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31 Days Before Your CCENT Certification
Scott Bennett
A day-by-day ICND1 exam review guide for the
CCNA Discovery student
After you complete the first two courses of the CCNA® Discovery version 4 curriculum in a Cisco® Networking Academy®, you are ready to officially demonstrate that knowledge by getting CCENT™ (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) certified.
The CCENT is a new entry-level certification that validates to a potential employer the practical skills you learned in these courses, which are required for entry-level network support positions.
31 Days Before Your CCENT Certification offers you a personable and practical way to understand the certification process and commit to taking the 640-822 ICND1 certification exam while the course material is fresh in your mind. Sign up for the ICND1 exam and use the book’s day-by-day guide and checklist to organize, prepare, and review. Each day in this guide breaks down an exam topic into a manageable bit of information to review using short summaries from relevant parts of the CCNA Discovery courses.
The features of the book empower you to fit exam preparation into a busy schedule:
CCENT certification is open to everyone, but this book is specifically designed to prepare the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Discovery student for the exam.
Related Titles:
Networking for Home and Small Businesses, CCNA Discovery Learning Guide
ISBN-10: 1-58713-209-5
ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-209-4
Working at a Small-to-Medium Business or ISP, CCNA Discovery Learning Guide
ISBN-10: 1-58713-210-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-210-0
Scott Bennett, CCNA, CCAI, has been an instructor for both Capital Center High School Technology Institute and Portland Community College. He has taught the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum since 2003.
This book is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Series from Cisco Press®. Books in this series support and complement the Cisco Networking Academy.
Download the sample pages (includes Day 6 and Index)
Part I: Days 31–27: Describe the operation of data networks
Day 31: Describe the Purpose and Functions of Various Network Devices
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 1 3
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3 4
Select the Components Required to Meet a Given Network Specification 4
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3 5
Summary 5
Your Notes 5
Day 30: Use the OSI and TCP/IP Models and Their Associated Protocols to Explain How Data Flows in a Network
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 6 7
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 2
Describe Common Networking Applications, Including Web Applications
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 1
Your Notes
Day 29: Describe the Purpose and Basic Operation of the Protocols in the OSI and TCP Models
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 6
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 7
Describe the Impact of Applications (Voice over IP and Video over IP) on a
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 7
Your Notes
Day 28: Interpret Network Diagrams
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 1
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 3
Determine the Path Between Two Hosts Across a Network
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 4
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 1
Describe the Components Required for Network and Internet Communications
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 4
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 1
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 3
Your Notes
Day 27: Identify and Correct Common Network Problems at Layers 1, 2, 3, and 7 Using a Layered Model Approach
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 2
Differentiate Between LAN/WAN Operation and Features
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 4
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Part II: Days 26–21: Implement a small switched network
Day 26: Select the Appropriate Media, Cables, Ports, and Connectors to Connect Switches to Other Network Devices and Hosts
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 4
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 3
Your Notes
Day 25: Explain the Technology and Media Access Control Method for Ethernet Technologies
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
Explain Network Segmentation and Basic Traffic Management Concepts
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
Your Notes
Day 24: Explain the Operation of Cisco Switches and Basic Switching Concepts
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 23: Perform, Save, and Verify Initial Switch Configuration Tasks, Including Remote-Access Management
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Verify Network Status and Switch Operation Using Basic Utilities (ping, traceroute, Telnet, SSH, ARP, pconfig, show, and debug Commands)
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 22: Implement and Verify Basic Security for a Switch (Port Security, Deactivate Ports)
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 21: Identify, Prescribe, and Resolve Common Switched Network Issues, Autonegotiation, and Switch Hardware Failures
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 2
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Part III: Days 20–13: Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements for a small branch office
Day 20: Describe the Need for and Role of Addressing in a Network
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 2
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
Create and Apply an Addressing Scheme to a Network
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 4
Your Notes
Day 19: Assign and Verify Valid IP Addresses to Hosts, Servers, and Networking Devices in a LAN
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 2
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 18: Explain the Basic Uses and Operation of NAT in a Small Network Connecting to One ISP
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 4
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 17: Describe and Verify DNS Operation
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 7
Your Notes
Day 16: Describe the Operation and Benefits of Using Private and Public IP Addressing
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
Enable NAT for a Small Network with a Single ISP and Connection Using SDM, and Verify Operation Using CLI and Ping
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 15: Configure, Verify, and Troubleshoot DHCP and DNS Operation on a Router (Including CLI/SDM)
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 14: Implement Static and Dynamic Addressing Services for Hosts in a LAN Environment
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 2
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 13: Identify and Correct IP Addressing Issues
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 2
Your Notes
Part IV: Days 12–8: Implement a small routed network
Day 12: Describe Basic Routing Concepts (Packet Forwarding, Router Lookup Process)
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 6
Describe the Operation of Cisco Routers (Router Bootup Process, POST, Router Components)
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Select the Appropriate Media, Cables, Ports, and Connectors to Connect Routers to Other Network Devices and Hosts
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 11: Configure, Verify, and Troubleshoot RIPv2
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 6
Your Notes
Day 10: Access and Use the Router CLI to Set Basic Parameters
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Connect, Configure, and Verify the Operation Status of a Device Interface
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Verify Device Configuration and Network Connectivity Using ping, traceroute, Telnet, SSH, or Other Utilities
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 9: Perform and Verify Routing Configuration Tasks for a Static or Default Route Given Specific Routing Requirements
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 6
Manage IOS Configuration Files (Save, Edit, Upgrade, Restore)
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Manage Cisco IOS
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Implement Password and Physical Security
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 3
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 8: Verify Network Status and Router Operation Using Basic Utilities (ping, traceroute, Telnet, SSH, ARP, ipconfig, show, and debug Commands)
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 6
Your Notes
Part V: Days 7–6: Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN
Day 7: Describe Standards Associated with Wireless Media (Including the IEEE Wi-Fi Alliance and ITU/FCC)
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 7
Identify and Describe the Purposes of the Components of a Small Wireless Network (Including SSID, BSS, ESS)
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 7
Identify the Basic Parameters to Configure on a Wireless Network to Ensure That Devices Connect to the Correct Access Point
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 7
Your Notes
Day 6: Compare and Contrast Wireless Security Features and Capabilities of WPA Security (Including Open, WEP, WPA1/2)
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 7
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 8
Identify Common Issues with Implementing Wireless Networks
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 7
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 9
Your Notes
Part VI: Days 5–4: Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats
Day 5: Explain Today’s Increasing Network Security Threats and the Need to Implement a Comprehensive Security Policy to Mitigate the Threats
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 8
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 8
Explain General Methods to Mitigate Common Security Threats to Network Devices, Hosts, and Applications
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 8
Your Notes
Day 4: Describe the Functions of Common Security Appliances and Applications
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 8
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 8
Describe Security Recommended Practices, Including Initial Steps to Secure Network Devices
CCNA Discovery 1, Chapter 8
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 8
Your Notes
Part VII: Days 3–1: Implement and verify WAN links and review all days
Day 3: Describe Different Methods of Connecting to a WAN
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Configure and Verify a Basic WAN Serial Connection
CCNA Discovery 2, Chapter 5
Your Notes
Day 2
CCNA Discovery 1 Packet Tracer Activity Checklist
CCNA Discovery 2 Packet Tracer Activity Checklist
Your Notes
Day 1: Review Detail Charts, Lists, and Concepts from Previous Days
Day 31: Network Components and Operation
Day 30: Layered Model Applications
Day 29: Layered Model Protocols and Their Purposes
Day 28: Network Diagrams and Components
Day 27: Troubleshooting and LAN Versus WAN
Day 26: Network Physical Media
Day 25: Media Access Control and Segmentation
Day 24: Switch Operation
Day 23: Switch Configuration
Day 22: Switch Security
Day 21: Switch Troubleshooting
Day 20: IP Addressing
Day 19: Assign Addresses
Day 18: NAT
Day 17: DNS Operation
Day 16: Private Networks and NAT
Day 15: DHCP Operation
Day 14: Static and Dynamic Addressing
Day 13: IP Address Troubleshooting
Day 12: Routing and Routers
Day 11: RIP Configuration
Day 10: CLI Parameters
Day 9: Configuration, IOS, and Security
Day 8: Network Status Verification
Day 7: Wireless Standards
Day 6: Wireless Security
Day 5: Security Threats
Day 4: Security Applications
Day 3: WAN Connections
Your Notes or Personal Day 1 Outline
Part VIII: Exam and post exam days
Exam Day
What You Need for the Exam
What You Should Receive After Completion
Post-Exam Information
Receiving Your Certificate
Determining Career Options
Examining Certification Options
If You Fail the Exam
Your Notes
1587132176 TOC 12/11/2007
A brief supplement addresses the version 4.1 update made in April 2008 to the online CCNA Discovery 2 course, Working at a Small-to-Medium Business or ISP. Although most of the content is not affected, there are small differences you should make note of while using the first printing of 31 Days Before Your CCENT Certification to review for the CCENT (ICND1) exam. Download PDF