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Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide

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Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide


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The completely revised and only authorized Labs and Study Guide for the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Accessing the WAN course

  • A portable classroom resource that supports the topics in the CCNA Accessing the WAN curriculum aligning 1:1 with course modules
  • Includes all the labs in the online curriculum as well as additional instructor-created challenge labs and exercises for extended learning and classroom exercises


  • Copyright 2008
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 1-58713-201-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-201-8

Accessing the WAN CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide

John Rullan

Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide is designed to support your learning the technologies and network services required by converged applications as taught in Version 4 of the Cisco® Networking Academy® CCNA® Exploration curriculum. Each chapter contains a Study Guide section and a Labs and Activities section.

Study Guide

The dozens of exercises in this book help you learn the concepts and configurations crucial to your success as a CCNA exam candidate. Each chapter is slightly different and includes multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions designed to help you

  • Review vocabulary
  • Strengthen troubleshooting skills
  • Boost configuration skills
  • Reinforce concepts
  • Research topics

Labs and Activities

The Labs and Activities sections include all the online curriculum labs plus some additional activities to ensure that you have mastered the practical skills needed to succeed in this course.

Hands-On Labs–This icon identifies the hands-on labs created for each chapter. Work through all the Basic, Challenge, and Troubleshooting labs to gain a deep understanding of the CCNA knowledge and skills needed to ultimately succeed on the CCNA Certification Exam.

Packet Tracer Activities–This icon identifies exercises created by the author for you to challenge yourself on specific tasks using Packet Tracer, a powerful network simulation program developed by Cisco.

Packet Tracer Companion–This icon identifies the companion activities that correspond to each hands-on lab. You'll use the Packet Tracer to complete a simulation of the hands-on lab.

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge–Each chapter concludes with a culminating activity called the Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge. These challenging activities require you to combine several skills learned from the chapter–as well as previous chapters and courses–to successfully complete one comprehensive exercise.

John Rullan has been a Cisco Instructor since 1998. He teaches CCNA, CCNP®, and network security courses to students and teachers throughout the New York City Department of Education system.

Use this book with:

Accessing the WAN,

CCNA Exploration Companion Guide

ISBN-10: 1-58713-205-2

ISBN-13: 978-158713-205-6

Companion CD-ROM

The CD-ROM provides all the Packet Tracer Activity, Packet Tracer Companion, and Packet Tracer Challenge files that are referenced throughout the book as indicated by the icons. These files work with Packet Tracer software v4.1, which is available through the Academy Connection website. Ask your instructor for access to the Packet Tracer software.

This book is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Series from Cisco Press®. Books in this series support and complement the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum.

