Eric J. Bruno, systems engineer at Sun Microsystems, specializes in Java RTS in the financial community. He is contributing editor for Dr. Dobb’s Journal, and writes its online Java blog. Prior to Sun, Eric worked at Reuters where he developed real-time trading systems, order-entry and routing systems, as well as real-time news and quotes feeds, in both Java and C++.
Greg Bollella, Ph.D., distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems, leads R&D for real-time Java. He was specifi cation lead for JSR-001, the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ), and led the Real-Time for Java Expert Group under the Java Community Process. He has written multiple books, articles, and professional papers about real-time computing. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he wrote a dissertation on real-time scheduling theory and real-time systems implementation.