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Reflects the changing realities of Web development, helping students succeed in collaborative Web projects where organization and workflow are critical issues.
Helps students build state-of-the-art sites that utilize the best appropriate technologies.
Relies on a format designed to make learning as easy as possible.
Covers everything students need to quickly become productive and effective with GoLive 6.
Will remain valuable to students long after they've mastered the fundamentals of GoLive 6.
Helps students accomplish more in less time, so they can take on more ambitious projects.
Not everyone has their very own online superstore. In fact, many people don't even know how to build a homepage from scratch. If you're new to Web design, or if you're simply new to Adobe GoLive 6, you'll want Adobe GoLive 6 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide by your side as you learn the ins and outs of this cutting-edge Web creation tool. Adobe GoLive offers visual design tools, dynamic HTML, flexible source code editors, and advanced site management capabilities, making it a favorite of many professional Web designers around the world. Adobe GoLive 6 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide teaches you this professional tool through step-by-step tasks illustrated with hundreds of screenshots, so you never get lost while learning. Before you know it, you'll be working the program's menus and palettes like a pro as you quickly master GoLive's powerful site management and collaboration capabilities, wireless authoring features, and dynamic database tools.
1. Learning Your Way Around.
The GoLive Workspace. The Document Window. The Toolbar. The Objects Palette. The Inspector. The Color Palette. Auxiliary Palettes. Site Management Tools. Using the GoLive Interface. Getting Help.
Setting Up a Site. Opening and Creating Files. Saving and Adding Files. Introducing Point & Shoot.
Entering Text. Formatting Text. Formatting Text Blocks. Spell Checking. Find and Replace Text.
Using Images on the Web. Adding Images. Setting Image Attributes. Creating Image Maps. Smart Objects and Save For Web. Adding Layered Photoshop Images. Importing Tracing Images.
GoLive Color Schemes. Applying Color. Using the Color Palette to Match Colors.
How Links Work. Creating Links. Editing Links. Linking to Anchors on a Page. Links and Targets. Finding Broken Links.
Table Basics. Setting Table and Cell Dimensions. Setting Table Attributes. Adding and Removing Cells. Adding Content to A Table. Nesting Tables. Using Table Styles. Converting Tables to Layout Grids.
Meet the Layout Grid. Adding Text to a Grid. Objects on a Grid.
Floating Box Basics. Floating Box Tools. Working with Floating Boxes. Working with Positioning.
How Forms Work. Creating Forms. Adding Form Elements. HTML 4.0 Form Elements.
How Frames Work. Creating Frames. Linking Content to Frames. Adding Frames and Framesets. Adding Noframes Content.
The Source Editor. Using Source Code and Visual Tools Together. Using the Outline Editorl. Head Elements. Web Settings.
How Style Sheets Work. Types of Style Sheets. Creating Style Sheets. Style Types. Adding Properties. Cascading and Inheritance. Using Style Sheets.
Setting Up Plug-ins. JavaScript. Java Applets.
Site-Building Tools. Creating Sites. Adding Files and Objects. Site Assets. Fine-tuning Preferences. Using Site Templates. Site Diagramming.
A Closer Look at the Site Window. Working with Site Objects. The Navigation View. The Links View. Peripheral Panes. Troubleshooting Sites. Site Reports.
Choices for Publishing Your Site. Two Kinds of FTP. Exporting a Site. Using WebDAV.
Workgroup Server Architecture. Setting up a Workgroup Server. Collaborative Authoring.
Action Tools. Adding Action Icons. Configuring Actions. The External Script Library. Types of Actions. Creating Your Own Actions.
Animation Basics. QuickTime Authoring and Editing. Working with QuickTime Movies. QuickTime Tracks.
Dynamic Content Basics. Dynamic Content Resources.