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Helps first-time WordPerfect users and upgraders rapidly become comfortable with WordPerfect 12.
Makes it easy for students to master WordPerfect and use it effectively.
Gives students the conceptual grounding they need to work with WordPerfect or any other word processor.
Helps students master complex features without unnecessary complexity.
Maybe you just bought a brand new Dell, Sony or HP computer and are curious about the WordPerfect software that came with it. Or maybe you just took a new job in an office where they use WordPerfect 12 for word processing. Whatever the case may be, if you are new to Word Perfect 12, the Absolute Beginner's Guide to WordPerfect 12 can help you figure it all out. Endorsed by Corel, the makers of WordPerfect, this is the best beginning level guide on the market. Organized in an easy-to-follow, progressive format, you will learn how to navigate the program and build complex documents. By the time you're done, you will know how to use WordPerfect 12 from beginning to end!
Finding and Opening Documents in WordPerfect 12
1. Getting Started and Finding Help.
What Is WordPerfect?
Getting WordPerfect Up and Running.
Exploring the WordPerfect Screen.
Working with the Property Bar and Toolbars.
Using the Menus.
Getting Help.
Getting "Quick and Easy" Help.
Accessing the Help Topics.
Getting Help on the Web.
Helping Microsoft Word Users Make the Transition.
2. Creating, Saving, and Printing Documents.
Creating Documents.
Typing Text.
Erasing Text.
Moving Around in a Document.
Using the Mouse to Get Around.
Using the Keyboard to Get Around.
Printing a Document.
Saving Documents.
Saving and Closing Documents.
Saving to a Different File Format.
Closing Documents.
3. Finding and Opening Documents.
Getting Familiar with the Open File Dialog Box.
Opening a File.
Customizing the View.
Rearranging the File List.
Navigating Through Drives and Folders.
Searching for a File.
Listing Files by Type.
Listing Files by Modification Date.
Searching by Filename or Content.
Converting Documents on Open.
Installing Additional Conversion Filters.
Using the WordPerfect Office Conversion Utility.
Organizing Files in Folders.
Creating New Folders.
Moving and Copying Files.
Renaming Files.
Deleting Files and Folders.
4. Revising Documents.
Selecting Text.
Selecting Text with the Keyboard.
Selecting Text with the Mouse.
Moving and Copying Text.
Using Undo to Fix Your Mistakes.
Using the Zoom Feature.
Zooming In with the Mouse.
Zooming In on a Specific Area.
Switching to 5.1 Classic Mode.
Switching to the Blue Screen.
Switching to the WordPerfect 5.1 Keyboard.
Working with More Than One Document.
Previewing and Printing Documents.
Switching to Print Preview.
Changing the Number of Copies.
Printing Specific Pages.
Faxing Documents from WordPerfect.
Sending Documents via Email.
5. Learning Basic Formatting.
Emphasizing Important Text.
Choosing the Right Font.
Selecting Fonts and Font Sizes.
Choosing a Font from the QuickFonts List.
Using Other Font Effects.
Changing Margins.
Using the Guidelines to Adjust Margins.
Adjusting the Left and Right Margins Using the Ruler.
Using the Page Setup Dialog Box.
Creating an Envelope.
Inserting Symbols.
Using the Symbols Dialog Box.
Using the Sysmbols Toolbar Button.
Using QuickCorrect.
Working in Reveal Codes.
Turning on Reveal Codes.
Printing the Codes.
6. Using the Writing Tools.
Recognizing WordPerfect's Automatic Proofreading Features.
Spell Checking a Document.
Checking for Grammatical Errors.
Looking Up Words in the Thesaurus.
Using the Dictionary.
Switching to a Different Language.
Searching and Replacing Text and Codes.
Searching for Text.
Searching for Codes.
Discovering the Power of QuickCorrect.
Adding and Deleting QuickCorrect Entries.
Customizing Format-As-You-Go.
