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The agile business embraces change rapidly and gracefully. To be ready, the business needs an infrastructure that supports change without disruption or excessive cost. An adaptive infrastructure enables the business to cope with unforeseen circumstances and competitive demands. To build, use, and manage adaptive enterprise solutions, you need an infrastructure planning process that supports new and growing business initiatives.
The strategies and processes described in this book will give you clear and practical ways to guide your company through Internet-induced change:
The Case for Adaptive Infrastructure
Click below for Sample Chapter related to this title:
1. The Case for Adaptive Infrastructure
What is IT Infrastructure?
The Idea of Shared Infrastructure.
Creating Your Own Definitions.
Why Infrastructure (Suddenly) Matters.
The Clash of Cultures.
What's the Problem with Most Infrastructure?
What's the Solution?
The Philosophy of Adaptive Infrastructure.
Striking a Balance.
Key Organizing Principles.
Benefits of Adaptive Infrastructure.
Developing an Adaptive Range.
The Importance of Reusability.
Reusable Components.
Reuse and Adaptive Infrastructure.
Is Your Organization Ready?
How To Catalog Technologies.
Getting Organized.
Building the Platform.
Physical Components.
The Network Layer.
The Storage Layer.
The Server Layer.
Functional Components.
The Database Layer.
The Integration Layer.
The Application Server Layer.
Interface Components.
The Presentation Layer.
The API Layer.
Is Anything Missing?
Other Components?
Other Layers?
What Are Patterns?
Designing for the Future.
Relating Patterns to Platforms.
Why So Few Patterns?
Asking Who, Where, and What?
The Starter Kit.
How Detailed Should It Get?
Transact Patterns.
The 1-Tier Transact Pattern.
The 2-Tier Transact Pattern.
The 3/N-Tier Transact Pattern.
Publish Patterns.
The Client/Server Publish Pattern.
The Web Publish Pattern.
The Stream Publish Pattern.
Collaborate Patterns.
The Real-Time Collaborate Pattern.
The Store-and-Forward Collaborate Pattern.
The Structured Collaborate Pattern.
Adapting Patterns For Your Organization
What Patterns Do I Need?
Extra Patterns Not Covered.
Subdividing Patterns.
Applying Multiple Patterns.
Creating an Infrastructure Portfolio.
What's in the Portfolio?
A Template for Standards.
Putting Applications into the Infrastructure Pattern Portfolio.
Understanding Adaptive Services.
Benefits of Adaptive Infrastructure Services.
Examples of Shared Infrastructure Services.
The Difference Between Patterns and Services.
How To Develop Services.
Shifting Services to the Infrastructure.
Decoupling the Lifecycles.
Potential Ripple Effects.
The Role of APIs.
Service Interfaces and Service Level Agreements.
Where to Create Service Boundaries.
Design Guidelines.
How to Portfolio Existing Services.
How to Apply Services to New Applications.
Identity Infrastructure.
Basic Components.
Designing Service Transparency.
Selling Use and Reuse to Your Customers.
Keys to Success and Reusability.
Determining Realistic Scale.
Policing the Directory Schema.
Avoiding Scope Creep.
Transactional Integration.
Defining the Business Problem (Use Cases).
Understanding the Costs.
Getting the Funds.
Calculating ROI.
Alternatives and Trends.
Other Common Services.
Network Service.
Presentation Services.
Understanding the Process.
What Types of Processes Are Needed?
Modeling the Process.
A More Detailed View.
Managing Per-Project Processes.
Assimilation Planning.
Designing Patterns.
Designing Services.
Managing Periodic Processes.
Assembling the Information.
Analyzing the Information.
Packaging and Communicating the Product.
Integrating Your Planning with IT Processes.
Useful Planning Methods.
Infrastructure Pattern Matching (IPM).
Predictive Cost Modeling (PCM).
Infrastructure Impact Assessment (IIA).
Packaging and Funding Infrastructure.
Dealing with Funding Challenges.
Thinking Like Your Clients.
Analyzing Complexity.
Preparing a Communication Plan.