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Table of Contents

Introduction xx

Chapter 1 Introduction to WANs 1

Providing Integrated Services to the Enterprise 2

    Review Question 2

    Exercise 1-1: Browsing Through Internet Routing Tables 2

    Exercise 1-2: Tracing a Path Through the Internet 4

WAN Technology Concepts 6

    Review Question 6

WAN Connection Options 6

    Review Questions 7

Chapter Review Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 8

Chapter Review Multiple-Choice Questions 9

Lab 1-1: Challenge Review Lab (1.4.1) 13

    Scenario 14

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 14

    Task 2: Perform Basic Device Configurations 15

    Task 3: Configure and Activate Serial and Ethernet Addresses 15

    Task 4: Configure STP 15

    Task 5: Configure VTP 15

    Task 6: Configure VLANs 15

    Task 7: Configure RIP Routing 15

    Task 8: Configure OSPF Routing 16

    Task 9: Configure EIGRP Routing 16

    Task 10: Document the Router Configurations 16

    Task 11: Clean Up 16

Packet Tracer Exercise: Comprehensive WAN Fundamentals 16

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 16

    Task 1: Configure Static and Default Routing 18

    Task 2: Add and Connect the BRANCH Router 19

    Task 3: Add and Connect the Switches 19

    Task 4: Add and Connect the PCs 19

    Task 5: Perform Basic Device Configuration 20

    Task 6: Configure OSPF Routing 20

    Task 7: Configure STP 21

    Task 8: Configure VTP 21

    Task 9: Configure Trunking 21

    Task 10: Configure VLANs 21

    Task 11: Verify End-to-End Connectivity 22

Chapter 2 PPP 23

Serial Point-to-Point Links 24

    Review Questions 25

PPP Concepts 25

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 26

Configuring PPP 27

    Review Questions 27

Configuring PPP with Authentication 27

    Review Questions 28

Chapter Review: Multiple-Choice Questions 28

Chapter Review Exercise 32

Lab 2-1: Basic PPP Configuration Lab (2.5.1) 33

    Scenario 34

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 34

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configuration 34

    Task 3: Configure and Activate Serial and Ethernet Addresses 35

    Task 4: Configure OSPF on the Routers 35

    Task 5: Configure PPP Encapsulation on Serial Interfaces 37

    Task 6: Break and Restore PPP Encapsulation 44

    Task 7: Configure PPP Authentication 45

    Task 8: Intentionally Break and Restore PPP CHAP Authentication 49

    Task 9: Document the Router Configurations 51

    Task 10: Clean Up 54

    Packet Tracer Companion: Basic PPP Configuration (2.5.1) 54

Lab 2-2: Challenge PPP Configuration (2.5.2) 55

    Scenario 56

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 56

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configuration 56

    Task 3: Configure and Activate Serial and Ethernet Addresses 56

    Task 4: Configure OSPF on Routers 57

    Task 5: Configure PPP Encapsulation on Serial Interfaces 57

    Task 6: Intentionally Break and Restore PPP Encapsulation 57

    Task 7: Configure PPP CHAP Authentication 57

    Task 8: Intentionally Break and Restore PPP CHAP Authentication 57

    Task 9: Document the Router Configurations 57

    Task 10: Clean Up 57

    Packet Tracer Companion: Challenge PPP Configuration (2.5.2) 57

Lab 2-3: Troubleshooting PPP Configuration (2.5.3) 58

    Scenario 59

    Task 1: Load Routers with the Supplied Scripts 59

    Task 2: Find and Correct Network Errors 64

    Task 3: Document the Corrected Network 64

    Task 4: Clean Up 64

    Packet Tracer Companion: Troubleshooting PPP Configuration (2.5.3) 64

Packet Tracer Exercise 2-1: PPP 64

Packet Tracer Exercise 2-2: PPP Troubleshooting 65

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 65

    Task 1: Configure Static and Default Routing 66

    Task 2: Add and Connect a Router 67

    Task 3: Design and Document an Addressing Scheme 67

    Task 4: Add and Connect the Devices in the Address Space 68

    Task 5: Configure Basic Device Settings 68

    Task 6: Configure PPP Encapsulation with CHAP Authentication 69

    Task 7: Configure OSPF Routing 69

    Task 8: Configure VLANs 69

    Task 9: Verify Connectivity 70

Chapter 3 Frame Relay 71

Basic Frame Relay Concepts 72

    Review Questions 73

Configuring Frame Relay 73

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching Terms 74

Advanced Frame Relay Concepts 74

    Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise 75

Configuring Advanced Frame Relay 75

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching Commands 76

Chapter Review Multiple-Choice Questions 78

Lab 3-1: Basic Frame Relay (3.5.1) 82

    Scenario 83

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 83

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configuration 84

    Task 3: Configure Frame Relay 85

    Task 4: Verify the Configuration 90

    Task 5: Troubleshoot Frame Relay 94

    Task 6: Configure a Frame Relay Subinterface 99

Lab 3-2: Challenge Frame Relay Configuration (3.5.2) 105

    Scenario 106

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 106

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configuration 106

    Task 3: Configure IP Addresses 106

    Task 4: Configure EIGRP on Routers R1 and R2 107

    Task 5: Configure Frame Relay PVC Between R1 and R2 107

    Task 6: Intentionally Break the PVC, and Then Restore It 107

    Task 7: Configure Frame Relay Subinterfaces 107

    Task 8: Intentionally Break the PVC, and Then Restore It 107

    Task 9: Document the Router Configurations 107

    Task 10: Clean Up 107

Lab 3-3: Troubleshooting Frame Relay (3.5.3) 108

    Scenario 108

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 108

    Task 2: Troubleshoot and Repair the Frame Relay Connection Between R1 and

        R2 112

    Task 3: Document the Router Configurations 112

    Task 4: Clean Up 112

Lab 3-4: Frame Relay with Subinterfaces 112

    Scenario 114

    Task 1: Configure the HQ Router 114

    Task 2: Configure Subinterfaces on the HQ Router 114

    Task 3: Configure the Serial Interface on the Branch 1 Router 114

    Task 4: Configure the Serial Interface on the Branch 2 Router 115

    Task 5: Configure the Serial Interface on the Branch 3 Router 115

    Task 6: Configure the FastEthernet Interface on the Branch 1 LAN 115

    Task 7: Configure the FastEthernet Interface on the Branch 2 LAN 115

    Task 8: Configure the FastEthernet Interface on the Branch 3 LAN 115

    Task 9: Configure EIGRP 116

    Task 10: Verify the Configurations 116

    Packet Tracer Companion: Frame Relay Full Mesh 116

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 116

    Task 1: Configure PPP with CHAP Between Devices 118

    Task 2: Configure Full-Mesh Frame Relay 119

    Task 3: Configure Static and Default Routing 120

    Task 4: Configure and Test Inter-VLAN Routing 121

    Task 5: Configure VTP and Trunking on the Switches 121

    Task 6: Configure VLANs on the Switch 122

    Task 7: Configure and Verify VLAN 99 123

    Task 8: Configure S1 as Root for All Spanning Trees 123

    Task 9: Assign Ports to VLANs 124

    Task 10: Test End-to-End Connectivity 124

Chapter 4 Network Security 125

Introduction to Network Security 126

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 126

    Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 127

Securing Cisco Routers 128

    Describe Good Password Practices 128

    Configuring Router Passwords 128

Secure Router Network Services 129

    Vulnerable Router Services Exercise 130

    Securing Routing Protocols: Completion 130

Using Cisco Security Device Manager 131

    Preparing a Router for SDM 131

Secure Router Management 132

    Managing Cisco IOS Images: Identify Commands 132

    Managing Cisco IOS Images: Short Answer 132

    Password-Recovery Exercise 133

Lab 4-1: Basic Security Configuration (4.6.1) 135

    Scenario 135

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 136

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations 137

    Task 3: Secure the Router from Unauthorized Access 137

    Task 4: Secure Access to the Network 140

    Task 5: Logging Activity with SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)   143

    Task 6: Disabling Unused Cisco Network Services 144

    Task 7: Managing Cisco IOS and Configuration Files 150

    Task 8: Using SDM to Secure a Router 159

    Task 9: Document the Router Configurations 165

    Task 10: Clean Up 165

Lab 4-2: Challenge Security Configuration (4.6.2) 165

    Scenario 166

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 167

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations 167

    Task 3: Secure Access to Routers 168

    Task 4: Secure Access to the Network 168

    Task 5: Logging Activity with SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)    168

