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• Flexibility—Offers optional chapter topics in the final 7 chapters.
— Allows instructors to cover these chapters in varying order and depth.
• 32-bit, Protected mode programming as the default model—Uses the native mode of the IA-32 processor family (Intel 386 and later).
— Makes addressing easier to understand because students no longer must deal with memory segmentation issues. Makes it possible for students to create applications that take full advantage of 32-bit Intel processors, such as protected mode, flat memory addressing. Allows students to create Microsoft® Windows applications.
• Extensive link libraries—For both 32-bit and 16-bit programming.
— Contains more than 40 procedures that simplify input/output, numeric processing, disk and file handling, and string handling.
• Test banks for each chapter—Prepared by the author.
— Aids instructors in preparing exams.
• Top-down program design demonstration and explanation.
— Teaches students effective design techniques that apply to multiple programming courses. Gives students clear-cut methods for organizing nontrivial programs as assembly language is by nature unstructured. Assists students in forming visual images of program design and logic with flowcharts.
• PowerPoint® slide shows—Prepared by the author in the supplemental material.
— Enables instructors to have prepared lectures; allows students to print out and study the slides as lecture notes.
• Review exercises—At the end of every section.
— Aids students in their comprehension skills. Answers are included for instructors to used the questions as test material.
• Programming exercises with solutions.
— Gives students first-hand experience in writing software and allows them to immediately check on their results.
• MASM Download— The Microsoft(r) Macro Assembler 8.0 is available for download via the author's page at
• Instructor-maintained Website—With lists of errata, Frequently Asked Questions, new programs, and articles about special topics.
— Enables students to reinforce their understanding of the material presented in the course. Receives approximately 80,000 hits per month—the most extensive Website by any published assembly-language programming author.
— Assembly Language Workbook on Website provides expanded drill and practice on basic numeric and data manipulation skills, a feature provided by no other author.
IRC - This instructor download site is a password-protected area of the Prentice Hall online catalog that provides instructors quick access to classroom presentation and assessment resources. Accessible via download, the IRC features a pre-built PowerPoint presentation, Example Programs, Solutions to Programming Exercises, and Answers to Section Review Questions. For access to these resources, please contact your PH Sales Rep.
Bridge Page - The bridge page contains a list of all of the titles by this author with links to student and instructor resources. You can access the bridge page by going to
This widely used, fully updated assembly language book provides basic information for the beginning programmer interested in computer architecture, operating systems, hardware manipulation, and compiler writing. KEY TOPICS: Uses the Intel IA-32 processor family as its base, showing how to program for Windows and DOS. Is written in a clear and straightforward manner for high readability. Includes a companion CD-ROM with all sample programs, and Microsoft® Macro Assembler Version 8, along with an extensive companion Website maintained by the author. Covers machine architecture, processor architecture, assembly language fundamentals, data transfer, addressing and arithmetic, procedures, conditional processing, integer arithmetic, strings and arrays, structures and macros, 32-bit Windows programming, language interface, disk fundamentals, BIOS-level programming, MS-DOS programming, floating-point programming, and IA-32 instruction encoding. MARKET: For embedded systems programmers and engineers, communication specialists, game programmers, and graphics programmers.
1. Basic Concepts.
Applications of assembly language. Basic concepts. Machine language. Data representation.
2. IA-32 Processor Architecture.
Basic microcomputer design. Instruction execution cycle. IA-32 processor architecture. IA-32 memory management. Components of a microcomputer.
The input-output system.
3. Assembly Language Fundamentals.
Introduction to assembly language. Linking and debugging. Defining constants and variables.
4. Data Transfers, Addressing, and Arithmetic.
Simple data transfer and arithmetic instructions. Assemble-link-execute cycle. Operators. Directives. Expressions. JMP and LOOP instructions. Indirect addressing.
5. Procedures.
Linking to an external library. Description of the book’s link library. Stack operations. Defining and using procedures. Flowcharts. Top-down structured design.
6. Conditional Processing.
Boolean and comparison instructions. Conditional jumps and loops. High-level logic structures. Finite state machines.
7. Integer Arithmetic.
Shift and rotate instructions with useful applications. Multiplication and division. Extended addition and subtraction. ASCII and packed decimal arithmetic.
8. Advanced Procedures.
Stack Parameters. Local Variables. Advanced PROC and INVOKE Directives. Recursion.
9. Strings and Arrays.
String Primitives. Manipulated Arrays of Characters and Integers. Two-dimensional arrays. Sorting. Searching.
10. Structures and Macros.
Structures. Macros. Conditional Assembly Directives. Defining Repeat Blocks.
11. MS-Windows Programming.
Protected Mode Memory Management Concepts. Using the Microsoft® Windows API to Display Text and Colors. Dynamic Memory Allocation.
12. High-Level Language Interface.
Parameter Passing Conventions. Inline Assembly Code. Linking Assembly Language Modules to C and C++ Programs.
13. 16-Bit MS-DOS Programming.
Calling MS-DOS Interrupts for Console and File Input-Output.
14. Disk Fundamentals.
Disk Storage Systems. Sectors. Clusters. Directories. File Allocation Tables. Handling MS-DOS Error Codes. Drive and Directory Manipulation.
15. BIOS-Level Programming.
Keyboard Input. Video Text, Graphics, and Mouse Programming.
16. Expert MS-DOS Programming.
Custom-Designed Segments. Runtime Program Structure. Interrupt Handling. Hardware Control Using I/O Ports.
17. Floating Point Programming and IA-32 Instruction Encoding.
Floating-point Binary Representation and Floating-Point Arithmetic. Learning to Program the IA-32 Floating-Point Unit. Understanding the Encoding of IA-32 Machine Instructions.
Appendix A: Installing and Using the Assembler.
Appendix B: The IA-32 Instruction Set.
Appendix C: BIOS and MS-DOS Interrupts.
Appendix D: MASM Reference.
Appendix E: Answers to Review Questions.