The Customer Service Culture.
Value as the Critical Issue.
Packaging Models To Consider.
Mapping Categories to Stakeholders.
Speaking the Language of the CFO.
Getting It Right.
People: Roles, Skills, and Organizational Issues.
Strategic Versus Tactical Roles.
Key Infrastructure Planning Skills.
Finding the Correct Resources.
Planning the Planning Team.
Organizational Models.
Index to Components.
E-Mail MTA.
Integrated Voice Response (IVR).
Interactive TV.
Streaming Server.
Terminal Server.
WAP Server.
Web Server.
Application Server.
Adapter Toolkit.
Application Adapter.
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Server.
Integration Server.
EDI Gateway.
File Exchange Server.
Integration Transport.
Middleware Encryption.
Inter-Enterprise Integration (IEI) Server.
Process Execution Engine.
Process Modeler.
Data Access Middleware.
Database Gateway.
Voice Messaging Store.
Application Server HA.
Application Server HW.
Application Server OS.
Database Server HA.
Database Server HW.
Database Server OS.
Integration Server HA.
Integration Server HW.
Integration Server OS.
File Server and Network-Attached Storage(NAS).
Web Server HA.
Web Server HW.
Web Server OS.
Business Continuance HW.
Business Continuance SW.
Host Interconnect.
Storage Area Network (SAN).
Storage Server.
Automatic Call Distributor (ACD).
Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Content Security.
Directory Server.
Extranet Service Provider (ESP).
Hosting Service.
Internet Access and Transport Service (ISP).
Intrusion Detection and Threat Management.
Network Load Balancer.
Network Pre-Routing (Voice).
Network Protocol and Address Management.
Proxy/Caching Server.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Service Level Management.
Smart Card.
SSL and Encryption HW.
Traffic Shaper.
Two-Factor Authentication Device.
VPN Device.
VPN Service.
WAN Access Device.
WAN Service.
Web SSO.
Wireless and Mobile Device.
Wireless Service.
The Adaptive Enterprise has one clear objective: to provide you with IT strategies to manage change and enable growth.
Starting in 1999, META Group developed information on IT infrastructure and operations to serve a group of clients who were adapting to the new demands of online commerce. Working with these clients, we coined the term “adaptive infrastructure” to describe their results.
The IT Best Practices Series published by Intel Press explains the strategies for developing Internet-based capabilities and solutions to meet key challenges in your business. It reflects Intel’s Best Practices program, which was developed with leading researchers, vendors, and end-users to show business and IT decision makers how to make it all work together for increased business performance. Unlike the mainframe era, distributed e-Business is a loosely coupled and event-driven phenomenon in which Internet-based solutions run on a diverse set of multivendor configurations. That has changed the rules for business, and The Adaptive Enterprise is designed to help IT decision makers manage change and enable growth in their new, customer-centric e-Businesses.
The Adaptive Enterprise is for executives and IT professionals at companies large and small. In this book, we explain how to achieve success in infrastructure planning by changing the way things are done, by making applications become easier, more cost-effective, and quicker to integrate. We explain how to run these services for the long term with high quality.
