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The Architect's Handbook of Formulas, Tables, and Mathematical Calculations compliles a vast range of practical, concise formulas, tables, and calculation methods useful to improve the design process. It is a problem-solving and decision-making tool for the practicing architect and interior designer. The material included in this book gives you the answer to the many types of problems you face every day - those dealing with overall site and space planning, sizes of building components, material selection, finishes, construction assemblies, and building systems. In addition, you will find useful "rules of thumb" and basic reference data.
The organization of this Handbook is based on how architects actually work through a project and make decisions - from establishing early programming needs, to making preliminary design and building system choices, to evaluating specific material selctions. The tables and calculation methods selected are practical, proven reference information helpful for all phases of a job. To make the tables and formulas even more useful, steph-by-step procedures for using them and easy-to-follow examples are included where appropriate.