Barry Shilmover, MCSE+I, MCT, is the founder and owner of Shilmover Consulting Services, a network/systems integration company operating in Western Canada. He has authored and co-authored several books ranging in topics from Exchange 5.5 to Windows NT/2000 to Novell NetWare. His company specializes in Windows NT/2000 implementations, network design, and Exchange 5.5/2000 installations. Barry also speaks at conferences on these subjects, and he teaches throughout North America on these topics, network security, and Unix courses. When not working, he spends his time with his wife, Shawna, and his sons, Jory and Connor. You can reach Barry via email at
Stu Sjouwerman is president of Sunbelt Software, an international B2B Internet company specializing in providing system management tools and network utilities to manage eBusinesses running on Windows NT/2000. He is the editor of Sunbelt's W2Knews (the original NTools E-news) that goes to 600,000 subscribers, and he is also the primary system operator for the MCSE, NTSYSADMIN, Exchange, and MSSQL discussion lists.
Lee Scales, BSEE, MCSE + I, has been working in the computer industry for more than 20 years, including stints with IBM and Microsoft. He is currently employed as a Senior Network Consultant with Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc., of Overland Park, KS. In addition to his consulting duties, he has been developing courseware for the Windows platform for several years and has been a contributing author to titles in the Exam Cram series and New Riders' best-selling Windows NT Power Toolkit.
Grant Miller is president of Miller & Associates, a software engineering company located in Pittsburgh, PA, which specializes in database and e-commerce development using Microsoft technologies. Grant is a regular contributing writer for LANWrights Inc., with emphasis on Windows 2000 and Windows NT. He can be reached at or
Ed Tittel is a 20-year computing industry veteran who's worked on more books than he can count (including this book's predecessor). He's always surprised by how much more cool administrivia there is to learn and how many different ways there are around the Windows interface. Contact Ed at with questions, comments, and suggestions for new content.
Dave Versdahl is a training and technology writer who dodges (and enjoys) the rain in the Pacific Northwest. David enjoys and teaches about networks and networking concepts, the world of HTML, as well as the use and enjoyment of Linux.
James Michael Stewart is a full-time writer at LANWrights, Inc. focusing on Windows 2000 and Internet topics. He has worked on several Microsoft Certification titles and is a regular speaker at Networld+Interop and TISC. He has been an MCSE since 1997. You can reach Michael by email at, or through his Web page at
Todd Klindt works for UGS in Ames, IA. He spends most of his day keeping Windows NT and Windows 2000 servers happy. He has been working with NT since before it looked like Windows 95. When he stumbles into free time, he likes to spend it with his friends and family.
Dawn Rader is Managing Editor at LANWrights, Inc. in Austin, TX. She has worked on more than 100 books on topics ranging from Windows administration and certification to Java. When not hard at work, Dawn enjoys spending time with her big black dog, Benjamin, and beautiful black cat, Boo.