acceptance testing 92
Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) 158
adaptive infrastructure 22, 69, 144
design an 9
developing services 16
key component of 129
planning 181
readiness for 28
strategy 11
Adaptive Infrastructure Model 223
agility 1
increased 134
Analyze task 189, 190, 192
API 34
application developers 211
application development group 228
application development lifecycle 202
application programming interfaces (API) 34, 59, 156, 167
creating new 169
for reusable management 65
how the layer architecture works 142
key advantages of 3/N-Tier pattern 89
role of 141
standards 156
application server
J2EE 51
trends 55
application server layer 54, 55, 64
application subscriptions funding 216
applications 167
applying services to 149
Common Off-the-Shelf (COTS) 216
component-based 55
decoupling for services 137
developers 34, 51
development team 221
groupware 47
mission-critical 134
reporting to development group 228
scale of 167
third-party 5
Web 163
Web Publish 149
3/N-Tier architecture 57
hub-and-spoke 164
object-oriented vs. service-oriented 139
service-based 136
Web services 139
Assemble Infrastructure Plan Draft 184
Assemble task 187
Assimilate Infrastructure Change 182, 189
Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable (ACID) 77
authentication 174
backup and recovery service 42
bandwidth 98, 106, 112, 113
benchmark 151
bootstrap interface 140
bundling work into a project budget 208
defining the business problem 165
describing business processes 178
external partners 27, 163
initiatives 17
misalignment between IT organizations and 7
partners 23, 28
processes 23
requirements 168
reusable logic 57
users 20
values 22
business APIs (BAPIs) 27
Business Process Automation (BPA) 51
Business Vision Refinement 182
business-to-business (B2B) 170
caching 102
Center of Excellence (COE) 227
centralized planning control 117
check order application logic 89
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
speaking the language of 218
Citrix 85
dealing with 210
getting funding from 209
Client/Server Publish pattern 97, 98
future of 99
Collaborate patterns 74, 107
definition of 107
communication plan
creating 212
complexity 210
portfolio 64
structure 65
components 155
basic sets of 34
catalog of 32
categories of 33
functional 34
functional categories of 13
in network layer 36
interface 34
networking layer 37
physical 34
Predictive Cost Modeling (PCM) 199
structuring of 16
compression 102
Content Delivery Network (CDN) 103, 173
continuous improvement 20
cookies 93
cost/benefit analysis 162
costing metrics 168
costs 22, 168
people 169
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) 76
credit card verification 134
customer interaction center (CIC) 240
customer relationship management (CRM) 4, 76, 170
customer service 213
data warehouse applications 98
Data Warehouse/Operational Data Store (DW/ODS) 99
database layer 48, 50
database management system (DBMS) 77
de facto standards 128
decoupling 141
the lifecycles 137
demilitarized zone (DMZ) 89
descriptive archetypes 69
design phase 202
detailed use cases 167
Directory Service 154
discretionary enhancements 219
document management 120
Domain Name Service (DNS) 94, 95, 172
domains 31
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 172
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) 139
e-Business 95, 106, 110, 111, 150, 154, 160
applications 58
architecture 170
integration of applications 50
rise of 57
systems 21
Web site load 103
element management 66
e-mail 114, 118, 119
standards for 116
engineering 220
reporting to 229
enterprise application integration (EAI) 16, 50, 51, 163
enterprise applications
and nine basic patterns 74
enterprise resource planning (ERP) 4, 76
evangelist 159, 176
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 27, 52, 55, 103, 157
fat client 82
federated database architecture (FDA) 49
Fibre Channel (FC) 41
file structures 162
FTP 147, 166
full-time equivalent (FTE) 193, 209
funding strategy 213
gap analysis 183, 200
gateway layer 50
General Services API (GSSAPI) 158
governance 182
groupware applications 47
host pattern 78
use of 35
Identity Infrastructure 135, 154
basic components of 154
Implementation phase 203
assembling 187
Infra-API 60, 141
5-step process 2
adaptive 2, 5, 10
business and 12
component layers 13
definition of 2, 4
development lifecycle 202
fundamental concepts 13
inventory 191
investments in 8
isolating older 81
IT and 8