    Task 6: Disabling Unused Cisco Network Services 168

    Task 7: Managing Cisco IOS and Configuration Files 169

    Task 8: Using SDM to Secure R2 169

    Task 9: Document the Router Configurations 169

    Task 10: Clean Up 169

Lab 4-3: Troubleshooting Security Configuration (4.6.3) 170

    Scenario 170

    Task 1: Load Routers with the Supplied Scripts 171

    Task 2: Find and Correct All Network Errors 179

    Task 3: Document the Corrected Network 180

    Task 4: Clean Up 180

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 180

    Task 1: Configure Routing 181

    Task 2: Configure OSPF Authentication 182

    Task 3: Upgrade the Cisco IOS Image 182

Chapter 5 ACLs 183

Using ACLs to Secure Networks 184

    Multiple-Choice Questions 185

Configuring Standard ACLs: Command Exercise 187

Configuring Extended ACLs 189

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching Terms 189

    Extended ACL Command Exercise 190

Configuring Complex ACLs 191

    Review Questions 191

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching Terms 192

Lab 5-1: Basic Access Control Lists (5.5.1) 193

    Scenario 194

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 194

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations 194

    Task 3: Configure a Standard ACL 195

    Task 4: Configure an Extended ACL 197

    Task 5: Control Access to the VTY Lines with a Standard ACL 198

    Task 6: Troubleshoot ACLs 200

    Task 7: Document the Router Configurations 201

    Task 8: Clean Up 201

    Packet Tracer Companion: Basic Access Control Lists (5.5.1) 201

Lab 5-2: Access Control Lists Challenge (5.5.2) 202

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 203

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations 203

    Task 3: Configure Standard ACLs 203

    Task 4: Configure Extended ACLs 203

    Task 5: Verify an ACL 204

    Task 6: Document the Router Configurations 204

    Task 7: Clean Up 205

    Packet Tracer Companion: Challenge Access Control Lists (5.5.2) 205

Lab 5-3: Troubleshooting Access Control Lists (5.5.3) 205

    Scenario 206

    Task 1: Load Routers with the Supplied Scripts 206

    Task 2: Find and Correct Network Errors 206

    Task 3: Document the Corrected Network 206

    Task 4: Clean Up 206

    Packet Tracer Exercise 5.1: Named Access Control Lists 207

    Packet Tracer Exercise 5.2: Access Control Lists 207

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 207

    Introduction 208

    Task 1: Configure PPP with CHAP Authentication 208

    Task 2: Configure Default Routing 209

    Task 3: Configure OSPF Routing 209

    Task 4: Implement Multiple ACL Security Policies 210

Chapter 6 Teleworker Services 213

Business Requirements for Teleworker Services 214

    Review Questions 214

Broadband Services: Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise 215

VPN Technology 216

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 216

    Multiple-Choice Questions 217

Packet Tracer Exercise 6-1: DSL/Cable Configuration 219

Packet Tracer Exercise 6-2: Wireless Configuration 219

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 219

    Task 1: Apply Basic Router Configurations 221

    Task 2: Configure Dynamic and Default Routing 221

    Task 3: Establish Teleworker Services 221

    Task 4: Test Connectivity Before ACL Configuration 222

    Task 5: Apply ACL Policies 222

    Task 6: Test Connectivity After ACL Configuration 222

Chapter 7 IP Addressing Services 223

DHCP 224

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 224

Scaling Networks with NAT 225

    Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise 225

    Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 226

Reasons for Using IPv6 226

    Multiple-Choice Questions 227

    Concept Questions 230

Lab 7-1: Basic DHCP and NAT Configuration (7.4.1) 231

    Scenario 232

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 232

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations 232

    Task 3: Configure PC1 and PC2 to Receive an IP Address Through DHCP 232

    Task 4: Configure a Cisco IOS DHCP Server 234

    Task 5: Configure Static and Default Routing 237

    Task 6: Configure Static NAT 237

    Task 7: Configure Dynamic NAT with a Pool of Addresses 238

    Task 8: Configure NAT Overload 240

    Task 9: Document the Network 241

    Task 10: Clean Up 241

    Packet Tracer Companion: Basic DHCP and NAT Configuration (7.4.1) 241

Lab 7-2: Challenge DHCP and NAT Configuration (7.4.2) 242

    Scenario 243

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 243

    Task 2: Perform Basic Router Configurations 243

    Task 3: Configure a Cisco IOS DHCP Server 243

    Task 4: Configure Static and Default Routing 244

    Task 5: Configure Static NAT 245

    Task 6: Configure Dynamic NAT with a Pool of Addresses 245

    Task 7: Document the Network 246

    Task 8: Clean Up 246

    Packet Tracer Companion: Challenge DHCP and NAT Configuration (7.4.2)   246

Lab 7-3: Troubleshooting DHCP and NAT (7.4.3) 246

    Scenario 247

    Task 1: Prepare the Network 247

    Task 2: Find and Correct Network Errors 250

    Task 3: Document the Router Configurations 251

    Task 4: Clean Up 251

    Packet Tracer Companion: Troubleshooting DHCP and NAT Configuration (7.4.3) 251

Lab 7-4: IPv6 Basic Configuration Using an Adtran 251

    Scenario 251

    Task 1: Upgrade IOS to Support IPv6 252

