TechTV's MicrosoftWindows XP for Home UsersAbout the Authors
Jim Louderback is vice president and editorial director of TechTV. Louderbackis responsible for overseeing the network's technical content. Prior toTechTV, Louderback was vice president and editorial director of PC Week (noweWeek), editor-in-chief of Windows Sources, and the director of PC WeekLabs.
Louderback grew up in the Northeast. He graduated from the University ofVermont, where he studied mathematics, and holds an MBA in computer applicationsfrom New York University.
He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys living on the Northern California coastwhere his favorite activities are hiking and sailing.
Michael Miller is a successful and prolific author with a reputation forpractical advice and technical accuracy, and an unerring empathy for the needsof his readers.
Mr. Miller has written more than three dozen how-to and reference books since1989, for Que and other major publishers. His books for Que include UsingWindows 95, Using Windows 98 Preview Edition, Special Edition Using the Internetand the Web, and the upcoming Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computers andthe Internet. He is known for his casual, easy-to-read writing style and hispractical, real-world adviceas well as his ability to explain a widevariety of complex topics to an everyday audience.
Mr. Miller is also president of The Molehill Group, a strategic consultingand authoring firm based in Carmel, Indiana. As a consultant, he specializes inproviding strategic advice to and writing business plans for Internet- andtechnology-based businesses.
You can e-mail Mr. Miller directly at His Web site is located at
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