John Coggeshall is a Technical Consultant for Zend Technologies where he provides professional services to clients around the world. He got started with PHP in 1997 and is the author of two published books and over 100 articles on PHP technologies with some of the biggest names in the industry such as Sams Publishing, Apress and O'Reilly. John also is a active contributor to the PHP core as the author of the tidy extension, a member of the Zend Education Advisory Board, and frequent speaker at PHP-related conferences worldwide. His web site, is an excellent resource for any PHP developer.
Contributing AuthorsChristian Wenz is author or coauthor of more than three dozen books. He specializes in Web technologies, with focus on Web scripting languages and Web services. He frequently writes for IT magazines and speaks at national and international conferences. Christian maintains or co-maintains several PEAR packages and is Germany's very first Zend Certified Engineer. Christian contributed eight chapters to PHP 5 Unleashed. He lives and works in Munich, Germany.
Sara Golemon is an application developer at the University of California at Berkeley as well as a contributor to the PHP project and other Open Source applications. She helps maintain the PHP streams layer and miscellaneous core extensions and has made more than 400 individual contributions to the online manual, authoring entire reference sections and appendixes. Sara is also the lead developer of nine PECL extensions, including Runkit, Classkit, Parsekit, OggVorbis, and OpenAL.
J. Scott Johnson is the founder of, a leading provider of XML Search Services. He is also the founder of NTERGAID, Inc., and was previous Vice President of Engineering for Mascot, Network. He is a leading blogger, author, and software developer.
Ben Ramsey is a Technology Manager for Hands On Network, an international, non-profit volunteer organization based in Atlanta, Georgia. Before his move to the non-profit sector, he worked for four years as the Technology Director for Roswell, Georgia-based EUREKA! Interactive, Inc. With EUREKA!, he served as the software architect and lead programmer of numerous Web-based applications for local governments and small businesses. He is a Zend Certified Engineer and co-founder of Atlanta PHP.
Marco Tabini is the publisher of php|architect (, the premier magazine for PHP professionals, and has worked on websites for clients ranging from small startup operations to the Fortune 500s. Despite having been an IT industry professional for the last 15 years, he still manages to maintain a reasonable level of sanity–at least most of the time.
Aron Hsiao is a Linux enthusiast with over a decade of administrative Unix experience. He has worked in various capacities in network deployment, in software and web development, and in the online retail industry. He served as the guide to Linux from 1997 through 2001 and holds a Masters degree in the Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. He is the author of The Concise Guide to XFree86 for Linux, Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Desktop All In One, and other popular Linux titles.
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