Deepak Kakadia is a staff engineer and network architect at Sun Microsystems, Inc., in Menlo Park, California. He has been with Sun for seven years. He worked previously at Corona Networks as principal engineer in the Network Management Systems group; at Digital Equipment Corp., where he worked on DEC OSF/1; and at Nortel Networks (Bell Northern Research) in Ottawa, Canada. He received a B.E. in computer systems, an M.S. in computer science, and has completed qualifiers and coursework for a Ph.D. in computer science. He has filed four patents in the area of network and systems management.
Francesco DiMambro is a staff engineer with Sun Microsystems, Inc., in Newark, California. He has centered his career around information technology and digital systems. His most recent experience was in developing the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet device driver. That development project steered him into the arena of developing drivers for maximum performance. It also gave him valuable insight into the usage of networks in Data Centers and led him to understand that best performance comes not only from within the system, but from the network configuration surrounding that system. This book provides an opportunity for him to share that insight so that it can be applied to give the best results for a Sun system operating within a Data Center network.