Julia Allen is a senior researcher in the CERT Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University. Allen’s areas of interest include operational resilience, software security and assurance, and measurement and analysis. In other work at the SEI, Allen served as acting director of the SEI for six months and deputy director/chief operating officer for three years. Prior to joining the SEI in 1992, she was a vice president in embedded systems software development for Science Applications International Corporation and managed large software development programs for TRW (now Northrop Grumman).
Allen is the author of The CERT Guide to System and Network Security Practices (Addison-Wesley 2001) and moderator for the CERT Podcast Series: Security for Business Leaders. She is a co-author of Software Security Engineering: A Guide for Project Managers (Addison-Wesley 2008), a contributing author to CERT’s Resilience Management Model, and a co-author of CERT Resilience Management Model (RMM): A Maturity Model for Managing Operational Resilience (Addison-Wesley 2010).
Allen holds a BS degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan, a MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, and an executive business certificate from the University of California Los Angeles.