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Because most people don't have the luxury of sitting down uninterrupted for hours at a time to learn Visio, this 10-Minute Guide focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take 10 minutes or less to complete. In addition, this guide teaches the user how to use Visio without relying on technical jargon, by providing straightforward, easy-to-follow explanations and lists of numbered steps that tell the user which keys to press and which options to select.
1. In the Beginning-Starting A New Document.
Introducing Microsoft Office Visio 2002. Launching Visio 2002. Starting a New Diagram from a Template. Starting a Diagram from the New Drawing Task Pane. Dragging Shapes into a Drawing. Using Visio Task Panes. Browsing Sample Drawings. Searching for Specific Shapes with the Find Shape Command. Getting Help.
Saving as a Visio File from a Visio Template. Saving as an Image. Saving Visio Documents when Exiting. Saving for the Web in HTML.
Opening Existing Files, Viewing Options. Opening a Saved Drawing. Opening a Copy of an Existing Drawing. Opening Existing Stencils. Opening Existing Visio Drawings from Internet Explorer.
Printer and Page Settings. Setting Page Settings and Properties. Using Background Pages Effectively. ...Rulers, Grids, and Page Breaks. Using Headers and Footers in Foreground Pages. Inserting Pages into an Existing Visio Drawing.
Tiling and Cascading Multiple Visio Files. Opening a Drawing in a New Window and Display a Page. Zooming In And Out Of Drawings Using Task Panes. Click and Drag to Enlarge a Marquee Selection. Scroll and Zoom Using Microsoft IntelliMouse.
Formatting Text, Line, and Fill. Changing the Default Formatting for Drawn Shapes. Working with Styles. Rotating and Flipping Shapes.
Formatting Text Boxes. Adding and Editing Text for an Existing Shape. Adding and Formatting a New Text Box. Quick Formatting with the Format Painter. Applying Style Formats. Rotating Text. Adding a Bulleted or Numbered List. Creating a Numbered List.
About Grouping Shapes. Creating a Group. Ungrouping Shapes. Adding and Removing Shapes in a Group. Selecting and Editing Shapes in a Group. Isolating and Combining Shapes.
Using Connectors. Connecting Shapes. Aligning Shapes. Distributing Shapes. Placing Shapes. Using Guides and Guide Points. Positioning and Sizing Shapes. Using Snap and Glue. Using Static or Dynamic Glue. Applying Glue Connections. Connecting Shapes Statically.
Information Sharing with Office Applications. Using OLE' Automation to Embed or Link Visio Files. Embedding Shapes into Other Word and Excel Documents. Linking Existing Visio Files with Word and PowerPoint. Including Visio Drawings in an E-mail Message with Outlook. Attaching Visio Drawings as an E-mail Attachment with Outlook.
Using Hyperlinks to Navigate Visio Pages, Office Files, and Web Sites. Adding Hyperlinks to a Visio Shape or Page. Viewing Hyperlinks in a Shape. Editing and Deleting Existing Hyperlinks. Adding a Hyperlink Navigation Shape to a Drawing. Modifying Existing Hyperlink Navigation Shapes. Jumping from Hyperlinked Objects. Coping and Pasting Hyperlinked Shapes into Other Document.
Understanding Web Formats. Understanding Graphic Formats. Saving and Converting Visio Shapes and Pages to Web Pages. Modifying Web Page Formatting Options. Opening a Visio Shape's Hyperlink in your Browser. Examining HTML Code Generated by Visio 2002. Embedding Visio Shapes into Web Pages.
Creating a Map of an Existing Web Site. Configuring The Web Site Map Filter Window. Creating a Report of Web Site Links. Troubleshooting Broken Links. Updating Broken Link Shapes. Changing Site Map Layouts. Adding a Shape to a Web Site Map. Displaying Custom Properties in a Web Format. Web Page Files Created by Visio.
Shape Masters, Stencils, and Template Benefits. Creating and Saving Custom Masters Shapes. Creating, Saving, and Opening a Custom Stencil. Creating and Saving Custom Templates.
Microsoft Visio Home Page. Training Information for Visio Products. The Visio Users Group. Microsoft Visio Solution Providers Home Page. Microsoft Visio Network Center. Microsoft TechNet-Visio. Microsoft Visio Support. Microsoft MSDN. Microsoft Visio Newsgroups.