- Copyright 2001
- Dimensions: 6-1/4x9-1/4
- Pages: 736
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN-10: 0-201-67515-3
- ISBN-13: 978-0-201-67515-3
Many of the introductory SAP books currently on the market provide only a brief overview of ABAP. In ABAP/4 Programming the SAP/3 System, Bernd Matzke builds on this information to look in depth at the programming language at the heart of the SAP R/3 system. This new and fully updated edition of the definitive guide to ABAP/4 aims to make the fundamentals of this evolving programming language accessible to anybody developing or maintaining an SAP R/3 system. Starting with the basic principles, it explains the essential characteristics of ABAP/4 and the SAP programming concept. With this book you will learn how to:
- Master the ABAP/4 commands in order to analyze existing standard applications and write new programs
- Understand function modules to use program code from other applications
- Create your own programs and construct your own test environments with an expansive set of examples designed to build up knowledge and programming skills
NEW! Covers new concepts affecting the development environment and program, in line with R/3 Release 4.6
NEW! Covers features of completely redesigned user interface
NEW! Reference section covering ABAP commands in Release 4.6B
NEW! CD-ROM containing source code of all examples plus SAP transport files with examples
The sample programs in this book were developed on a 4.6B-system but can also run on other versions of the R/3 system.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword to the 2nd Edition. Introduction. About the Contents of This Book. Exercises. Naming Conventions. 2. The Elements of the Development Environment. The Data Dictionary.
Number Ranges.
Dialog-Oriented Applications.
Object-Oriented Extensions to ABAP.
User Interface.
Functional Modules and Dialog Modules.
Error Handling and Message Concept.
Help and Possible Entries.
System Tables and System Fields.
3. The Path to the Program. The Development Tools.
Basic Statements.
The Interface.
Default Reports.
Interactive Reports.
Logical Databases.
Dialog Applications.
Relationship between List and Dialog Processing.
Function Modules and Dialog Modules.
Function Modules For General Use.
How to Process Forms.
4. ABAP Objects. Terms from the World of ABAP Objects.
5. Maintaining Data Dictionary Elements. Domains, Data Elements, Tables and Structures.
Search Help.
Lock Objects.
Type Groups.
6. Resource in the Development Environment. Transport Management System.
Authorization Concept.
7. An Example. Program Structure.
Program 1: SAPMYZ3S.
Program 2: SAPMYZ3P.
8. Tips and Traps. Tips.
9. Summary Reference. Metasymbols Description.
References and Parameter Repetition.
ABAP Commands Overview.
Flow Logic Command Overview.
System Fields.
10. Listings. Flow Logic of the Base Screen.
Flow Logic Processing Picture.
Global Declarations.
PBO Modules.
PAI Modules.
11. The CD. Index.
Release 4.6 of SAP's R/3 System saw the introduction of many new features. Some, like the completely redesigned user interface, are immediately apparent. However, the user interface conceals a large number of enhancements and additions. This is particularly true of the programming language of the R/3 System, whose functionality has been extended considerably. The additions to the scope of the ABAP language alone are enough to justify a new edition of this book.
For this edition, it was necessary to focus on essentials, primarily because only limited time was available to me, but also because of the broad scope that the book needed to cover. As a result, apart from a few exceptions, the book focuses on providing a description of the ABAP commands and of the main principles of programming. For these reasons, although many readers have requested it, I am unfortunately not able in this book to include topics that go beyond the bounds of a pure description of the language. Such topics would for example include workflow programming, batch input and the new interface controls.
I would like to thank everyone who assisted me, directly or indirectly, with my work on this book. Above all, I would like to mention the companies SAP, Addison-Wesley and IXOS, without whose generous support it would have been impossible to write this book. My special thanks go to the SAP employees who patiently gave their time to provide detailed answers to my questions, and in doing so made it much easier for me to learn and understand SAP R/3 and ABAP.
—Bernd Matzke, Delitzsch, October 17, 1999