Tables. A Complete Example. Programming Specifications. Program Design. The Completed Program. Limitations of COBOL-74.

13. Multilevel Tables.

System Concepts. COBOL Implementation. One-Level Tables. Perform Varying. Two-Level Tables. Errors in Compilation. Perform Varying. A Sample Program. Programming Specifications. Program Design. The Completed Program. Three-Level Tables. Perform Varying. A Sample Program. Programming Specifications. The Completed Program. Table Lookups. A Calorie Counter's Delight. Programming Specifications. Range-Step Tables. The Completed Program. Limitations of COBOL-74.

14. Sorting.

System Concepts. Collating Sequence. Embedded Sign. COBOL Implementation. Sort Statement. SD (Sort Description). Release and Return. Programming Specifications. Using/Giving Option. Input Procedure/Output Procedure Option. Comparing Options. Merge Statement. Limitations of COBOL-74.

15. Control Breaks.

System Concepts. Running versus Rolling Totals. One-Level Control Breaks. Programming Specifications. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Two-Level Control Breaks. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Three-Level Control Breaks. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Programming Tip: How to Write a Control Break Program. Limitations of COBOL-74.

16. Subprograms.

Subprograms. Called and Calling Programs. Copy Statement. Calling By Content and By Reference. Programming Tip: Use Copy to Pass Parameters. Initial Clause. A System for Physical Fitness. Programming Specifications. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Programs. Main Program (FITNESS). Input Program (INPUTSUB). Weight-Range Program (WGTSUB). Training Program (TRAINSUB). Display Program (DSPLYSUB). Time Program (TIMESUB). The Linkage Editor. Problems with the Linkage Editor. Limitations of COBOL-74.

17. Sequential File Maintenance.

System Concepts. Sequential Versus Nonsequential Processing. Periodic Maintenance. Data Validation. Programming Specifications. Designing the Program. The Completed Program. Sequential File Maintenance. Programming Specifications. The Balance Line Algorithm. Designing the Hierarchy Chart. Top-Down Testing. The Stubs Program. The Completed Program.

18. Indexed Files.

System Concepts. COBOL Implementation. Creating an Indexed File. Programming Specifications. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Additional COBOL Elements. Open. Read. Write. Rewrite. Delete. Maintaining an Indexed File. Programming Specifications. Hierarchy Chart. Pseudocode. The Completed Program. Alternate Record Key. Programming Specifications. Concatenated Key. The Start Statement. Limitations of COBOL-74.

19. The Year 2000 Problem.

The Year 2000 Problem. Date Arithmetic. COBOL Intrinsic Calendar Functions. Leap-Year Problem. Retirement Program Revisited.

20. Object-Oriented COBOL Programming.

The Next Generation of COBOL. The Development of Structured Programming. Terminology. The Object-Oriented Versus Structured Paradigm. Student-Look-UP Program. The Registrar Class. Programming Specifications. Classes and Inheritance. ProcessRequests Method. Programming Tip: Memory Leakage. The StudentDM Class. Programming Specifications. The StudentDM Instance Definition. The Student Class. Programming Specifications. The Person Class. Programming Specifications. The Student PRT Class. Conclusion.

Appendix A: Getting Started.

Appendix B: Connecting COBOL97 with Visual Basic.

Appendix C: Reserved Words.

Appendix D: COBOL-85 Reference Summary.

Appendix E: COBOL in the new Millennium.

Appendix F: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises.

Appendix G: Projects.




The Fujitsu Version of COBOL: From Micro to Mainframe, Third Edition parallels our earlier work, but has been updated to support Fujitsu COBOL Version 4.0. All listings in the text have been modified for the new compiler, especially those listings pertaining to screen 1/O. We have added an extensive appendix with supporting documentation and hands-on exercises that describe how to use the new software to full advantage. The set of student programming projects has also been thoroughly revised. As in the previous edition, the Fujitsu software is provided with the text at no additional cost. (The text may also be ordered with one of two compilers from Micro Focus, Net Express COBOL or Personal COBOL, but at an additional cost.)

