AARON E. WALSH is Chairman of Mantis Development Corporation, a Boston-based development firm specializing in advanced media and network technologies. He is XHTML Liaison to W3C for Web3D, chairman of the Web3D and Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) convergence group, and he teaches Internet and Web Application Development at Boston College. An internationally best-selling technology author, his books include Java 3D Jump-Start, MPEG-4 Jump-Start, and Core Web3D (Prentice Hall PTR).
DAVE RAGGETT is a primary architect of HTML and has been closely involved with the development of HTML from the early days of the World Wide Web. He is author of the W3C's HTML Tidy, the #1 open source utility for converting HTML pages into XHTML format. While working on this book, Raggett served as the W3C Activity Lead for XHTML and XForms. Today he is W3C Activity Lead for Voice Browsing, working for W3C on assignment from Openwave.