Inserting SpeedLinks.
Creating QuickWord Entries.
7. Working with Paragraphs.
Aligning Text.
Using Center and Flush Right.
Justifying Text.
Setting Tabs.
Turning on the Ruler.
Clearing the Default Tabs.
Setting New Tabs.
Changing the Tab Type.
Editing Tab Settings.
Indenting Text.
Adjusting the Spacing Between Lines and Paragraphs.
Adjusting the Line Spacing.
Adjusting the Spacing Between Paragraphs.
Keeping Text Together.
Enabling Widow/Orphan Protection.
Using Block Protect.
Setting a Conditional End of Page.
8. Working with Pages.
Inserting a Page Break.
Changing Paper Size and Orientation.
Subdividing Pages.
Adding Page Numbers.
Inserting Page Numbers in a Preset Position.
Inserting Page Numbers Manually.
Adding a Header or Footer.
Creating a Header or Footer.
Working with Headers and Footers.
Suppressing and Delaying Formatting.
Using the Suppress Feature.
Inserting a Delay Code.
Adding Borders Around Pages.
Using the Make It Fit Feature.
9. Using Styles for Consistency.
Understanding Styles.
Open Styles.
Paired Styles.
Using QuickStyle to Create Your Own Styles.
Using WordPerfect's Existing Heading Styles.
Building Your Own Styles.
Editing Styles.
Revising Your Styles.
Customizing the Default Settings.
Using QuickFormat.
10. Creating and Formatting Tables.
Creating Tables.
Working with Tables.
Typing in Tables.
Adjusting the Column Widths.
Adding Rows and Columns.
Deleting Rows or Columns.
Joining and Splitting Cells.
Formatting Tables, Columns, and Cells.
Formatting the Entire Table.
Formatting Text in Columns.
Formatting Rows.
Formatting Cells.
Changing Lines, Fills, and Borders.
Using SpeedFormat.
Changing the Lines.
Changing the Fill Pattern.
Choosing a Table Border.
Using WordPerfect Tables for Calculations.
Using QuickSum.
Inserting Formulas.
Inserting Functions.
Converting Text to a Table, or a Table to Text.
Converting Tabular Columns to Tables.
Converting Tables to Other Formats.
11. Creating Lists and Outlines.
Working with Lists.
Creating Bulleted Lists.
Creating Numbered Lists.
Editing Lists.
Changing the Bullet or Numbering Style.
Working with Outlines.
Creating Outlines.
Using the Outline Property Bar.
Editing an Outline.
Inserting Items in an Existing Outline.
Rearranging Outline Items.
Collapsing and Expanding Outlines.
Changing the Outline Style.
12. Working with Graphics.
Working with Graphic Lines.
Inserting Standard Lines.
Customizing Graphic Lines.
Inserting Graphic Images.
Inserting Clip Art.
Moving and Sizing an Image.
Importing Graphics.
Inserting Other Graphic Types.
Using Images from a Scanner.
Using Images from the Internet.
Creating Text Boxes.
Setting Border, Wrap, and Fill Options.
Wrapping Text Around Graphics Boxes.
Adding Borders to Graphics Boxes.
Adding Fills to Graphics Boxes.
Adding Watermarks.
Inserting Shapes.
Adding Line Shapes.
Adding Closed Object Shapes.
Adding Callout Shapes.
Layering Graphics.
13. Sharing Data.
Copying Data from Other Programs.
Using Corel's Clipbook.
Loading the Clipbook Program.
Using the Clipbook.
Using OLE to Link and Embed Data from Other Programs.
Using OLE to Create a Link to Existing Data.
Creating a New OLE Object.
Opening (or Importing) Files from Other Programs.
Saving (or Exporting) to Other File Formats.
Installing Additional Conversion Filters.
Using Data from Unsupported Formats.
Publishing Documents to PDF.
Publishing Documents to XML.
14. Using the Merge Feature.
Working with Data Files.
