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Provides students with a review of introductory Visual Basic information, including controls, methods, properties, events, and simple coding.
Helps instructors prepare students to program in Visual Basic.NET and use these programming techniques in the field.
Provides students with industry-crucial material including database programming, Internet programming, ADO.NET, and ASP.NET.
Helps students understand relational database theory and its application to Visual Basic.
Highlights important programming ideas that improve the way students write and understand code.
Helps students review the most important language features and concepts taught in every chapter.
Gives students the opportunity to apply the concepts taught in every chapter.
Visual Basic .NET, the successor to Visual Basic 6, is a powerful, fully object-oriented programming tool that allows you to create rich desktop applications for Windows and Web applications. Gefen and Govindarajulu's Advanced Visual Basic® .NET presents complex topics in Visual Basic .NET in an accessible manner that is easy to understand. Begin with a comprehensive review of VB .NET fundamentals before delving into ADO .NET, ASP .NET, and other advanced topics of VB .NET programming.
Following the proven teaching approach of including both conceptual and practical materials in every lecture, each chapter in this book features two sections: a theoretical section and a hands-on review lab section. The theory sections focus on the syntactical and structural elements of VB .NET, while the lab sections focus on guided application building to reinforce student learning. The topics covered in this book include:
All the lab examples are included with the student CD to facilitate student learning.
1. An Essential Introduction.
The Underlying Philosophy of Objects. Rapid Application Design. Classes and Namespaces. .NET Architecture Overview.
Variables. Constants. Literals. Data Types. Casting. Numeric Data. Strings and Dates.
Arrays. Structures. Enum. Control Statements. Catching and Handling Errors. Structured Exception Handling. A Quick Look at Delegates.
Object-Oriented Programming. Encapsulation. Polymorphism. Inheritance. Namespaces and Classes. Designing and Using a Class Module. Object Lifecycle.
Paths. Directories. Files. Directory and File Dialogs. Streams. Sequential Access Method.
Binary Access. Encryption. FileStream Class. Serialization and Persistent Objects. Random Access Method.
The System. Drawing. Graphics Namespace.
Multithreading. Thread Data Sharing and Synchronization. Thread States.
Databases. An Overview of ADO.NET.
Command Object. DataReader. XML Reader. Database Schema. Command Object Parameters. Transactions. Brief Look at Stored Procedures.
The Data Form Wizard. The Query Builder Window. The Data Form Wizard with Parameters in SQL Server.
Data Set Class and its Related Classes. Example of the Dataset and DataTable Classes. Data Set Methods and Properties. Data Table Methods and Properties.
Multi-table Data Sets. Data Relations and Constraints. Data Sets Without a Data Adapter. Data Row Methods and Properties.
WebPages and Web Server. Form Controls. Intro to ASP.NET. Server Controls. Validation Controls. Other ASP.NET Controls.
HTTPRequest Class. HTTPResponse Class. Maintaining State in Web Applications. HTTPSessionState Class. Intrinsic Classes in ASP.NET. ActiveX Data Objects.NET. .NET Data Providers, OLE DB.NET Data Providers. The SQL Server.NET Data Providers.
XML Web Services—Established and Emerging Standards. Designing a Simple XML Web Service Using Visual Studio.NET. A Web Service New Project. Consuming the Web Service. The E-Mail Web Service.
SQL Overview. DDL. DML Select, Join and Union in the Select Command. DML Action Queries. Performance Considerations in SQL.