Casey Kochmer is a co-founder of the JSP Insider Web site. As President of Amberjack Software LLC, Casey is a JavaServer Pages, HTML, XHTML, XML, DHTML and Web service specialist. He was previously a senior programmer, trainer, and Internet expert for Starling Consulting, where he mentored users in JavaServer Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages (ASP), XML usage, and Internet practices. His mantra is that a project should implement usable and maintainable technology rather than using the latest technology for technology's sake.
Erica Frandsen is an XML, ASP, and SQL Server expert. Experienced in TCP/IP networking, she is a founder of Sound Home Networks. While working as a network consultant, she installs, configures, and maintains networks for clients. Previously Erica worked as a programmer and consultant for Starling Consulting, where she designed ASP and SQL systems using XML. Earlier in her career she used these same technologies for the creation of an on-line tax paying system for businesses in Washington state. She was also the Webmaster for several sites.