David Dranove is one of the world's most respectedhealth care economists. He is the Walter McNerneyDistinguished Professor of Health Industry Managementat Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School ofManagement, as well as Director of the Center for HealthIndustry Market Economics there.
His research and teaching focus on problems in industrialorganization and business strategy with an emphasison the health care industry. He has published over 70research papers, monographs, and book chapters on healtheconomics and pharmacoeconomics, and is co-author ofthe popular textbook The Economics of Strategy and the tradebooks How Hospitals Survived and The Economic Evolution ofAmerican Health Care: From Marcus Welby to Managed Care.
His many awards have included the Association ofUniversity Programs in Health Administration'sJohn D. Thompson Prize in Health Services Research andnumerous "research article of the year" prizes. ProfessorDranove holds a Ph.D. in Business Economics from Stanford University.