Change to Pearson Test Prep access code delivery:
Register your book to receive your code automatically

Pearson Test Prep Practice Test access codes will be delivered to your InformIT account automatically upon product registration, and will no longer be included as a printed card insert for any purchase of newly released print books or eBooks from the InformIT website, other sites in the InformIT Network, or resellers. This change will affect new releases and select reprints from the Official Cert Guide, Cert Guide, and Exam Cram series starting in October 2023.

We are retiring printed card inserts to make accessing your Pearson Test Prep Practice Test easier than ever before. The powerful Pearson Test Prep Practice Test software is complete with hundreds of well-reviewed, exam-realistic questions, customization options, and detailed performance reports to help you prepare for your certification exam.

How do I find my access code?

Simply log in or create an account on this site, and register your book. Your Pearson Test Prep Practice Test access code will automatically be populated in your account on the Registered Products tab. Or if you purchased directly from this site, your product will automatically be registered for you. You will need to redeem this code to access the practice test that comes with your book.

How do I redeem my access code?

  • Visit
  • Choose Pearson IT Certification as your product group.
  • Log into the site with the same credentials you used to access your account on InformIT.
  • Click the Activate New Product button and enter the access code seen on the Registered Products tab of your InformIT account.

Detailed instructions on how to register your book can be found in your book, in the section called "Where are the companion content files?"

Premium Edition eBooks

The Premium Edition eBook is a digital-only certification preparation product combining an eBook with enhanced Pearson Test Prep practice tests. When you purchase a Premium Edition eBook, your product will automatically be registered. Simply log in to your InformIT account and find your access code on the Digital Purchases tab, then redeem it on the Pearson Test Prep site using the instructions above. To access any available companion content, click on the "Access Bonus Content" link that appears with the title on the Registered Products tab.

Other InformIT Network sites

In addition to, other InformIT Network sites containing products with this new access code delivery mechanism include Cisco Press and Pearson IT Certification. You may access your purchases from all these sites together in one place, by simply logging into your InformIT account.

Visit your InformIT account

If you have any issues accessing the companion website or obtaining your Pearson Test Prep practice test access code, you can contact our support team by going to