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This is the Rough Cut version of the printed book.
Master the Crucial Non-Technical Skills Every Software Architect Needs!Thousands of software professionals have the necessary technical qualifications to become architects, but far fewer have the crucial non-technical skills needed to get hired and succeed in this role. In today’s agile environments, these “soft” skills have grown even more crucial to success as an architect. For many developers, however, these skills don’t come naturally–and they’re rarely addressed in formal training. Now, long-time software architect Dave Hendricksen helps you fill this gap, supercharge your organizational impact, and quickly move to the next level in your career.
In 12 Essential Skills for Software Architects, Hendricksen begins by pinpointing the specific relationship, personal, and business skills that successful architects rely upon. Next, he presents proven methods for systematically developing and sharpening every one of these skills, from negotiation and leadership to pragmatism and vision.
From start to finish, this book’s practical insights can help you get the architect position you want–and thrive once you have it!
The soft skills you need…
…and a coherent framework and practical methodology for mastering them!
Relationship skills
Leadership, politics, gracious behavior, communication, negotiation
Personal skills
Context switching, transparency, passion
Business skills
Pragmatism, vision, business knowledge, innovation
Preface xvii
Acknowledgments xxi
About the Author xxiii
Part I: Relationship Skills 1
Chapter 1: Gracious Behavior 3
How Would Others Describe You? 3
The Technical Ceiling 4
The Road to Becoming a Gracious Professional 6
Summary 23
Bibliography 23
Chapter 2: Communication 25
Communication Principles 26
Communication Strategies 31
Communicating with Executives 41
Summary 45
Bibliography 45
Chapter 3: Negotiation 47
Negotiation Principles 48
Negotiation Strategies 52
Negotiation Prep Work 57
Negotiation Wrap-Up 62
Summary 66
Bibliography 67
Chapter 4: Leadership 69
Leadership Principles 70
Leadership Strategies 76
Leadership Timing 80
Leading Others 85
Summary 89
Bibliography 90
Chapter 5: Politics 93
Politics Defined 93
The Political Marketplace 94
Political Context 98
Political Principles 104
Political Strategies 108
Political Timing 111
Becoming a Good Politician 115
Bibliography 116
Part II: Personal Skills 117
Chapter 6: Transparency 119
Architects Live in a Glass House 119
Types of Transparency 121
Self-Transparency 121
Project Transparency 126
Relational Transparency 133
Becoming a Transparent Architect 136
Bibliography 137
Chapter 7: Passion 139
What Is Passion? 140
Discovering Passion 141
Using Passion as a Guide 145
Protecting Your Passion 151
What Is One Thing You Can Do Today to Pursue Your Passion? 153
Learn to Jump in and Enjoy the Ride 154
Becoming a Passionate Architect 155
Bibliography 156
Chapter 8: Context Switching 157
Self-Awareness Context 160
Architectural Awareness Context 162
Elephant Context 164
Decision Awareness Context 167
Conversational Context 169
Audience Context 169
Project Context 171
Becoming a Context-Aware Architect 173
Bibliography 174