Brian P. Gallagher is the director of ISR Mission Systems Engineering within the ISR Systems Division, Mission Systems Sector, Northrop Grumman, where he is responsible for leading a team of senior engineers with expertise in the discipline of systems engineering and its practical application to large-scale, mission-critical ISR systems. Prior to this position, Brian was director of acquisition support at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where he was responsible for building teams from across the SEI’s disciplines to support the Department of Defense and other government agency acquisition programs. Brian was previously employed with the Aerospace Corporation where he worked as a software acquisition and engineering advisor for several Air Force and NRO projects. During his Air Force career, he was the deputy chief of Software Engineering with an Air Intelligence Agency remote intelligence site; chief software engineer on the Range Operations Control Center Project at Cape Canaveral AFS, Florida; a software project manager for the Titan IV Program Office; and a software engineer with Strategic Air Command. He received his B.S. in management information systems from Peru State College and his M.S. in computer science/software engineering from Florida Institute of Technology.
Mike Phillips is the program manager for CMMI at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a position created to lead the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) product suite evolution. He has led the team, which spans government, industry, and the SEI, through three significant upgrades to the original version of the integrated model, which now covers engineering, acquisition, and services. He was previously responsible for Transition Enabling activities at the SEI. He has authored Technical Reports, Technical Notes, CMMI Columns, and various articles in addition to presenting CMMI material at conferences around the world. Prior to his retirement as a colonel from the Air Force, he was the program manager of the $36B development program for the B-2 stealth bomber in the B-2 System Program Office at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. He also has four years of experience guiding acquisition programs in the Pentagon for both the Air Force and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He holds a B.S. in astronautical engineering from the Air Force Academy, an M.S. in nuclear engineering from Georgia Tech, an M.S. in systems management from the University of Southern California, and an M.S. in international affairs from Salve Regina College and the Naval War College. He is a graduate of the Program Management Course at the Defense Systems Management College and of the Air Force Test Pilot School.
Dr. Karen J. Richter is a research analyst and senior project leader at the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), a research and development “think tank” for the Department of Defense. She has led numerous projects for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD(AT&L)) in acquisition management; systems and software engineering, integration, and interoperability; system life-cycle process management; integrated product and process development (IPPD) and concurrent engineering; advanced manufacturing practices and virtual enterprises; system quality, reliability, and maintainability; design and manufacturing technology including modeling and simulation; and life-cycle affordability. She also led or participated in projects for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSD(P)) and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD[NII)). She was a member of the development teams for the CMMI SE/SW/IPPD and CMMI-DEV models and co-chair of the development team for CMMI-ACQ. She has served on the CMMI Configuration Control Board and the CMMI Steering Group. She helped develop international standards on life-cycle process management, systems engineering, software engineering, and quality management as a member of both ISO/JTC1/Subcommittee 7 (Software and Systems Engineering) Working Group 7 (Life Cycle Management) and ISO/TC176 (Quality). She taught in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering at The Ohio State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. She is the coauthor of three college engineering textbooks. She earned a B.A. in mathematics from Knox College and an M.S. and Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Sandy Shrum is a senior writer/editor and communications point of contact for the Software Engineering Process Management program at the Software Engineering Institute. Besides this book, she has coauthored two other CMMI books: CMMI® for Services: Guidelines for Superior Service (Addison-Wesley, 2010) and two editions of CMMI®: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement (Addison-Wesley). She has been with the SEI since 1995 and has been a member of the CMMI Development Team since the CMMI project’s inception in 1998. Her roles on the project have included model author, small review team member, reviewer, editor, model development process coordinator, and quality assurance process owner. Before joining the SEI, Sandy worked for eight years as a document developer with Legent Corporation, a Virginia-based software company. Her experience as a technical communicator dates back to 1988, when she earned her M.S. in professional writing from Carnegie Mellon University. Her undergraduate degree, a B.S. in business administration, was earned at Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania.