Marc Mencher worked for game companies such as Spectrum Holobyte,Microprose, and 3DO before starting,a game industry-recruiting firm. Marc served as President, and later as anadvising board member, of the International Game Developers Network. He hasspoken and held roundtables at several Game Developers Conferences and is aregular speaker at International Game Developers Association (IGDA) eventsaround the country. In addition to representing the game industry's hottesttalent, Marc also volunteers his time as a career coach for graduates from FullSail Real World Education, helping them land their first game industry jobs. Hisarticles have been featured in, Gamasutra, and GameWEEK.
Currently, Marc is working with the IGDA( on chapter development and with Games-Florida(,a non-profit organization formed with the intent of nurturing and expanding theinteractive multi-media industry in the state of Florida. He is also TechnicalAdvisor and Executive Producer for the recently released PC Adventure GameWatchmaker. Marc is working on the release of the PC Adventure Game Tony Toughand The Night of the Roasted Months (PC) and an Action Shooter Tsunami 2265 (PCand PS2), all published by Got Game Entertainment( to joining the game industry, Marc was the Producer/Project Lead on an$11M joint AI research project funded by the United States Air Force inconjunction with Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, GeneralElectric, and Pratt Whitney Aircraft Engine Group.