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Tom Gerhart

Susan Sales Harkins has been the Editor-in-Chiefof Microsoft Access, The Cobb Group¿s tips and techniques monthly journal on MS Access since 1994. Ken Hansen is a principal in HSC Consulting, Inc. and has over 20 years experience in the Information Systems area. He currently specializes in developing business solutions with Access, Visual Basic, Microsoft Office and SQL Server. Before becoming a consultant, Ken held various management positions, including that of Information Systems Director for a Fortune 500, worldwide holding company. Ken is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Tom Gerhart has been an independent consultant since 1993 when he retired from IBM. His current area of specialty is to design and develop business solutions based on Microsoft Office with a primary emphasis on the use of Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server. He has worked with all releases of Access, with a number of projects involving backend databases (including Oracle and Microsoft SQL). He has also worked with Visual Basic, including the development of ActiveX components. Tom does some training in addition to his consulting.