Creating a Data File.
Importing Data into Merge Data Files.
Creating Form Files.
Merging the Data and Form Files Together.
Creating Envelopes.
Creating Labels.
Creating Fill-in-the-Blank Forms.
15. Using the Address Book.
The Address Book.
Starting the WordPerfect Address Book.
Adding Entries to an Address Book.
Creating New Address Books.
Working with Address Book Entries.
Customizing the Address Book Window.
Integrating with Outlook.
Opening the Outlook Address Book.
Routing Documents with Outlook.
Using Address Books with Merge.
Associate a Form File with an Address Book.
Edit an Association to an Address Book.
Importing and Exporting Address Books.
16. Working with Templates.
Using WordPerfect's Templates.
Filling in Personal Information.
The Disable Macro Message.
Using the PerfectExpert Panel.
Customizing WordPerfect's Templates.
Backing Up the Default Template.
Editing the Default Template.
Editing the WordPerfect Templates.
Downloading and Installing Templates.
Converting an Existing Document to a Template.
Working with WordPerfect OfficeReady Browser.
17. Creating and Playing Macros.
What Is a Macro?
Playing Macros.
Running WordPerfect's Shipping Macros.
Creating Macros.
Editing Macros.
Recording Several Sample Macros.
Creating a Signature Block Macro.
Creating a Document Identification Footer.
Creating a Fax Cover Sheet.
18. Using WordPerfect's Legal Tools.
Creating a Table of Contents.
Marking the Entries.
Defining the Table.
Generating the Table.
Creating a Table of Authorities.
Marking the First Authority.
Marking Subsequent Authorities.
Defining the Table.
Generating the Table.
Using Document Map to Navigate Long Documents.
Reviewing Documents.
Making Comments as a Reviewer.
Responding to Comments as the Author.
Comparing Documents.
Highlighting Changes in a Document Automatically.
Applying Redline and Strikeout Manually.
Removing Revision Marks.
Creating Pleading Documents.
Creating and Editing Cases.
Creating and Editing Pleading Styles.
Publishing Pleadings to EDGAR Format.
A. Learning Quattro Pro Basics.
The Quattro Pro Screen.
Starting Quattro Pro.
The Quattro Pro Interface.
Entering Data.
Entering Values and Labels.
Navigating Around the Notebook Window.
Working with Cells.
Editing Cell Entries.
Selecting Cells.
Moving and Copying Information.
Saving Your Work.
Importing and Exporting Data.
Getting Expert Assistance.
B. Working with Formulas and Functions in Quattro Pro.
Understanding Formulas.
Order of Operations.
Entering Formulas.
Editing Formulas.
Copying Formulas.
Using QuickSum.
Understanding Functions.
Using the Formula Composer.
Entering Spreadsheet Functions Manually.
C. Formatting Your Spreadsheets.
Inserting, Clearing, and Deleting Cells, Rows, and Columns.
Inserting Rows and Columns.
Clearing the Contents.
Deleting Cells, Rows, and Columns.
Adjusting Column Width and Row Height.
Adjusting Column Width.
Adjusting Row Height.
Assigning Precise Dimensions to Columns and Rows.
Formatting Values.
Aligning Entries in Cells.
Adding Emphasis to Cells.
Protecting Cells.
Joining Cells.
Naming Cells.
Using SpeedFormat.
D. Understanding the WordPerfect Product Family.
WordPerfect Office 12.
The Standard Version.
The Professional Version.
The Education Edition.
The Trial Version.
WordPerfect Office 12 OEM.
WordPerfect Productivity Pack.
Places to Go for Help.
The errata for the book is available here in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format. You will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view these files. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader installed, you may go to Adobe Systems' web site to download this free reader.
Click on the links below to display the PDF file in a new window. Right-click on the link and select Save As if you want to download it to your hard drive.
Errata for the book - 160 kb -- 0789732424errata.pdf