Duncan Mathison
For nearly 18 years, as Vice President, Managing Director, and Senior Consultant for DBM, an international outplacement, coaching, and career management firm, Duncan Mathison advised companies and their employees through reductions in force (RIFs), reorganizations, acquisitions, and operation shutdowns. For the employees impacted by job loss as a result of these actions, he has developed and delivered career transition strategies to help them rapidly find work in their field or successfully reinvent their careers. His clients have ranged across industries including finance, technology, telecommunications, biotechnology, retail, and entertainment. Duncan is an author and speaker on organization performance, leadership, and executive career topics. He was a contributor to the three-volume book set Building High-Performance People and Organizations (Praeger, 2008) and an expert source in Rebound: A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss, by Martha I. Finney (FT Press, 2009). Mathison is frequently quoted on career and leadership issues in The New York Times, The San Diego Union Tribune, on CNN and MSNBC, as well as on online career advisors such as CareerBuilder.com and HotJobs.com.
Duncan Mathison may be reached at Duncan@unlockthehidddenjobmarket.com.
Martha I. Finney
Martha I. Finney is President and CEO of Engagement Journeys, LLC, and an internationally respected expert in employee engagement and leadership communications. A business journalist for 20 years before becoming a full-time consultant, she specializes in helping organizations achieve greater employee loyalty, retention, and passion for their work. Her original research on the American workplace has been featured on CNN, NPR’s Morning Edition, and major newspapers nationwide. Finney is the author or coauthor of more than 14 books, which have been translated into 5 languages. Her most recent book is Rebound: A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss (FT Press, 2009).
Contact her at martha@reboundyourcareer.com.
Follow Martha via twitter.com/marthafinney.