Peter Bauer is a computer graphics writer and consultant. He is the author of Special Edition Using Adobe Illustrator 10, and has written documentation and user guides for a variety of Illustrator-related software and plug-ins. Pete serves as the Help Desk Director for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), and is a Contributing Writer for Mac Design and Photoshop User magazines. He also writes a weekly column for the Web portal He and his wife, Professor Mary Ellen O'Connell of the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University, live in the historic German Village area of Columbus, Ohio.
Mordy Golding is the Product Manager for Adobe Illustrator. Mordy has also written The Web Designer's Guide to Color. With a strong technical background, Mordy has been a designer and production artist for both print and the Web, and has been a featured panelist at Macworld.