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And Dignity for All is about leading with values, leading by example, and - in so doing - unleashing the astonishing commitment and innovation that are buried within your organization right now. Discover how Jim Despain and his colleagues used values-based management to transform Caterpillar's Track-Type Tractors Division into one of the firm's key profit centers. Jim's honesty and ability to rise from the ashes of his mistakes are inspirational. His respect for the common worker and personal search for dignity and self-worth lead him to a new kind of leadership. And his transformation of a struggling organization provides a powerful blueprint for transforming your own - you can make it happen, too.
Back to the Beginning: Unlocking Greatness with Values-Based Leadership
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1. Death of the Dog.
2. Pitchin Pennies.
3. The Speck in My Eye.
4. Benched.
5. Unjust Rewards.
6. A Second Betrayal.
7. The Piano that Played.
8. The Line on Fire.
9. Thieves in the Night.
10. The Sound of Silence.
11. Alone with My Fears.
12. Excellencia.
13. Back to the Beginning.
14. Turning It Around.
15. A Painful Conclusion.
16. The Struggle Is On.
17. One Strong Voice.
18. Legacy.
19. The Legacy Lives.
I am not your typical senior executive. I don't have an MBA. I wasn'tborn with a silver spoon in my mouth. No, this is the story of someone with an unlikely resume forsuccess. I was married when I was 16. I didn't go to college. What I learned, I learned on the job.I watched and I listened. I read and I asked. I tried and I failed. I learned and tried again.
Thisbook is the story of a lifetime of experiences and the lessons I learned that enabled me to becomea true leader of people. I began my career as a sweeper in a factory that makes the largestearthmoving equipment in the world. I ended it at the same companya vice president of a $20billion corporation. This story includes how we transformed a factory and an entire division intohighly profitable leaders in our corporation and industry. It tells you how to do the same inwhatever business you find yourself.
In the end, through my own experiences, achievements, andstruggles, I discovered that values, defined as shared beliefs with standards for behavior in theworkplace, are the key to succeeding in changing and challenging times. These values aren't amoralistic code based on personal or company ethics, although ethics are integral. Instead, theyare a blueprint for creating a work environment that drives success because they provide people acontext for their decisions, broad boundaries for their ideas, and more freedom to make adifference.
And what a difference people with values can make. The Track-Type Tractors Division ofCaterpillar Inc. saw unprecedented improvementimprovement in everything from profit toemployee satisfaction. And we did this without extraordinary capital investment, forced"right-sizing," product replacements or additions, new marketing strategies, or any othertraditional idea. By establishing workplace values, we caused employees to feel an investment inthe organization. We inspired rather than constrained and, in the process, created ahigh-performance organization.
This book is the story of the transformation of a man and thetransformation of a business. Its purpose is to enable you to become a more effective leader and toshorten your journey by telling you what took me a lifetime to learnthat true leadership isvery different from management. Leadership is about others and not about self. It is about trustand not about power. It is about producing results by creating cultures where people know it's okayto be unique and different, so they willingly take off their masks, express themselves, and dogreat things. Their clash of opposing ideas generates sparks that light the path to progress. Myhope is that this book and my story will help unlock greatness for you.