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Stacy Draper


Jason Nadrowski is managing partner of Information Hub (www.informationhub.com). Jason’s focus at the firm is both architecting and managing enterprise technology solutions. Jason has helped a number of Fortune 50 companies architect some of the largest SharePoint implementations. Jason holds the Microsoft certifications MCSD, MCAD, MCDBA, and MCSE. He also holds the PMI’s PMP® (Project Management Professional) certification and a number of other accreditations. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Stacy Draper is an independent consultant based in South Florida. Being involved with web development since 1993 has led his life in a very interesting direction. He started out in UNIX and since 1997 has had a strong concentration in Microsoft technologies. Stacy has spoken at conferences large and small and has worked at some well-known and some not well-known companies. In his consulting practice, Wild Wires, LLC, Stacy has always had a practical view and hopes to paint a vivid picture of that view in the pages of this book.