About Mike Moran
Mike Moran has worked on the web since its earliest days, in both marketing and technical roles, including eight years at ibm.com, IBM’s customer-facing website. In 2008, Mike retired from IBM to pursue speaking, writing, and consulting, including serving as a senior strategist for the digital communications agency Converseon. Mike is the author of Do It Wrong Quickly and Search Engine Marketing, Inc., Second Edition, and he writes regular articles on digital marketing for Biznology®, Search Engine Guide, ChamberofCommerce.com and All Things WOMM. He’s a member of the Search Engine Marketing Council of the Direct Marketing Association and a charter member of the DMA’s Interactive Marketing Advisory Board. Mike is a frequent keynote speaker on internet marketing at events around the world, serves as a Visiting Lecturer to the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, and holds an Advanced Certificate in Market Management Practice from the Royal UK Charter Institute of Marketing.
Mike also has a broad technical background, with over 20 years’ experience in search technology working at IBM Research, Lotus, and other IBM software units. He led the product team that developed the first commercial linguistic search engine in 1989 and has been granted 11 patents in search and retrieval technology. He led the integration of ibm.com’s site search technologies as well as projects in content management, personalization, and web metrics.
Mike led the adoption of search marketing at ibm.com back in 2001 and pioneered product search facilities that dramatically raised conversion rates. He was named an IBM Distinguished Engineer in 2005.
Mike can be reached through his website, http://mikemoran.com/.
About Bill Hunt
Bill has been a pioneer in search marketing and is considered the top thought leader on enterprise and global search engine marketing. He is an internationally recognized search marketing expert who has spoken at conferences in over 30 countries. Press, industry analysts, and corporate leaders frequently seek Bill’s advice to effectively leverage enterprise and global search marketing.
Bill has a dual role as CEO of Global Strategies International and Director of Global Search Strategy for Neo@Ogilvy. As CEO, Bill is responsible for developing and executing GSI’s corporate strategy and global expansion while ensuring stellar results and client satisfaction for all clients. In his role of Global Search Strategist for Neo@Ogilvy, Bill is responsible for Ogilvy’s search marketing thought leadership and for developing global search marketing strategic roadmaps integrated into Ogilvy’s 360° integrated communications programs.
Bill is currently on the board of directors of the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization and is active in growing SEMPO’s international base of members. Bill has also been named by BtoB Magazine one of the Top 100 Marketers for 2007.
Bill is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and he earned a B.A. in Asian Studies/Japanese from the University of Maryland, Tokyo Campus, and a B.S. in international business from California State University, Los Angeles. Bill can be reached through his company Web site (www.globalstrategies.com) or his blog (www.enterprisesem.com).