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Building Web Services with SOAP, XML, and UDDI assumes proficiency with Java and with distributed computing tools. Throughout the book, examples will be presented using Java and the Apache SOAP platform, although a set of sidebars will address .NET development, which Microsoft developers will use to deploy Web services. The book uses progressive disclosure to present an increasingly complex project as it moves through its development cycle. The final section of the book presents linking the completed project with other systems built in J2EE and .NET.
The source code for the examples developed in the book - 4,080 kb --
Installation instructions for using the book examples -- install.html
Additional resources -- resources.html
Building Web Services with Java: SOAP
1. Web Services Overview.
What Is a Web Service? The Web Service Opportunity. Trends in e-business. Why Do We Need a Web Services Approach? Service-Oriented Architectures. Web Services Interoperability Stacks. Summary.
Origins of XML. Document- Versus Data-Centric XML. XML Instances. XML Namespaces. Document Type Definitions. XML Schemas. Processing XML. Summary. Resources.
Evolution of XML Protocols. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Doing Business with SkatesTown. Inventory Check Web Service. SOAP Envelope Framework. Taking Advantage of SOAP Extensibility. SOAP Intermediaries. Error Handling in SOAP. SOAP Data Encoding. Architecting Distributed Systems with Web Services. Purchase Order Submission Web Service. SOAP Protocol Bindings. Summary. The Road Ahead. Resources.
Why and What Is Axis? The Axis Architecture. Installing Axis. Configuring Axis. Security. Simple Web Services. Client-Side Programming. Advanced Web Service Deployment. Document-Centric Services. Data Encoding/Decoding. Building Handlers. Specialized Pivot Point Handlers, a.k.a. Providers. Faults. Message Patterns. Building and Deploying an Intermediary. SOAP V1.2. Monitoring. Summary.
Web Services Security. Enterprise Application Integration. Quality of Service. Summary. Resources.
Why Service Descriptions? Role of Service Description in a Service-Oriented _Architecture. Well Defined Service. History of IDLs. Web Services Definition Language (WSDL). WSDL and Java. Future Service Description Efforts. Summary.
The Role of Service Discovery. The Role of Registries. UDDI. Private UDDI Registries. What's New in UDDI Version 2.0? Using WSDL with UDDI. Summary.
Interoperability: The “Holy Grail” of Web Services. The Larger Web Services Landscape. Summary. Resources.
Computing as a Utility. Ontologies and the Semantic Web. Software Agents. Peer-to-Peer Computing. Grid Computing. Embedded Web Services. Pulling It All Together. Resources.