The Fujitsu version is supported by our Web site at www.prenhall.com/grauer. Students can download the practice files and PowerPoint lectures as before, but now have access to an online studyguide that provides an interactive review on a chapterby-chapter basis. Each chapter contains a variety of short answer questions that can be taken for self-evaluation or e-mailed to instructors.

The Fujitsu Version of COBOL: From Micro to Mainframe includes all subjects normally covered in the one-year COBOL sequence. The scope is extensive, ranging from an introduction to COBOL, to maintaining sequential files and non-sequential files, to object-oriented COBOL, to linking COBOL programs and Visual Basic.

Benefits and Features

Both the new Fujitsu version, and the earlier Micro Focus version, on which it is based, respond to the requests of students and instructors to provide access to Windows-based tools, while maintaining the proven approach to teaching COBOL. Its many features include:

  • Appendix A provides extensive coverage of the Fujitsu compiler through a series of hands-on exercises. Students are shown how to create and edit COBOL programs, how to compile, link, and edit a program, and how to use the debugging facility.
  • A new chapter (Chapter 19) on the Y2K problem discusses the sources of the problem, and techniques to correct it. The chapter also provides a list of Web sites to obtain further information.
  • Another new chapter (Chapter 20) demonstrates the concepts of objectoriented COBOL. This new approach to COBOL promises to be a way for companies to maintain the value of their legacy COBOL programs, while still being able to use the benefits of object-oriented programming.
  • Appendix B shows how Visual Basic can be used to create Windows-based user interfaces for COBOL programs.
  • Coverage of COBOL 2002 and intrinsic functions has been added in Appendix E. The 1989 extensions to COBOL 85 allow the use of predefined functions that had been missing in COBOL. This appendix also discusses the changes anticipated in COBOL 2002.
  • Appendix G, on student programming projects has been thoroughly revised. Many of the projects are continued from one chapter to the next, enabling students to experience system development and programming maintenance.
  • Immediate entry into COBOL programming, beginning in Chapter I. Programming is learned by doing, and the book has students writing a complete program from the very beginning.
  • Over 30 illustrative COBOL programs reinforce the discussion in the text and serve as both pedagogical aids and subsequent reference material. Every program is presented in a uniform and detailed format, including program narrative, record layouts, report layouts, test data, and processing specifications.
  • A thorough discussion of structured methodology, hierarchy charts, pseudocode, and topdown testing is presented in Chapter 3 and followed throughout the text. Students learn the proper way to develop programs early on and follow the procedure throughout the text.
  • An enhanced Web site (www.prenha.com/grauer) from where students can download the COBOL listings in the text, data files for student projects, and PowerPoint lectures. The availability of the sample listings enables students to reproduce and/or modify any of the programs without the tedium of data entry and further enhances the learning experience. The Web site also provides access to an online study guide containing review questions for every chapter.
  • An abundance of short-answer (true-false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank) questions, COBOL problems, and programming projects for every chapter, with answers to the oddnumbered questions provided in Appendix F.
  • Programming tips, dispersed throughout the text, which go beyond the syntactical rules of COBOL, and suggest stylistic considerations to make programs easier to read and maintain.
  • Extensive use of graphic aids, featuring a two-color presentation, with annotated figures to further clarify the presentation.
  • System concept presentation at the beginning of most chapters, as COBOL instruction has come to require additional material beyond the language itself. There are detailed discussions of control breaks, data validation, techniques for table lookups and initialization, storing, the balance line algorithm for file maintenance and the organization of indexed files.

Software and Supplements

The Fujitsu Version of COBOL: From Micro to Mainframe, Third Edition is bundled with a free copy of Version 4.0 of the Fujitsu COBOL compiler and includes the associated documentation in the text. The Fujitsu version may also be ordered with one of two Micro Focus compilers. For more information please see our Web site (www.prenhall.com/grauer).

Instructors may also obtain the Instructor's Resource CD (ISBN# 0-13-088457X) from their local Prentice Hall representative. The CD contains the Instructor Manual in Word format, solutions to programming projects, and Prentice Hall Testing software. The latter is based on technology developed by Engineering Software Associates, Inc. (EAS), Prentice Hall Custom Test allows the educator to create and tailor the exam to their own needs.


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