    Task 2: Enter Basic Configuration for Each Device 252

    Task 3: Enable IPv6 Forwarding 253

    Task 4: Configure IPv6 Addresses 254

    Task 5: Create and Address Loopbacks 255

    Task 6: Configure RIPng Routing 256

    Task 7: Test Connectivity 258

Lab 7-5: IPv6 Basic Configuration Using a Frame Switch 259

    Scenario 259

    Task 1: Upgrade IOS to Support IPv6 259

    Task 2: Enter the Basic Configuration for Each Device 260

    Task 3: Enable IPv6 Forwarding 261

    Task 4: Configure IPv6 Addresses 262

    Task 5: Create and Address Loopbacks 263

    Task 6: Configure RIPng Routing 265

    Task 7: Test Connectivity 269

    Task 8: Advertise the Default Route 269

Packet Tracer Exercise 7-1: DHCP 270

Packet Tracer Exercise 7-2: DHCP Troubleshooting 270

Packet Tracer Exercise 7-3: Configuring NAT, PAT, and Static NAT 270

Packet Tracer Exercise 7-4: Double NAT with DHCP 270

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 270

    Task 1: Apply Basic Configurations 272

    Task 2: Configure PPP Encapsulation with CHAP 272

    Task 3: Configure Dynamic and Default Routing 273

    Task 4: Configure Routers Using DHCP 273

    Task 5: Verify That PCs Are Automatically Configured with Addressing Details 274

    Task 6: Configure a DNS Server with DNS Entries 274

    Task 7: Configure an ACL to Permit NAT 274

    Task 8: Configure Static NAT 275

    Task 9: Configure Dynamic NAT with Overload 275

    Task 10: Configure the ISP Router with a Static Route 275

    Task 11: Test Connectivity 275

Chapter 8 Network Troubleshooting 277

Documenting Your Network 278

    Concept Questions 278

Troubleshooting Methodologies and Tools 279

    Multiple-Choice Questions 280

WAN Communications 281

    Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise 282

Network Troubleshooting 282

    Vocabulary Exercise: Define 283

Activity 8-1: Troubleshooting Role Play (8.3.7) 284

    Scenario 284

    Task 1: Build the Network 285

    Task 2: Test the Network 285

    Task 3: Break the Network 285

    Task 4: Troubleshoot the Problem 285

    Task 5: Gather Symptoms from Suspect Devices 285

    Task 6: Correct the Problem 285

    Task 7: Document the Problem and Solution 285

    Task 8: Reverse the Roles and Start Over 285

    Task 9: Clean Up 285

Lab 8-1: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 1 (8.5.1) 286

    Scenario 287

    Task 1: Load Routers with the Supplied Scripts 288

    Task 2: Find and Correct All Network Errors 300

    Task 3: Verify That Requirements Are Fully Met 300

    Task 4: Document the Corrected Network 300

    Task 5: Clean Up 300

    Packet Tracer Companion: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 1 (8.5.1) 300

Lab 8-2: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 2 (8.5.2) 301

    Scenario 302

    Task 1: Load Routers with the Supplied Scripts 303

    Task 2: Find and Correct All Network Errors 314

    Task 3: Verify That Requirements Are Fully Met 314

    Task 4: Document the Corrected Network 314

    Task 5: Clean Up 314

    Packet Tracer Companion: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 2 (8.5.2) 314

Lab 8-3: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 3 (8.5.3) 315

    Scenario 316

    Task 1: Load Routers with the Supplied Scripts 317

    Task 2: Find and Correct All Network Errors 328

    Task 3: Verify That Requirements Are Fully Met 328

    Task 4: Document the Corrected Network 328

    Task 5: Clean Up 328

    Packet Tracer Companion: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 3 (8.5.3) 328

Packet Tracer Exercise 8-1: Comprehensive Network Troubleshooting 329

Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge 329

    Task 1: Configure Frame Relay in a Hub-and-Spoke Topology 331

    Task 2: Configure PPP with CHAP and PAP Authentication 332

    Task 3: Configure Static and Dynamic NAT on HQ 332

    Task 4: Configure Static and Default Routing 332

    Task 5: Configure Inter-VLAN Routing 333

    Task 6: Configure and Optimize EIGRP Routing 333

    Task 7: Configure VTP, Trunking, the VLAN Interface, and VLANs 333

    Task 8: Assign VLANs and Configure Port Security 334

    Task 9: Configure STP 334

    Task 10: Configure DHCP 334

    Task 11: Configure a Firewall ACL 335

    Task 12: Configure Wireless Connectivity 335

    Task 13: Network Troubleshooting 336

Appendix How to Install SDM 337

Step 1: Preparation 337

Step 2: Prepare the Router for SDM 337

Step 3: Configure Addressing 338

Step 4: Extract SDM on the Host 338

Step 5: Install SDM on the PC 338

Step 6: Run SDM from the PC 339

Step 7: Install SDM to the Router 341

Step 8: Run SDM from the Router 343

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This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Requests and Contact

Please contact us about this Privacy Notice or if you have any requests or questions relating to the privacy of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may revise this Privacy Notice through an updated posting. We will identify the effective date of the revision in the posting. Often, updates are made to provide greater clarity or to comply with changes in regulatory requirements. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. Continued use of the site after the effective date of a posted revision evidences acceptance. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the Privacy Notice or any objection to any revisions.

Last Update: November 17, 2020