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3.5 Hours of Video Instruction on AWS Lambda and Serverless Applications
More than 3.5 hours of practical video instruction on AWS Lambda—Amazon’s Functions-as-a-Service technology—and how to build Serverless applications. The aim throughout this course is not to give you just cookie cutter examples but instead to give you a thorough understanding of the Lambda platform and programming model, so you’ll have confidence building your own Serverless applications.
Serverless is a new cloud computing approach to architecting and building applications. It enables faster delivery of business value and reduced operational cost and complexity, together with virtually limitless and effortless scaling. The core technology class of a Serverless architecture is Functions-as-a-Service, and the most mature Functions-as-a-Service product is Lambda, from Amazon Web Services. AWS Lambda LiveLessons is designed to give you a thorough understanding of the Lambda platform and programming model, so you’ll have confidence building your own Serverless applications.
Although AWS Lambda natively supports several languages, including Javascript, Python and C#, this video tutorial uses Java and its Java Virtual Machine as the development language and runtime for all examples.
The video starts off by introducing Serverless and answering the question, “What is Lambda?” It explains Serverless fundamentals and compares the different Serverless technology classes of Backend-as-a-Service and Functions-as-a-Service, as well as the benefits and limitations of Serverless.
Next, Roberts and Chapin review the necessary environment prerequisites before showing you how to code and execute your first Lambda function. They then drill down into some details of the Lambda model and show you how to build a Lambda-backed web application using API Gateway.
Finally, the course covers some additional theory to give you a more advanced understanding of AWS Lambda. Roberts and Chapin close by looking more holistically at Serverless architectures and providing a detailed overview of Serverless technology beyond AWS Lambda, including a range of examples of how Serverless architectures are built in the real world.
AWS Lambda LiveLessons consists of seven lessons totaling more than 3.5 hours of instruction. The videos feature easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts, realistic examples, and demonstrations of industrial-grade deployments.
Skill Level
Intermediate to advanced
Who Should Take This Course
This LiveLesson video is for software engineers and architects who want to learn what Serverless is and how to program Lambda functions within a Serverless architecture, as well as what questions to ask as they start their Serverless journey.
About LiveLessons Video Training
LiveLessons Video Training series publishes hundreds of hands-on, expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. This professional and personal technology video series features world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, IBM Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que. Topics include IT Certification, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, Home and Office Technologies, Business and Management, and more.
Lesson 1: What Is Lambda?
1.1 Understand Serverless Fundamentals
1.2 Compare Backend-as-a-Service and Functions-as-a-Service
1.3 Understand the Benefits and Limitations of Serverless
1.4 Survey the AWS Lambda Platform
Lesson 2: Setting Up a Lambda Development Environment
2.1 Set Up a Development User
2.2 Configure the Command-Line Environment for Mac/Unix
2.3 Configure the Command-Line Environment for Windows
Lesson 3: Lambda’s “Hello World”
3.1 Write a Simple Lambda Using Java
3.2 Deploy and Invoke a Lambda via the Console
3.3 Deploy and Invoke a Lambda via the CLI
Lesson 4: The Lambda Lifecycle
4.1 Dive Deep into Lambda and the JVM
4.2 Incorporate Logging into Lambda Functions
4.3 Address Metrics in Lambda Functions
4.4 Understand Lambda Input and Output: Part 1
4.5 Understand Lambda Input and Output: Part 2
Lesson 5: A Practical Example Using Lambda and API Gateway
5.1 Architect a Serverless Application
5.2 Survey API Gateway
5.3 Build an Example Serverless Application: Part 1
5.4 Build an Example Serverless Application: Part 2
5.5 Understand Lambda Scaling
Lesson 6: Advanced Lambda
6.1 Use Environment Variables and Configuration
6.2 Handle Errors
6.3 Integrate with Event Sources
6.4 Understand Timeouts and the Lambda Context
6.5 Examine Some Quirks and Idiosyncrasies
Lesson 7: Next Steps with Lambda and Other Serverless Technology
7.1 Explore Other Serverless Technology
7.2 Review Case Studies