layers of 2, 4
patterns and services 187
people and 11
planning 1, 9, 19, 20, 21, 180, 215, 220
principles of 11
product mentality 29
reusable patterns 67
selling your changes to stakeholders 220
shared 4
traits of adaptive 5
Transactional Integration 171
unshared 3
Infrastructure Impact Assessment (IIA) 201, 203
Infrastructure Pattern Matching (IPM) 15, 17, 73, 184, 194
infrastructure portfolio 125
infrastructure team
strategic role vs. tactical role 221
Inputs, Tools, Outputs, Services (ITOS) 178
instant messaging 109
integration 204
layer 50
server 53
services 50
Intel-based servers 101
interaction chains 58
interactive voice response (IVR) 72, 83
Inter-APIs 61, 141
Inter-Enterprise Integration (IEI) 50, 163
interface specification 146
interface standards 145
APIs and workflow handoffs 147
internal stakeholders 224
Internet Content Exchange (ICE) 174
Internet Information Server (IIS) 56
Internet Protocol (IP) 172
de facto standard 36
Internet radio stations 104
Intra-API 60, 141
infrastructure 189
network 189
investments 219
credibility of the organization 18
culture 29
gap between business and 8
reporting to IT management 229
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 27, 52, 124, 171
versus .NET 55
latency 58, 82, 101, 110, 147, 160, 204
layers 31
LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) 156
legacy code 24
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 116, 156
Linux 46
local area network (LAN) 37
components 63, 66
support 21
tools 62
Managing Infrastructure Strategies and Standards (MISS) 181, 187
massively parallel processing (MPP) 93
master-slave concept 160
META Group 178
middleware 14, 27, 96
publish-and-subscribe 171
Moore's Law 43
multicast 105, 106, 112
multiple points of interaction (POI) 57, 58, 72, 83, 86
and thin clients 88
publishing to 102
network load balancing (NLB) 94
Network Operating System (NOS) 175
network operations 66
Network-Attached Storage (NAS) 175
non-discretionary costs 218
1-Tier Transact 77
2-Tier Transact 77, 82, 119, 121
3/N-Tier Transact 75, 77, 80, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 101, 119, 121, 135, 191
80/20 rule 122
object-oriented programming (OOP) 25
office politics 227
offline users 115
online analytical processing (OLAP) 49, 64, 98
online transaction processing (OLTP) 77, 103
servers 92
Outputs 179
outside vendors 151
Package and Communicate 183
steps 212
task 192
packaging strategies 215
partitioning 23
partners 167
internal and external 165
passwords 154
pattern 9, 31
2-Tier Transact pattern 159
3/N-Tier Transact pattern 87, 159
categories of 197
Client/Server Publish pattern 97
Collaborate pattern 107
core set of patterns 14
defining 35
definition of 67
designing 184
drivers within the 3/N Tier Transact pattern 199
infrastructure 13
maturity of patterns 76
negotiation of pattern design 185
nine starter patterns 74
pattern creep 119
pattern drift 81
pattern mapping 159
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) 123
Publish pattern 96
Real-Time Collaborate pattern 108
relating patterns to platforms 70
reusing specific infrastructure 201
scope of 75
Store-and-Forward Collaborate pattern 113
Store-and-Forward Collaborate vs. Structured Collaborate pattern 119
Stream Publish pattern 104
Structured Collaborate pattern 118
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) 123
Web Publish pattern 100
patterns 12
application 150
as reference points 130
benefit of 71
patterns and services
funding challenges 208
PCM 199
improvement of 134
measurement of 204
periodic processes 181
per-project processes 181
personal digital assistant (PDA) 56, 83
communication 191, 213
organizing your infrastructure planning team 226
resuable communication 213
Plan Adaptive Infrastructure 180
Plan for Assimilation 183
integrating infrastructure planning processes 220
key skills 223
portfolios 18
strategic 178
tactical 178
planning team
reporting to IT architecture 228
platform 12, 31
hardware 43
model with layers 32
server/OS 48
Windows 2000/.NET Server 45
Windows client 115
portals 121
portfolio 65
contents of 125
definition of 18
existing applications in 128
of patterns 72, 125
Predictive Cost Modeling (PCM) 178, 185, 197, 209
steps involved in 200
presentation layer 23, 56, 57
areas 178
automation software 168
defining 193
infrastructure planning 193
periodic 187
the goal of process modeling 179
packaging of 22
Program Management Office (PMO) 222
project design team 222
Project Management Institute
traditional terminology defined by 182
prototyping 204
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 155
Publish patterns 74, 96
quality-of-service (QoS) 39, 105
Real-Time Collaborate pattern 108, 123
business needs for 110
cost of 111
future of 113
remote access 38
resources 25
shared 217
return on investment (ROI) 113, 170, 175, 187
reusability 138
reuse 9, 14, 16, 24, 30, 50, 69, 137, 198, 201, 227
basis of 24
between applications 27
of code 165
of components 25
platforms and 34
policies 25
role 225
advisers 224
application developer 59, 222
architect 222, 224
assigning roles 193
business manager 170
CTO 224
infrastructure planner 7, 17, 20, 29, 35, 43, 101, 181, 213, 221, 222, 223, 224
operations leadership 222
risk assessor 222
storage controllers 42
strategic vendors 225
strategic vs. tactical 221
tactical suppliers 226
run-time library 141
scalability 23, 25, 101
scaling issues 160
schema 161
scope creep 163
secure sockets layer (SSL) 102
Security 111
choice of hardware/OS 43
clusters 94, 95
consolidation 47
consolidation vs. proliferation 46
Web 55, 86, 101, 156, 173
server farms 92
server load balancing (SLB) 94
service interface 142
services 12, 21, 31, 150, 179
adaptive 132
adaptive vs. traditional 133
behind-the-wall 215, 217
decoupling of 140
defining service levels 147
designing 186
developing 135
end user 216
Identity Infrastructure 158
keeping the number low 144
limiting options 136
mapping of 159
narrowing list of options 145
negotiating service-level agreements 200
on-premises 140
Portal 173
potential users 147
project 215, 218
requesting new 190
reusable 64
service level attributes 143
service levels 24, 142, 166, 171, 204
service-based architecture 133
service-focused approach 151
shared 133
Transactional Integration 147
vs. structure 133
shared service
example of 135
storage 40
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 27, 52, 104, 139, 157, 172
single sign-on (SSO) 154, 158
business skills 223
communication 223
critical 193
expertise 223
leadership 223
smart PC 78, 82, 84, 97
software development kits (SDK) 61
speed 22
stability 133
staffing 19
standardization 191
and cost cutting 114
standards 172, 174
ownership of 144
plan for approval 192
proposed 192
Starter Kit 72, 122, 163
state handling 53
issues 54
strategy for 42
Storage Area Network (SAN) 41, 175
storage layer 40
Store-and-Forward Collaborate 76, 108, 113, 116, 191
future of 117
stovepipes 15, 23, 135, 138, 169
strategic role 222
virtual team 193
Stream Publish Pattern 104, 112
future of 107
streaming media 104
stress testers 204
stress testing 204
Structured Collaborate Pattern 118
future of 121
vs. Store-and-Forward Collaborate pattern 119
supply chain management (SCM) 4, 76
supply chain project 170
tactical role 221
TCP/IP 16, 36, 37, 110, 116, 134, 138, 172
leader 227
planning group 20
technical architecting 220
technology catalog 33
infrastructure patterns as 220
test lab 202
components of 205
developing a 203
funding of 205
managing the 205
Quality Assurance (QA) 205
focus of 91
thin clients 88
use of 35
tools 17, 56, 58, 178, 185
analysis 96
client-side 82
EJB 59
interview 200
lab environment 204
management 62
network monitoring 204
OpenView 66
rapid application design (RAD) 84
Rational Rose 61
scripting 204
stream publishing 104
Tuxedo 59
UML 61
user administration 153
using publish-specific 99
WebLogic 59, 163
WebSphere 59, 163
total cost of ownership (TCO) 45, 187, 198
Transact patterns 73, 74, 76
Transactional Integration Service 163
components of 163
costs 169
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) 27, 52, 104, 139, 157, 172
user management 66
venture funding 219
videoconferencing 109
virtual private network (VPN) 38
virtual teams 227
Vision phase 202
Voice Over Internet (VoIP) 109
voice response unit (VRU) 238
Web applications 106
statelessness in 93
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) 174
Web Publish pattern 100, 136
Web publishing applications 101
Web server 173
Web Service Description Language (WSDL) 157, 172
Web services 52
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 27, 52, 104, 139
Web Single Sign-on (Web SSO) 89, 154
Web site 111
outsourcing of 105
streaming content on 105, 106
wide area network (WAN) 38
Windows 2000/.NET Server 46
Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) 58
wrapper 80
for legacy applications 27
XML-based publishing 102