Josh Long is the Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. He is a lead author, or co-author, on five books on Spring for Apress and O'Reilly, a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide, a JavaOne rockstar, and also the instructor on the first two Spring LiveLessons videos. He is a contributor to various Spring projects (including Spring Boot) and an all-around Spring fan. When he's not distracting and annoying his co-presenter Mr. Webb (that poor soul!), Josh is always on the hunt for a good cup of coffee.
You can follow Josh on Twitter: @starbuxman
Phil Webb is the co-creator of Spring Boot and a core contributor to the Spring Framework. He has been working with open source for many years and regularly talks at conferences and Java User groups. When he’s not developing code, Phil is kept busy by his young son. Phil is fortunate enough to be employed by Pivotal to work full-time on Spring.
You can follow Phil on Twitter: @phillip_webb